Saturday, 4 November 2017

Halloween and such fun was had !

Halloween was so much fun for our three youngest grandchildren

prior to halloween
half term fun on the beach - they both wanted to be king and queen of the castle!

youngest grand-daughter with mum - Halloween parties are such fun

meet the spooksters, they were certainly dressed for the part

how do I get out of the trampoline Grandma!

ready to go

apple bobbing - so much fun - he did really well

our youngest grandson, trying to see what was on the end of his nose !

of course there was some great food 
Spookily Friendly Peppers For Halloween

Just take some peppers, cut off the top ... de-seed them, and fill them with your choice of salad ... feel free to add a little carrot, crunchy celery even a small piece of grape. Of course don't forget to carefully cut out the 'Spooky' face!

Now they can't wait until next year!

All the best Jan


  1. Wow, they all look fabulous, and so does mum. Glad they all had a good time.

  2. What a scary lot! Some wonderful costumes. I'm glad they had such fun. X

  3. lol, lots of fun seem to be had :)

  4. Thanks for sharing these cuties with us! Glad they enjoyed so much.

  5. Halloween is such fun for kids and grown-ups. Always enjoy seeing the costumes.

  6. How fun is that? It's great to watch the little ones enjoying their holidays. And, those salad pepper is such a cute idea for kids.

  7. Oh Jan your grandkids are just the cutest, loved their costumes, my daughter loved to dress up so this was one of her favorite times to go out and show off her new identity :)
    The picture of your grandson looking at his nose is just too cute!!

  8. awesome halloween costumes and what a great idea with the peppers - i will have to remember that!!!

  9. Fun photos of your grands at Halloween. Costumes are great!

  10. Big, big smiles. For them, for you, and for us.

  11. My gosh, red peppers (my fav) cut out light jack o lanterns, how clever this is. I see you have a skeleton in your house to. They are so cute and so much fun was had as I can see. I love Halloween, it's just fun and the kids do enjoy it so much. Again, glad you posted those peppers with good healthy eats inside, will definitely keep in mind for next Halloween time.

  12. What a pleasure it was seeing your angels having such a fabulous time. Just loved, loved, loved this post. Those peppers are sooooo clever!xxx

  13. Great pictures. Looks like a lot of fun.

  14. WOW, what a fun time.
    I do love your pepper idea!!

    Thank you for the prayers for Sam.
    Love, Carla

  15. Such a good time your darling grands enjoyed! Such fun! Cute photo of the apple bobber. I like the creative peppers stuffed with salad. Enjoy your weekend. ♥

  16. What a wonderful idea for salads around Halloween. I love this.
    And what darling Halloweeners. They are so cute.
    YOU, have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Aw, all these photos are so precious! Thanks for sharing them with us. It's wonderful that everyone had a good time.

  18. Awww, it looks like a splendid time. The photos are all adorable!

  19. I so love the spooky peppers and the hHalloween costumes and make up are amazing!!! So much fun.
    Have a brilliant week :)

  20. Thank you for sharing these great pictures! Love!! And, I love those peppers! Big Hugs!

  21. Brilliant costumes and make-up all round.
    Looks like lots of fun was had by all.
    Lisa x


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