Thursday 30 November 2017

Chicken Cordon Blue Casserole : Low Carb / Keto

How about a little French Flair served on your plate! This easy to make low carb chicken cordon bleu casserole is full of creamy flavour ... served with some lovely green lettuce keeps the carb count very low! However you may wish to consider a small serving of mashed swede or celeriac. As always, dear reader, the final choice is with you.

Serves Four
7g carbs per serving
1 rotisserie chicken
7 oz. / 200g smoked deli ham
7 oz. / 200g cream cheese
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon white vinegar 5%
2⁄3 lb / 300g shredded (grated) cheddar cheese
salt and pepper
5 1⁄3 oz. / 150g lettuce
4 tablespoons olive oil

For cooking instructions please see Diet Doctor site here

"Chicken cordon bleu is not one of those recipes that was simply created one day; it is a dish that evolved over time.

Let us first examine the name: the term “cordon bleu” refers to a special order of French knights. Literally, cordon bleu translates to “blue ribbon.” Henry III of France in 1578 established the tradition of the highest order of knighthood bearing a blue ribbon. Since that time, cordon bleu has come to apply to the highest order of food and cooking. “The analogy no doubt arose from the similarity between the sash worn by knights and the ribbons (generally blue) of a cook’s apron.”

Interestingly, the dish chicken cordon bleu has nothing to do with the prestigious culinary institutes by the name of Le Cordon Bleu.

As alluded to earlier, chicken cordon bleu is a dish that has transformed over the centuries. More than one dish contributed to the chicken cordon bleu of modern times.

Today, several versions exist of chicken cordon bleu (different meats, different cheeses, etc.), as well as a variety of ways to prepare the recipe.

In America the first newspaper Chicken Cordon Bleu was mentioned in was The New York Times, in 1967."

These words and more from here

This blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...Chicken Cordon Blue was always my mother's favorite.

  2. Hello, this sounds like an easy way to make the Chicken Cordon Blue. I will give it a try. Thanks for sharing. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. A wonderful way to make this great dish. Thanks.

  4. Thanks for the history, I didn´t know this - though I have shortly wondered about the name when having French lessons. To my defense, that was pre-internet... and then I just accepted it.
    Sounds interesting with the vinegar - guess I really do have to overcome my fear and learn to use an oven!

  5. The cream cheese sounds good to make a nice sauce

  6. This looks easy and delicious - Chicken Cordon Bleu is a favourite of mine!

  7. Oh Jan, this looks wonderful...and really easy! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Oooh, yes please, this looks lovely.

  9. Hi Jan thankyou for visiting my blog and glad i popped over for a visit this looks so yummy ,thankyou for sharing xx

  10. Looks and sound ok as a side dish - need veggies :)

  11. Oh, this is a recipe to try! Looks so delicious. Happy first advent.

  12. i LOVE chicken cordon blue - thanks for this recipe. Also, the mince pie above - such a memory came to me of Christmas past when I was a kid in Kansas City where all my relatives lived. On Christmas we would always have pumpkin pies but my aunt would always make a mince meat pie (that's what she called them although there wasn't meat -.... and i wouldn't eat pumpkin pie but loved the mince pie.

  13. this is a great recipe for me and my favorite rotisserie chickens!!!

  14. our grocery store has started selling rotisserie chickens now, that sure helps when the chicken is already cooked for these meals :)

  15. Chicken and ham in a creamy cheese sauce is sure to be a winner.
    Lisa x

  16. I always enjoy reading your blog posts --even when I don't have time to comment... BUT--this recipe really caught my attention. Hubby and I both would love it.... SO--one of these days, I'll try it. THANKS.


  17. Ummm, that sounds great Jan.


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