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Tuesday 9 May 2017

Leek and Chorizo Frittata

May I cut you a slice of this tasty frittata, I'm sure you will agree the aroma is wonderful as I take it out of the grill. I've also thought ahead and made sure the kettle is on ... would you prefer tea or coffee!
If you would like to make this yourself here is how it's done.

You will need these ingredients:
Serves 4 - 6
1 tbsp. of oil
2 leeks, washed and thinly sliced
50g chorizo, thinly sliced
6 medium eggs
a large handful of basil, roughly chopped
1/4 tsp chilli flakes
salt and pepper
a handful of rocket* leaves to garnish

Here is what you do:
1. Pre-heat the grill to high.
2. Heat a medium sized non-stick ovenproof frying pan over a medium heat. Add the oil followed by the leeks and chorizo. Sauté for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
3. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, basil, chilli flakes and seasoning. Add the egg mix to the sautéed leeks and chorizo in the pan; cook for 1 minute without stirring.
4. Place the pan under the grill and cook the frittata for 3 minutes or until golden brown.
5. Remove the frittata from the frying pan onto a serving plate using a spatula. Slice into wedges and garnish with a handful of rocket

From an original Sainsbury's recipe here

The greenery is provided by using wild rocket* which is sometimes known as Arugula. Now we all know that salad greens are healthy, and that most are very low in calories. However, did you know that not all give you a good dose of nutrients... well Arugula/ Rocket is one leafy green vegetable that stands out as a rich source of many vitamins and minerals.

Consider the difference between iceberg lettuce and arugula/rocket:
Arugula contains about eight times the calcium,
fives times the vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K,
four times the iron as the same amount of iceberg lettuce.
The choice is easy... start with arugula/rocket for a healthier salad!

... now, did you say tea or coffee!

All the best Jan


Jo said...

That looks so delicious, I could just eat that now.

piccolina said...

My husband loves frittata!Yours looks so yummy :)

Sami said...

The frittata looks fabulous Jan, I've copied the recipe so I can make it as soon as I buy Chorizo.

Christine said...

This looks wonderful Jan!

Mary Kirkland said...

Thanks for the great looking frittata recipe. I will have to try making one again.

Mac n' Janet said...

Another one I'll have to cook! You always have great recipes.

R's Rue said...


Martha said...

This is something I'd really enjoy. Another wonderful recipe!

Adam said...

looks nice

Linda said...

This looks really delicious, Jan!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

We love frittatas, Jan. Your's would be so tasty with the chorizo. Arugula is quite tasty in a salad, adding a kick is always nice. Have a nice week. ♥

Mylittlepieceofengland said...

We have frittata quite often, it's a handy one when things need using up xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan, This looks delicious and I can imagine how good it smells!

Snowbird said...

Such a colourful dish. I think leeks add to so many dishes, versatile little veg that it

Jenn Jilks said...

I was just complaining to my client that I cannot cook with eggs anymore! This makes me drool!

Sandra Cox said...

Oh yum. I'd like some iced tea please.

Conniecrafter said...

I have tried the Arugula but I am not sure about it, I know if I gave it a try I would probably like it but I just keep going back to Romaine instead of Iceberg lettuce.

Revrunner said...

Tea, definitely.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love having my own on-line recipe source Jan, merci beaucoup!

Stephanie said...

This looks amazing, my friend.

Have a wonderful day!

Hugs to you!

The Happy Whisk said...

Tea for me, please :-)

Lisabella Russo said...

What a fun recipe! I could try it with soyrizo...

sheila 77 said...

This looks mega-yum. As a vegetarian I will replace the chorizo with cheese.
Arugula - oh is that another name for rocket, how interesting, now I know.

Magic Love Crow said...

Looks so good! Thanks Jan!!!

Lisa said...

I'm sure this would be good with a salad in the summer, when that pesky sun comes to visit and stays a while!
Lisa x

baili said...

Such a tasty sounding dish s
Dear Jan 😍