Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Once upon a time in the west.

I grew up being in awe of America. Everything in America was bigger and better. From their huge fin-tailed Cadillac's and never ending output of fantastic music, and everyone lived in a fantastic house, had two cars, and a monster colour TV. The Beach Boys drove hot-rods, and the California Girls all had fabulous looks, long blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. What young fella wouldn't want some of that? 

Of course we all grow up eventually, and the reality is far from the glossy ad mans image. In my first career as an Engineer I worked for a couple of American Companies, good jobs and well paid. I have never met an American I did not like. I loved the can do attitude, the spirit of adventure, and the yanks put their money where their mouth is. They achieved great things and benefited many, including me. 

I heard the saying a long time ago 'when America sneezes the rest of the world gets a cold' basically and especially economically, when things are bad in America, it's going to get bad elsewhere, including the UK. It appears to me on every level America is going downhill fast. Other than the civil war years, has there ever been more hate between so many people. Two groups are becoming larger and more dangerous as each day passes. On one side the extreme right, lead by neo-Nazi racist thugs, on the other side the extreme left, and I can't tell the difference.


Words from Dire Straits Once Upon A Time In The West. 

Yes it's no use saying that you don't know nothing
It's still gonna get you if you don't do something
Sitting on a fence that's a dangerous course
You could even catch a bullet from the peace-keeping force
Even the hero gets a bullet in the chest
Oh yeah, once upon a time in the west


  1. I agree, I have never known the level of animosity that there is in this country. It's scary. I predict civil war, not in my life time, but eventually unless we learn how to talk to each other without hatred.

  2. ...Eddie, you are becoming groups of tribes, is that progress?

  3. Sorry Tom I don't understand, can you be more explicit? Thank you


  4. The world is becoming a scary place!

  5. Extremists from any sides are scary (and dangerous) people.

  6. The Americans do not have a competent, sane, intelligent leader. The example starts from the top. I feel sorry for the American people; their nation is the laughing stock of the world. Words matter!!!

  7. We in Canada are looking on south of the border and just appalled. And we have to live right next door.

  8. I agree with you - I used to think America was a great place and have visited many times but I have no desire at all to visit again any time soon. I was appalled by Trump yesterday - you can not compare Nazi white supremacists with people protesting this. Yes, it will get scary but I am glad there are those who stand up to this. I am far away from this and so glad that I am but I do know this will affect the entire world as you say.

  9. I agree with you. Great post. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Hi Eddie, I grew up in England and moved to America in 1975. In 40 plus years I have never met anyone or seen anything like I saw in Charlottesville. I'm not saying things don't go on and I don't have my head in the sand, because any news you get here of very tragic events is fed instantly around the world. But everyone I talk to is equally appalled at this hate mongering. I am truly hoping that something good will come out of this awful business. I'm hoping that politicians will wake up and start mending fences and not building them. I have visited Charlottesville many times over the years, they have never experienced anything like this and the people there are good people. We all agree there is no place for hate in today's society, and it starts with our young. Let's teach them not to sit in judgement of others who are different from them.

  11. I'm hoping for the day Trump gets impeached but the Republicans in congress don't have the guts to do so.

  12. Very true. They are so divided. Dangerously so.

  13. I am an American and am just as appalled as all of you. I can't imagine how the likes of Donald Trump has become our president - after our wonderful Barack Obama! We are hoping and praying this horrible man will get impeached and it can't be soon enough for many, many Americans. This is a terrible time in our country, but this does not represent the majority. We have to remember that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.....Sometimes I think turmoil might be a good thing - it is bringing to light some ugly things that should not stay in the shadows. I think Americans have learned a powerful lesson....To be very careful who is elected. This populism is also being played out in Europe, too. We are not the only ones.

  14. 'if you go so far right, you will meet the loonies from the left' - clint eastwood

  15. It sounds like a thousand angry assholes descended where they knew the cops didn't have the numbers or experience to stop the inevitable melee. They don't represent the overwhelming majority of Americans than nut cases like Carbsane or people from PETA.


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