Sunday, 12 November 2017

Just when you think you've see it all.

"Drag queens are being brought into taxpayer-funded nursery schools so that children as young as two can learn about transgender issues.

The cross-dressers are reading nursery rhymes and singing specially adapted songs ‘to teach children about LGBT tolerance’.

Nursery bosses say the sessions are needed so that children can ‘see people who defy rigid gender restrictions’ and grow up to combat hate crime.

They want to target two and three-year-olds to influence them early, as they say at this age children have not yet developed any discriminatory ‘isms’.

The ‘performances’ are the brainchild of Thomas Canham, a Bristol University law graduate and part-time cross-dresser who dismisses traditional notions of masculinity as ‘meaningless’."

Call me old fashioned, call me whatever you like, but I reckon this cross gender malarkey has gone a step too far. But then again, what do I know. For more on this lunacy err interesting story here is the link.



  1. I´m with ya.
    Put on 10 years + and let kids be kids.

  2. I agree - too confusing to so young kids...

  3. I'm with Iris.
    Let kids be kids.
    Did you see what child psychotherapist Dilys Daws said about this? She fears this could sow the seeds of confusion in young children about their own sexual identity, with long-term consequences.


  4. Why can't children just be kids and not worry about crap like this. That one in the picture scares me, wonder what it does to a child.

  5. Let children stay children as long as possible. Let them grow up and find their own way. Far too much brain washing of children and PC nonsense. Let kids be kids! Since when did young children have any interest in sex? What's wrong with being innocent.


  6. Is the true reason for this program to encourage these young minds. Children will make up their own minds as they get older. We need to STOP trying to PROGRAM these babies! These children are human beings...NOT computers. Let them be children before anything else! Give them their rights first!

  7. It's too confusing for young children, they have too much to do sorting out their own place in the world.

  8. The 'times they are changing' ~ acceptance and tolerance of all peoples is fine but why does it 'have to be in everyone's face' ~ too much ~

    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Uhm what? This type of things shouldn't be taught at school. Parents should teach it at home when they feel it's the right time. I can understand wanting to teach the next generation tolerance but parents should be doing this type of teaching.

  10. How many children with this he/she is a "scary clown." So sad there are people who can't let children just be children.

  11. teaching tolerance & acceptance is okay but this is going too far.

  12. Call me old fashioned too. Many of these people are mentally ill. We should not allow them into schools to brainwash our children with their misguided views.

  13. Teaching kids to accept all types of people is fine, but I think this is ridiculous, and aren't these young kids just too young to be subjected to transgenders? So weird!!


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