Tuesday 3 October 2017

But - Is It Too Late for the Younger Generation?

Sitting on a bench, a little like this one, I thought ...

I’m sure many parents do often wonder and question what this world will be like when their children become adults. Perhaps like me you wonder what the world will be like when grandchildren reach their twenties and thirty’s. You obviously hope all things that are good will come their way. They will have to study, work hard be extremely focused when it comes to looking for work opportunities. We hope they will be healthy, we hope they can look back on childhood with good memories and be confident that their future will be secure. Is there such a thing as a secure future?

Life ... how we live it, changes and evolves by each generation. I think it important to share as much as we can with our offspring, so they in turn can share it and pass on to theirs what should, we hope, be good knowledge and experience. It may not work out quite as we’d hoped but we owe it to the next generation to at least give it our best shot.

So many of us with differing views. Through our lives we all do our best to live, learn and work together to build and leave behind that ‘something’ which we consider important. The good, bad, ugly and sometimes evil is forever there lurking ... but we do our best to rise above it and pass on what is good.

As time rushes past so quickly do we become too involved in the material side of life, is what we own more important than what we feel … how we treat each other … how we take time to share the ‘good’ things that are often there now but can so quickly disappear.

When was the last time you took a few minutes out of your day and allowed yourself to think ... or to sit quietly, perhaps play a favourite piece of music that you like, that means something special to you.

Our special times are what makes each of us unique, they are what stores our memories. A great joy of mine is to sit down with my grandchildren and read a book - in no time at all they will be grown - hopefully with children of their own. I hope the world as it turns and changes will still be a good place to live.

In my own way, I will do my best to share and pass on what I believe to be good. Looking back at the generations before me in my family we haven’t done too badly ... so being the positive person that I am, I’ve just got to look ahead with confidence. Let’s be positive for the good of the emerging generation and do our utmost to make sure what we leave behind is a legacy for good in every respect.

I wrote the above words a while ago, but with our world experiencing it's many difficulties ... more than ever it is a time for reflection.

As always thanks for reading, and do please share your thoughts and comments.

All the best Jan


  1. ...many things change while some things are always the same.

  2. The world is changing very rapidly, and not always for the better. We all need to act now. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Hello, we all try sharing with our children all the good things, raise them to be caring and respectful. I am ashamed of our own President, he is definitely not a role model for the children here. We need a change in our government!

  4. I feel that things are always as they've been. We just see everything more frequently because of population size and technology that allows us to be witness to it all at any given time. Everything is on a grander scale and it will only continue to grow exponentially.

  5. Oh Jan, I have been reflecting on the troubles our World is suffering too...and like you, I do try hard to remain positive in the face of it all.
    It is difficult sometimes though, isn't it...when you turn on the TV and see so many atrocities happening around the world?
    I guess all we can do is be the very best that we personally can be, and keep trying to remain positive...

    Thank you for a truly beautiful post.:)

    A Hug.

  6. A lovely post Jan. It's so important to take time to enjoy the moment. X

  7. It's a sad world we live in, so different from the one I grew up in. My daughter and I talk about it and quite frankly I'm glad she's not living here in the States. Though with that mad man in North Korea I'm not sure how safe she is in Japan.
    We just have to keep living decent lives and try to pass that on.

  8. It is easier to just take life one day at a time I think, and hope mankind (and our children) will survive as we have.

  9. Like you, I try to be a Positive Person (most of the time)... I do see and witness many changes in the world including our country... I try my best to say and think that, with faith, things will get better and better ---other than worse and worse... God is still in control. BUT--there will be changes which many of us won't like.... Life does go on.


  10. I decided years ago that it would be best if I didn't have children, so it's more of an academic exercise, but I feel very discouraged about the future of this planet. To be more precise, the future of the human race. The planet will survive us. What we're doing to ourselves is dismaying.

  11. I'm sure every generation asked, "is it too late" ... we\re still here.

  12. That was lovely to read, Jan, thanks for it. I don't think I can add anything to it.
    I hope you have a happy and peaceful week.

  13. Your words are so apt for this particular time when the world seems to be cracking in a million ways. I think we must do as you have said and spend the time with those we love, teaching them from our lives - from the positive and the negative - and most of all, to give them hope for the future. I am a person of faith and find hope in my faith tradition that I want to pass on to my grandchildren.

  14. I feel sad about the world we are leaving to our children and grandchildren. I hope they can do a better job.

  15. No children here, but yes I do look at the world and wonder whether it is too late. I hope not. I really hope not.

  16. These are lovely thoughts, Jan. Thank you for sharing them with us. I like to take one day at a time and stay as positive as possible. I've tried to teach my kids the same. And I shut down the news now and then because we're constantly bombarded by negativity. I need a break from all that because it's exhausting and overwhelming. There is a lot more good in this world than bad despite what the news media would have you believe.

  17. What thoughtful reflections. There's so much going on, taking time to take stock can be valuable.

  18. I just take it one day at a time and trust in Jesus.

  19. The world needs positive people, and we do need to set the example for our families. Like you, I try to pass on the joys and traditions that are meaningful to me. Sometimes a small light can illuminate a whole room.

  20. it is technology that changes and we need to keep up with it.i think young children adapt more easily to new technology than older people. long ago someone told me at a training session that there will come a day when buy you product and by the time you reach home with it,a new version with better features would be released in the market. i think we are there, especially with regard to mobile phones.
    but the simple things don't change much. i enjoy a good cup of tea. many years from now i am sure there will still be people who enjoy a good cup of tea.

  21. A very thought provoking post.
    Times have changed soo much. Some things for the best but others not so good. Best to live for the hear and now as who knows what destiny has in store for us all.
    Enjoy your family Jan and have a wonderful Wednesday :)

  22. Very thoughtful Jan, thanks for sharing.
    Reading to your children and grandchildren is lovely, and it's encouraging them to enjoy this pass-time throughout their lives. We have those beautiful memories.
    The things that go on in this world are so cruel and harsh, all we can do is live each day in the best possible way we each can. Kindness goes a long way doesn't it.
    Cheers and all the best :D) xx

  23. Living alone, (along with my two furry mates) I have a lot of time to think...and I use the time well. :)

  24. There is so much going on and life goes by way too fast! Everything constantly changing! We have to keep a smile on our face! Spread love! Keep as positive as we can! Big Hugs!

  25. I completely agree with you Jan. Not sure what the world is coming to, but I remember my grandparents (they raised me from birth) worried about what the world was coming to in the 70s when I was a small child. Politicians were corrupt and lying to our citizens, racism was rampant, and war was tearing my country (USA) apart. Somehow through it all, we have turned out OK, and most have prospered. Your post is positive and insightful. I think it bore repeating!

  26. Beautifully written Jan, the world is certainly a troubled place at present, there are many challenges ahead, meanwhile, as you say, we can all try to do our bit and add a little kindness.xxx

  27. Very well-said Jan!

    I wish you and your family all the best of every moment...God bless!

  28. beautiful...thoughtful, what a great spot to stop and enjoy the view!!


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