Monday 1 May 2017

Sausage with Cauliflower and Parsley Rice ...

When Anne Aobadia first published this recipe it caused a bit of a 'lower carb' stir! She described it as Sausage Stroganoff, and people were saying Stroganoff, not according to Wikipedia! However, as Anne went on to say "it is a delicious take on the classic Russian dish beef stroganoff". She teamed it with fluffy cauliflower and parsley rice... gorgeous!  The result being a family favourite that per serving works out at approx. 15g carb. This can alter slightly depending on what sausage you use ... we quite like a Toulouse style or one mixed with chorizo. I wonder which type you may choose ...

Serves Four
15g carb per serving
1 red bell pepper
2 yellow (white) onions
2 oz. / 55 g butter
1 lb / 450 g fresh sausage, use ones with a lot of flavour such as Toulouse or chorizo (also check carb content)
1 oz. / 28 g sun-dried tomatoes, preferably in olive oil
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 tablespoons dried thyme
1¼ cups / 300 ml heavy (double) whipping cream or sour cream
salt and pepper

Fried cauliflower and parsley rice:
1½ lbs / 700 g cauliflower
4 oz. / 110 g butter
¼ cup / 60 ml chopped fresh parsley
Can be found at Diet Doctor site here

I always think a dish like this goes down a treat around mid-week, but it really is up to you dear reader to choose when you may like to sit and tuck into the flavourful plateful.

You can also read more about 'Sausages : What Have You Got Toulouse !' here

All the best Jan


  1. ...I will have to try parsley rice.

  2. Kaili, we do not allow links to outfits charging money for information provided here and many other places for free.

  3. Hubby said "Yes" to this one right away Jan :)


  4. It looks like a tasty dish.

  5. Yum, that looks delicious I’m off to the Diet Doctor site right now. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Sounds interesting and looks delicious!
    Wishing you all a happy new week and month. xx

  7. This looks wonderfully appetizing!

  8. This looks delicious! Love the sauce :) Hope you are enjoying a lovely first of May. xx Karen

  9. Oh yummy, I'm always so keen to see your recipes and this looks great for both of us. I often tinker with them but the basic ideas I appreciate :D)

  10. Looks so good Jan! Thank you! Big Hugs!

  11. Thanks for sharing this one. I reckon this could be one they all enjoy.
    Lisa x

  12. I would use green onions because they have far more nutrition than yellow, red or white that only have sugars. I would also use 2 Roma sliced and diced tomatoes because I don't care for the sun-dried in oil. I also prefer the dark green poblano peppers (California calls them pasilla peppers) again for better nutrition.

  13. I don't use red, yellow or white high sugar onions but instead, use the green onions that have a lot more nutrition beyond sugars. I also use Roma tomatoes diced rather than the sun-dried ones for our taste. I also prefer the dark green poblano peppers for their high Vit A content as well. And we always have cauliflower rice. Other than that, this is a good recipe.

  14. Ohneclue, many thanks for your two comments on this post.
    I do hope you enjoy the recipe, by 'tweaking' it to your preferred liking.

    All the best Jan


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