Wednesday 26 July 2017

Eat the colours of the rainbow !

image from here

'Come on now eat your greens' ... is something my Mum used to say, and sure enough there was usually at least two green vegetables on my plate, very often peas and cabbage - and I did eat them up!

"Including vegetables in your diet is extremely important. Veggies are incredibly rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which boost your health and help fight off disease. Additionally, they are beneficial for weight control due to their low calorie content. Health authorities around the world recommend that adults consume several servings of vegetables each day, but this can be difficult for some people. Some find it inconvenient to eat vegetables, while others are simply unsure how to prepare them in an appetizing way."

Nowadays, when it comes to vegetables we could eat the colours of the rainbow, there are so many great colours to choose.

The colours of the rainbow are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. So starting with Red - how about red pepper or red tomato. Moving onto Orange - how about carrot or an orange pepper. Next is yellow - so it could be butternut squash or a yellow pepper. Yes, it's Green next - so broccoli or Brussel sprouts ... now the last three colours of blue, indigo and violet may be easier to achieve if we think of them as one! Aubergine (eggplant) is a good start, followed by purple cabbage and how about purple cauliflower!

Have you any rainbow favourites, do please share them ...

All the best Jan


  1. I remember being told that as a kid, too! And I still love my veggies! Hugs, Valerie

  2. I was never fond of vegetables as a child but I was made to eat them and now there's very few that I dislike. They say you should try to get as many different coloured foods in your diet each day as each colour provides different nutrients. I think a plate of different coloured food looks appetising.

  3. My mother was a good cook - except where vegetables were concerned. She tended to overcook them all. Some of them went grey, most of them were mushy.
    I learned.
    I do love my vegies and they are often raw - and colourful.

  4. Great advice Jan! I love most vegetables~

  5. ...beautiful still life.

  6. I love eating colorful foods! I only wish I had appreciated my veggies as a young person. I could live off of them today!

  7. When I worked produce, I always thought it was funny about colors. Brown potatoes are good, green ones are not. Green lettuce is good, brown is not, etc etc

  8. I love vegetables, and love making salads with various colours.

  9. I agree eating colorful fresh veggies is the way to go to keep healthy. I'm happily harvesting my fresh veggies from my garden and they taste so much better than store bought.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I really appreciate it.
    Happy Summer.

  10. I do well on all of these except I really should eat purple cabbage or cauliflower. Mom used to fix purple cabbage in with coleslaw and alone with pork dishes. I'd forgotten all about that!

  11. I love having a lot of colorful fruits and vegetables on the plate!!
    Thanks for the good information !!

  12. I like purple cauliflower, red bell pepper and broccoli.

  13. at this time of year red is definitely for raspberries....

  14. In the summer we usually have a salad every day. I try to add as much color as possible to it. I make a big bowl every three days or so and we enjoy it as a lighter meal or a side dish with protein. My Mama always tried to have many colors on our plates as children, so I do the same. ♥

  15. There are a few I haven't tried, like asparagus, and the odd one I don't like- such as beans. Can't stand beans. But I like vegetables- cauliflower, peas, corn, broccoli, carrots, and sprouts in particular.

  16. I do enjoy vegetables, even more so than fruit. Eating a rainbow is advocated here in Canada, too.

  17. Always good to eat vegies - they're so versatile :D)

  18. I love vegetables and there are so many great ones out there. And so many wonderful ways to cook them, too!

  19. My mother always told us to eat different coloured veggies. Some good choices here, my faves are brocolli, cauli and cabbage, with some broad beans and

  20. I love the colours of the rainbow and I most deffinately can never have too much veg!! Lovely photograph. Have a wonderful weekend :)

  21. Eating colourful vegetables makes both your body and soul happier. :)
    Wishing you all a lovely weekend! xx


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