Friday 8 June 2018

A Walk In The Garden ...

Fifteen years ago we had a dream. We discovered this place and decided that when we retired we would live here. For most of us dreams do not come true, but this one did. What appealed to us more than anything else were the fabulous gardens at this property. Fifteen years on, and we moved in earlier this year. We cannot take the credit for these beautiful grounds, as others including professionals maintain them, but ...

Is there anything better than a walk in the garden

the summer bedding so colourful

the woodland area beloved by us, various birds and squirrels

there is even a pond, the water-lilies will be flowering soon and the reeds give a nice display

an oasis of calm in an ever changing world

Yes, we are very fortunate.
Follow your dream ...

All the best
Jan and Eddie


  1. Hello, your gardens and property is very pretty. It is great you were able to follow your dream! Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. Lucky you Jan! The gardens are amazing, all those flowers and colour...

  3. ...gardens sooth the soul.

  4. I'm so happy your dream became a reality, Jan! The grounds are wonderful. Enjoy your new home! ♥

  5. It's so beautiful Jan. X

  6. Wow...such a beautiful garden!
    I can certainly see why you fell in love with this amazing place.:)
    Those stunning colours...

    Have a Magical Weekend!

    Hugs xoxoxo

  7. You have a fabulous home and gardens. If only I had someone to help maintain my garden . . . .

    OK, mine still wouldn't look this good, but it would look better than it does now!! You two are truly blessed.

  8. Beautiful garden!!!
    Yes, some dreams come true!
    Best wishes
    : )

  9. You are very fortunate to be able to stroll those beautiful gardens.

  10. Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing! Hugs, Valerie

  11. absolutely beautiful and to have waited for this all that time,, makes it even more beautiful.

  12. BEAUTIFUL....I love it all. So nice. I love taking a walk to my flowerbeds and checking things out each morning. Dakota (my dog) and I do that together.

  13. Heavenly, what a glorious place to live!

  14. Boa tarde, desfrutar de uma lindo espaço como o belo jardim é um enorme privilegio, as belas fotos são como o algodão, não engana!.
    Feliz fim de semana,

  15. Beautiful garden walk. You do have a lovely place. I can't do a thing this past week in mine. The mosquitoes are out in full force day and night. Awful. More rain tonight and rest of the week end.

  16. What an absolutely glorious area. Calm and beauty.

  17. Such a wonderful place! So nice to have your very own sanctuary called "home." We are blessed to have one as well.

  18. wow, you did find a gorgeous place :)

  19. That was such a delightful walk Dear Jan. Your garden, pond and surrounds are absolutely beautiful. I'm sure you enjoy every single day there, and that's exactly how life should be. Cheers :D) xx

  20. What a beautiful place! I'm glad your dream came true. I'm sure it took a lot of hard work.

  21. What a beautiful place you have found. How wonderful that you have made your dream happen.
    Our dream is about to happen too. Moving into our home that we designed in the woods. : )
    God is Good.

  22. wow love the photos and it's so great you followed your dreams. Looking at the flowers i really miss when I had a house in an area where the seasons were mild (no snow) and i knew exactly what plants would thrive. Up here in the mountains I'm not inspired to plant a garden really other than in pots on my railing.

  23. It's wonderful that you were able to make your dream a reality! Your gardens are beautiful - I can imagine the calm feeling of walking through them or sitting and relaxing. I hope you have many happy years in your new home.

  24. absolutely beautiful Jan! love gardens, looks peaceful!

  25. Thank you for sharing your oasis of calm. It is simply beautiful, Jan.

  26. That is indeed a lovely garden you are lucky to have such a nice place to wonder in.

  27. How wonderful, Jan! I am so very happy for you. What a gorgeous setting. I bet you just can't get enough of it!

  28. I envy you for living in such a wonderful place. It's never too late to make dreams come true. With God's help, belief and perseverance, things are possible. Enjoy it all, the house, the gardens, everyday life as retirees!

  29. I'm so happy for you, Jan. This could be the setting for a Jane Austen film.

  30. Beautiful....I'm glad you followed your dream...and this lovely garden was at the end of your special rainbow. :)

  31. Thank you for this beautiful, heart-warming... and, yes, inspiring post. You have had much patience and perseverance to make your dream come true.
    There are indeed very few things (if any) better than a walk in the garden. :)
    Have a happy weekend!

  32. Oh, that is wonderful, I´m so happy for you!
    Enjoy (your coming hard work ;-)...) - have a beautiful summer there!

  33. Tienes un jardín muy lindo. Un beso.

  34. " oasis of calm in an ever changing world."

    Ahh...what a beautiful blessing!

  35. This was perfect for me to do with you .. please share your garden again.
    Love, Carla

  36. Wow, so beautiful! So happy for you! Big Hugs!

  37. What a beautiful garden and you get to live there!

    Happy Week to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  38. That does look very idyllic. Enjoy your dream home to the full you fortunate couple.

  39. Oh Jan, what a paradise!!!! How wonderful to see your gardens, even better to know you don't have to maintain them!!! Just love that woodland area! I really do hope you post regularly re the gardens, so very happy you realized your dream! Looking forward to seeing and hearing


  41. Oh how lovely to find a place with such lovely gardens already established, Congrats on achieving your dream home :)
    Have a fantastic weekend!

  42. Looks wonderful! And, more importantly, congratulations for realising your dream; that is just beautiful...all the best, you two!!

  43. Hi Jan,

    So wonderful that your dream came true and your home and garden is very beautiful.
    You must be so happy living here in paradise.
    Happy weekend ahead

  44. Heartiest congratulations for the dream that dissolved in enchanting reality my dear Friend!

    you have beautiful kind heart and you deserved it !

    loved the each corner you shared here!
    nature is best nurse and healer ,enjoy her loving company my friend :)


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