Wednesday 19 April 2017

Low Carb High Fat For Healthy Aging, by Birgitta Höglund ... featuring a Raspberry Mousse Recipe

No matter what the time of year the LCHF food template can fit your lifestyle so well. You may be younger, you may be older! Our grandchildren are 'low carbers', not to the extent of myself and Eddie, but sweets and treats are kept to a minimum and eating whole fresh food is the order of the day ... and they thrive on it!

There are so many lovely recipes to enjoy. For instance, this low carb recipe idea is from Swedish chef Birgitta Höglund, pictured here.

She has also featured on Diet Doctor
site and has a popular low carb/Paleo recipe blog with more delicious recipes. Birgitta has also found time to publish some LCHF and Paleo recipe books, which can make ideal presents - or you could even treat yourself - especially as Amazon have a special offer on one at present ... more of that below!

Here is her LCHF Raspberry Mousse recipe
Makes 6–8 servings

2 sheets of gelatin (or about 1 1/2 teaspoons powdered gelatin)
1 1/4 cups (300 ml) raspberries
2 large eggs
sweetener equivalent to 1 tablespoon honey
3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons (200 ml) heavy (double) cream
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Instructions for how to make this delicious mousse can be found here

This recipe also features in Birgitta's book 'LCHF Cooking for Healthy Aging', which contains over 70 easy-to-prepare nutritious recipes to help make you feel as good as possible ...

This was "Birgitta's first cookbook, and was written along with Dr Annika Dahlqvist, the founder of the LCHF-movement in Sweden. She worked as a Geriatric and Diabetes Doctor and has helped many patients to a better health"

Please note Amazon currently has a good offer on Birgitta's cook book. The kindle edition is 90% off, now only 2.49USD. You can find more details

Please note we have no commercial interest in promoting Birgitta or her book, we do so because we like her recipes, and find that they fit so well with our Low Carb Higher (Healthy) Fat Lifestyle.

All the best Jan


  1. That mousse looks very appetising, it's making my mouth water.

  2. Looks wonderful, I will search on Amazon for Birgittas book. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Hello, it looks delicious! Thanks for sharing. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  4. Looks like a delicious and light dessert perfect for summer.

  5. Thanks for your kind words, glad you like my mousse :)

  6. We got quite the raspberries, something different would be good.
    Coffee is on

  7. Good for you and so pretty too.

  8. Isn't that attractive, makes my mouth water just looking at it!xxx

  9. That looks wondrous. Perfect for spring.

  10. It looks so good! The book sounds interesting! xx K

  11. This looks so yummy and simple to make. Really enjoy desserts with raspberries or blackberries for that tart/sweet taste. Hugs...

  12. It looks lovely and refreshing, not to mention delicious!

  13. I doubt I could bring myself to dip into something so lovely.

  14. Did someone say raspberry mousse? Here I am! LOL.... So yummy.

  15. Looks so good! Thanks for telling us about Brigitta!

  16. Raspberry mousse, oh yes please, it sounds very appealing.
    Lisa x


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The best of health to you and yours.
