Monday, 25 June 2018

LCHF : Eat, Enjoy and Feel Good : Birgitta Höglund

Worldwide more and more people are discovering the LCHF lifestyle. Here on the low carb diabetic we enjoy spreading the good news how this lifestyle can help not only diabetics but non diabetics too. If you are a regular reader of this blog you will know we've already featured some lovely recipes by Swedish chef  Birgitta Höglund, see her LCHF raspberry mouse one here. She features on Diet Doctor site and has her own blog here

Birgitta tells me she has a lot of visitors, not only from Europe, but many from the USA who visit her blog, but wherever you may live why not pay her a visit, see link below... 

She is a retired restaurant chef. Health problems with a back injury, a spinal fusion and fibromyalgia made her question her lifestyle and diet. She discovered LCHF and, the rest they say is History! 
Her motto … eat, enjoy and feel good! 

Find out more about Birgitta's story, her blog, recipes and books by using this link here 

Please note we have no commercial interest in promoting Birgitta or her books, we do so because we like her recipes, and find that they fit so well with our Low Carb Higher (Healthy) Fat Lifestyle. 

All the best Jan


  1. Raspberry Mousse looks tasty. Will check out her blog.


  2. I will have to check out her blog and learn more!

  3. Thanks for sharing. I will check out Birgitta's blog. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  4. Her ideas are always good. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Thanks for telling us more about Birgitta.

  6. So nice to learn of a wise lady from the neighbouring Scandinavian country!

  7. Thanks for the link, Jan. Birgitta walks the walk!

  8. I shall go and have a potter!xxx

  9. Eat, Enjoy and Live Well is a lovely mantra.

  10. Oh even after my bypass surgery I still want, crave and NEED my carbs. I hate it. Then there is the sweets! It has been so hard once I started eating them again. But then again, the cravings never went away. I need to work on this harder, and harder....

  11. Will have to check out her blog!

  12. Comer saludable, es bueno para el organismo. en la cocina española también hay grandes recetas, para una vida saludable.


  13. Me parece muy interesante. Un beso.

  14. thanks ..will check her out.

  15. Will check her recipes too. Thanks Jan

  16. Thank you Jan!!! Will check her out!
    (Thanks for checking in with me. I was having back pain, and then pain under my chest, it all came out to be acid reflux. Weird! So, changing things around in my diet!)
    Big Hugs!

  17. Thanks a lot, Jan, for sharing my story and blog.
    And a big thanks for all your kind comments.

    It's so great to be able to share my health journey with so many around the world and to know that my recipes are helping others to become healthier.
    I wish you all a great summer.
    Birgitta Höglund


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The best of health to you and yours.
