Sunday, 21 January 2018

Sunday ... a quiet day

Well after quite a busy week ... today has been lovely and quiet.
Some nice easy 'chores' followed by a sit down and cuppa ... can't be bad.

By my side is this book by Emma Hannigan a nice light read

A plate with a nice slice of low carb black forest gateaux - check the recipe out here

and of course a delicious cup of tea

Dinner tonight will be this low carb lamb moussaka
see recipe here


Hope you've had an enjoyable and quiet Sunday

All the best Jan


  1. All sounds lovely Jan...enjoy.

  2. ...quiet day are good days.

  3. Sounds like you're having a nice relaxing day. Enjoy!!

  4. Oh, my goodness! Don't get me started. What a perfect combination, tea & chocolate. :-)

  5. It sounds like a delightful (and delicious) day.

  6. mmm that all looks good. I've had a lovely quiet relaxing day, except having to do a bit of work for a roast chicken dinner!

  7. putting together a roast chicken thinking of you.I just got back from hiking on the frozen river nearby.

  8. The black forest gateaux looks very yummy!

  9. OK now I'm hungry after seeing that food!

  10. looks great! Glad to be back and catching up with my blogger friends.

  11. Sounds good there Jan.
    Had a a busy Sunday little ones here and now gone as it's Monday.

  12. Oh my goodness! The black forest gateau sounds delicious. My mouth's watering:)

  13. It sounds like the perfect day!

  14. :-) "black forest gateaux", that sounds so funny! We add a cherry to it in the name "Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte".
    The moussaka looks very yummy and I have to admit I´ve never heard of watercress sauce! But today I´ll make an attempt to cook your Brussels Sprouts Soup :-)

  15. Your meal looks good. Good food, good company and a good read - that's the life! Hugs, Valerie

  16. The cake looks delicious to have on a winter's night.
    Thanks for the link to the books, she's got some interesting books, I'll have to order some.
    Have a lovely week Jan.

  17. i have read that coffee is better than tea to control blood sugar. don't know how far it is true.

  18. George Pereira said:
    "i have read that coffee is better than tea to control blood sugar. don't know how far it is true."

    Hello George, yes, if you are looking to control blood sugars, it is the added milk that can cause a rise in blood sugars ... so when drinking any beverage that you would add milk too it should be taken into consideration.

    Also with Dairy products - Always select full-fat options like real butter, cream (40% fat), sour cream, Greek/Turkish yogurt and high-fat cheeses. Be careful with regular milk, reduced fat and skim milk as they contain a lot of milk sugar. Avoid flavored, sugary and low-fat products.
    There are many who live the LCHF lifestyle who choose coffee with a little added cream as there go to drink!

    Hope this helps.

    More about low carb foods here

    and here

    All the best Jan

  19. Iris Flavia said:
    ":-) "black forest gateaux", that sounds so funny! We add a cherry to it in the name "Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte".
    The moussaka looks very yummy and I have to admit I´ve never heard of watercress sauce! But today I´ll make an attempt to cook your Brussels Sprouts Soup :-)"

    Hello Iris
    We do enjoy our version of 'black forest gateaux'

    The moussaka is yummy!

    Read more about watercress sauce here
    I do sometimes cheat and buy a ready made one, providing the carb count is not too high.

    Hope you enjoy the Brussels Sprouts soup

    Wishing you a good week

    All the best Jan

  20. YUM! I love black forest cake, and I haven't made one in years... Funny, but it never occurred to me to use lamb in moussaka. How dumb. It sounds like a natural marriage of flavors. I'll have to give it a go.

    Have a super week!

  21. Now that sounds like my kind of Sunday!xxx

  22. Oh my! I'll look at this dessert recipe. I didn't have any dessert for my birthday but I'm still going to make something when I get in the mood. Love your photos of the animals at the zoo in the snow too! Hugs!

  23. Isn't it nice to have those nice quiet Sundays to get us ready for the week ahead :) Hope yours is off to a great start!

  24. Looks like a great book! Love the cover!
    All this food is making me hungry! LOL! Happy you had a nice day! Big Hugs!

  25. All so yummy and delicious looking especially with a cup of tea and fun book!

    Happy Week to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. Hope you enjoyed your quiet day of tea, cake and reading. A perfect way to while away an afternoon.
    Lisa x


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