Saturday, 5 May 2018

Ginger cake with warm spices : Low carb

You may have seen and tried this low carb ginger cake before. It's a popular recipe that is light in texture and flavoured with warm spices. Yes, traditional gingerbread often has molasses in it - which I do not have in the house - it's not something that husband Eddie, a Type 2 Diabetic or I would eat/use. When you are living the LCHF lifestyle it is best not to have anything sugary in the kitchen cupboard - you can read more about low carb here 

Makes 8 - 10 slices

Nutritional information per slice:
208 calories, 18g Fat, 5g Protein, 8g Total Carbs, 4g Fibre, 4g Net Carbs

½ cup (56g) coconut flour
½ cup (113g) butter, softened
½ cup (107g) erythritol (or sugar substitute)
4 tablespoons coconut milk
5 eggs
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon ground ginger
1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated
1 teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
½ teaspoon ground all spice
¼ cup of water

To serve:
optional - a little whipped coconut cream with your slice of cake

1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F degrees / Gas Mark 6
2. Grease a 1lb loaf tin and line the bottom with parchment/greaseproof paper.
3. Whisk the eggs and butter together until combined.
4. Add the erythritol and continue to whisk.
5. Add the coconut flour, baking powder and spices. Whisk thoroughly.
6. Gradually add the coconut milk and water until you have a smooth mixture.
7. Pour into the cake tin, spread out evenly and bake for 50 to 60 minutes.

No two ovens are the same so the cooking time may vary slightly depending upon your oven, always best to check it before the end of the specified time, and adjust as necessary.

This recipe is from Angela at 'Divalicious Recipes', much more to see and read here

Did you know - "Low carb flours don’t behave like wheat flour, and how to use them in your old regular high carb recipes is a common question.

Coconut flour has become popular these past few years and with good reason. Coconut flour is low in carbs, extremely high in fibre and protein. If you’ve been struggling to find ways to increase your fibre, then this is one low carb flour that can help you out.

The biggest difference between coconut flour and most low carb flours is that it does tend to need a lot more moisture when baking. It’s fairly common to find coconut flour recipes include 2-3 eggs per ¼ cup. If you’re new to baking with coconut flour, then it's recommended not foregoing the eggs, butter or extra moisture you see in recipes.

Top Tip : Coconut flour absorbs a lot of liquid and recipes tend to thicken over a few minutes. If you are making a recipe such as low carb waffles, allow the batter to stand and thicken while the waffle machine is heating up. It will make for a sturdier waffle.

Coconut flour has nearly 45 calories per serving (a serving is 2 tbsp. or 18 grams), 11 grams of total carbs, 8 grams of fibre and 4 grams of protein. This makes this flour only 2 net carbs per serving.

Since coconut flour can absorb moisture, it’s important to keep coconut flour in an airtight sealed bag or container. Perhaps store in a cool, dark pantry - not normally stored in a fridge."

These words from an article on Ditch The Carbs site, if you would like to know more about cooking with low carb (alternative) flours please see here

This blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. We all love ginger cake in our house so a big thumbs up to this.

  2. My son likes gingerbread he might like this cake.

  3. Would love a slice with coffee!

  4. Sounds very delicious! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Oh, wonderful! Thank you for sharing this :)

  6. Thanks for another great recipe. And my husband thanks you, too. Ginger is a favorite around here.
    Have a great weekend, Jan!

  7. From the ingredients, it sounds like the version my mother made.

  8. Not for me. I like ginger in savoury rather than sweet dishes. Himself would like it though.

  9. I am wondering how much this would taste like gingerbread as it was one of my favorites. I guess I'll have to try it and taste for myself. Thanks.

  10. This reminds me of the cinnamon/pecan cake I bought last week at the store. It was supposed to be very low carb and gluten free. This also sounds good.

    BTW, I bought a fennel plant at the Herb show today and hope I don't kill it or the caterpillars don't get to it before I can harvest any.

  11. Thanks for all the tips on the coconut flour, hubby is trying to go gluten free again as he is having problems once again when going on white flour.

  12. Buena opción musical para enduzarnos la mañana, cuando andamos ajetreados con los preparativos de la comida.

    Que tengas un buen día!

  13. My mom says thanks for this one Jan! Big Hugs!

  14. Oh yes a ginger cake would go down very well with us. The bigger the slice the better!
    Lisa x


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