Sunday 20 May 2018

A Wonderful Week ...

For those of you who saw my post here, you will know that Eddie and I have been away for a short break ... and what a wonderful time we had.

Our weather from start to finish was wonderful. It was so lovely to spend time with family, and so enjoyable meeting up with low carb team member and good friend Graham. Our final few days were spent in the wonderful Lake District.

We spent time walking, cruising (on Lake Windermere) a little shopping and some very relaxing moments enjoying a tea or coffee in outdoor cafes ... yes the word wonderful sums up our break so well.

So it's time to sort through some photographs - but in the meantime I'll leave you with these two.

All the best Jan


  1. ...a little piece of heaven.

  2. It looks fabulous. You certainly got the weather. Glad you had a good time.

  3. Hello, beautiful views of the lake and mountains. Enjoy your day and have a great new week ahead!

  4. Simply beautiful. I'm glad you had such an enjoyable time. X

  5. Wow! Absolutely breathtaking views.

  6. Lovely photos, glad you had such a great week. Hugs, Valerie

  7. Beautiful views, ahhh, so calm. Great the weather helped you having such a great time!

  8. Welcome home, your break sounds idyllic.

  9. Lake Windemere is one of the few areas of England we haven't visited. I'm really enjoying your photos.

  10. Beautiful! I was there in 2010 and loved the Lake District. I want to thank you for all the good recipes and advice in your blog.

  11. I'm glad your visit to the lake district has been so nice.

    Love those sky shots.

  12. These photos brought back nice memories.

    God bless.

  13. Gorgeous captures, welcome home!!

  14. Gorgeous photos Jan...such beautiful scenery.
    Thank you for sharing them with us 🌻🐝

  15. So nice to hear that you had a wonderful vacation! It could definitely not be otherwise in these stunning sceneries. Wishing you a happy new week.

  16. Beautiful! A magic part of the world.

  17. I love the lakes Jan.
    Spent some wonderful holidays with out children there.
    So pleased you had a relaxing week, a well deserved rest.

    The images are beautiful and show the area perfectly.

  18. Beautiful lakes in Lake District, well done Jan.

  19. Aaaah. It looks lovely - and I am so glad the weather was kind.

  20. Hi Jan, what lovely photographs. So nice to get away for a spell. Welcome back.

  21. glad you were able to get away. I am so excited about heading to Calif in July. Not been there since summer of 2015 so I miss it but most of all missing my son. Calif is a great place to visit. Not carrying my professional camera with me but I will have my smaller point and shoot so I hope to get a few good pics. Can't wait to see more pics.

  22. Amazing views. So beautiful!

  23. The photos are so beautiful! I can see why you had a wonderful time!

  24. How beautiful. Glad you had such a good time.

  25. this seems to be a great place for a vacation :) Beautiful landscape!

  26. Magnificent scenery - so glad you had a lovely break Jan... good for the body, good for the soul.
    Cheers to you both :D) xx

  27. looks absolutely beautiful Jan !

  28. It's so good to know you had a good time. So much can go wrong!!!

  29. Such loveliness... my heart adores this area. I'm so glad you enjoyed relaxing days of joy! ♥

  30. Welcome home, Jan. Looks like a magical place!!

  31. How lovely you had a good time.
    Photos are delightful and we have a village here near where I live called Windermere.

  32. Looks wonderful! Glad you had a good time.

  33. We are looking forward to the day when we travel through UK - possibly next year! There is so much to see!! I have been there twice but not up north or to the Lakes etc.

  34. Delighted to hear you enjoyed such good weather in paradise!!! Fantastic pictures, I can't wait to go back!xxx

  35. Majestic place and lovely photos ~ glad you enjoyed your journey ~

    Happy Day to you,
    C & Z

  36. Ah...gorgeous scenery AND low carb! Not a piece of bread in sight.

  37. The UK has so many beautiful spots. The Lakes District is another place I'd like to visit one day. Glad you had a good getaway.

  38. Lovely! Hard to beat the Lakes in good weather - and even the north-west is getting sunshine at the moment...whoopie!! Wonderful shots, Jan.

  39. Well I don't know. You've been up here almost past my door and never called in. It is hard to beat The Lakes though and I'm glad you enjoyed your trip Oop North.

  40. Oh Jan, these are wonderful pictures! I am glad you had a wonderful time. We are hoping to head up there this next week though not sure exactly if we will make it or not!

  41. Stunning photos of a stunning beautiful. :)

  42. Such lovely spots, Jan, and it looks as though the weather was very kind! I remember cruising on Lake Windermere and being the only one on deck ... it was bitterly cold!

  43. Hello Jan,
    Amazing to see that view on your wonderful shots.
    That's no bad place to go out for a trip.

    Greetings, Marco

  44. The Lake District is truly spectacular. I would love to spend more time there.

  45. Welcome back! So happy you had a great time!!! Gorgeous photos! Big Hugs!

  46. These pictures are gorgeous! I'm glad you had a good time.

  47. What a couple of stunning photographs.
    Glad to read that you had a wonderful time away.
    It all sounds very relaxing indeed.
    Lisa x


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