Around eight or nine years ago, on a UK forum, that describes itself as the worlds largest diabetes forum, I brought up the subject of plasma insulin testing. This test can predict type two diabetes, and other serious metabolic medical problems, years before symptoms and diagnosis takes place. A moderator accused me of being a scaremonger. His take on the situation was people would be worried about knowing in advance, about a future serious chronic disease, and why cause alarm about a condition they could not control. Needless to say this person was a staunch low carb anti, and not the brightest of individuals. It was beyond his, and many other members of the forum, to realise the value of seeing into the future, and making changes well in advance to influence future health outcomes.
"If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants" Sir Isaac Newton
Years ago I was telling all who would listen, about the importance of this test. I think it is fair to say, very few medical professionals, have taken this fact in even now. Don't get me wrong, I have neither the medical training or the intellect to have worked this out for myself. That being said, I believe I have a knack of knowing who does have the knowledge, experience and grey matter, to know the answers, and one of those people is the US Dr.Richard Bernstein. It was from Bernstein I learned of the importance of the plasma insulin test.
When I wrote the first insulin test post, I was unaware of the (May 2017) paper below. It was brought to my attention over the weekend by Graham, a fellow type two diabetic and member of this blog. A small extract.
In my opinion, and others far more knowledgeable than me, Bernstein is the worlds leading authority on blood glucose control for diabetics. Few will be surprised to learn, he is regarded by many medical professionals and dietitians as a maverick. The fact is he is a genius, his methods are rock solid sound. He has been the salvation of countless diabetics all across the world. It appears to be, beyond the comprehension of his critics, that Bernstein has been a type one diabetic since childhood, and is still fit and working at 80 years of age. Most type one diabetics from Bernstein's generation died decades ago. It will also come as no surprise to learn, Bernstein has excellent control of his diabetes by way of a low carb lifestyle. He has no choice, because nothing else works.
Full paper here.
That's very interesting. I've been trying to stay on the low carb or at least lower carb than I had been for a while now.
ReplyDeleteThis person was a staunch low carb anti, and not the brightest of individuals... I'm not surprised. Thanks for this well-written and intelligent post.
Eating non health is a lot easier then eating healthier.
ReplyDeleteI don't about there it seem around here they rather have you on insulin so the big drug company can make a profit.
Coffee is on
It was nice to know more information regarding diabetics...
ReplyDeletespeaking of low-carb; I measured my waist this morning. 6cm have mysteriously disappeared.
ReplyDeleteit is so sad that carbs are such a driving force in people's lives, I know two people that have bad diabetes yet they crave their carbs so much that just can't give them up and I don't feel they are going to live long.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link to the full paper.
ReplyDeleteFrom its conclusion:
"Under the patient perspective, it would allow the health care provider to propose early non-pharmacological lifestyle intervention once identified a subclinical diabetes pattern, aiming to improve overall health and reducing the risks of future diabetes and the evident risks of diabetes-related complication and comorbidities."
Ay, there's the rub. Even when fasting insulin levels predict future type 2 diabetes, getting folks to then change their lifestyles is a huge problem. Nevertheless, I'm in favor of people having that information. Even if only one in 10 acted on it, it would be worth it.
A major lab where I live only charges $15 (US dollars) for the fasting insulin test. That's only about 13 Euros.