Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Why not take a walk ...

Nina Barough CBE said:

"The world is one big outdoor spa, and membership is free."

How good is that ?
I'm talking about walking - there's a lot to be said about walking, or being outside, it can be so uplifting.

"Best of all, it's a fantastic cure for the winter blues. Studies* show that if you walk like you're happy - shoulders back, head held high and striding with purpose - your body can actually fool your brain into feeling genuinely cheerful. So when you start out, don't shuffle along but take confident steps. It helps if you set yourself a challenge. Tell yourself you're going to go once round the park as fast as possible, or leave just before the shops close so you have to power along to get there. Giving yourself a goal and some kind of structure is a huge motivator."

On a simpler note this goal might just be walking to the front gate and back - then next time going to the corner, small steps can make such a difference.

I know of people in wheelchairs who just feel happier by being outside and their carer / friend / relation has taken then for a 'walk around the block'.

Links to Nina Barough, benefits of walking can be found here
and *studies about How We Walk can be found here

Do you enjoy a walk ?
The photograph shows me enjoying a winter walk ...

All the best Jan


  1. You look like you're striding out there Jan.
    I love to walk whenever I get the opportunity and I feel very fortunate that I am blessed with some lovely countryside in which to do it. X

  2. Walking definitely lifts my spirits, especially at this time of year. Even if I'm not fancying a walk I have to take Archie out and I'm always glad that I've made the effort once I'm out there.

  3. ...keep putting one foot in front of the other!

  4. Oh yes, Jan, I love walking! It's glorious to be outside walking and enjoying nature. ♥

  5. I do love walking. And don't do enough of it.

  6. Walking is something you know I do every morning. I love starting my day with a walk and it really does make me happy. : ) I had a snowy walk this morning!!

  7. I love walking very much and hope to do more of it now that the weather is getting better.

  8. I'm looking forward to starting to take walks again once the weather is more spring-like!

  9. Walking is a good thing to do.


  10. Oh yes, walking is good. I do wish I could walk more but with hips that give out and knees that go snap, it is rather difficult to do more than a mile at any given time. This is quite a shame since I was a long distance runner in my 30's. I sure do miss flying down the road listening to some kickin' tunes. Maybe I'll go take a nap and see if I can't dream of running again. Ha, ha. Have a great day.

  11. I love to walk, and am venturing outdoors more now after many mishaps that included a broke leg and several sprained ankles, and a sliced open knee. I am a giant KLUTZ. So I walk in the house, but now it seems I bang into doorways, so back out doors I go. With my trust dog to yank me along...who knows what kind of trouble I can get in to? :)

  12. I dy daily my Nordic walk, I would not do without!

  13. good to see u out walking. Yes I enjoy walking and hiking .... I always walk fast with joy ...I'm a nature lover and live in the mountains so it just goes together - walking and nature. I always have my camera and I always expect to see something out of the ordinary or extraordinarily beautiful - it happens ever time.

  14. Hello my friend,
    It is great to see YOU. :-)
    I love to walk, we should go together someday. I will come your way and then you come my way. In all honesty, we would love to visit someday.
    Happy to have you back,

  15. Lucky me, I am a wheelchair scooter user, yes, I love the ouside, is why I love watching the birds.

  16. beautiful sharing Jan!

    i am not lucky enough to go out for walk but i never gave up and i keep walking for at least 20 minutes every evening before sunset ,it makes me happier :)


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