Monday, 13 August 2018

Lemon-Lime Poppy Seed Cheesecakes : Low Carb

Fancy trying something a little different? How about these tasty mini cheesecake pots! They are cooked in the oven and allowed to cool! I'm sure you will enjoy the fresh taste of lemon and lime and the creamy topping garnished with raspberries, poppy seeds and a sprig of mint ...

Serves Four
7g carb per serving
10 oz. (275g) cream cheese
½ cup (125ml) crème fraîche or sour cream
2 eggs
2 tbsp. erythritol
½ tsp vanilla extract
½ lemon, grated zest and juice
½ lime, grated zest and juice
2 tsp poppy seeds
1⁄3 cup (75ml) crème fraîche or sour cream
¼ tsp vanilla extract
½ tbsp. (5g) erythritol, preferably powdered
1⁄3 cup (75ml) fresh raspberries (optional)

½ tbsp. poppy seeds
see here

Did you know, Raspberries, are a member of the rose family, and have a wonderfully intense, sweet taste, and many consider them to be the finest flavoured of all the berries.

Raspberries grow well in cool, damp climates, and the red varieties, such as Heritage and Malling Jewel, are the most commonly sold, though you can also find black, yellow and golden types.

They are an essential ingredient in the classic English dessert, Summer pudding, and their flavour combines well with that of other berries.

Late June to early September. If you've got a garden or allotment, raspberries are quite easy to grow.

Choose the best:
Look for bright, evenly coloured and plump berries, with no mushy or mouldy examples. If you're buying a punnet, check that the underside isn't stained - that means the lower level of berries has been crushed.

Avoid raspberries with their hulls still attached; that indicates that they were picked before they were ripe, so their flavour will be tart.

Prepare it:
As raspberries are very delicate, try not to wash them unless absolutely necessary. Just pick off any bits of stalk or leaf. If they must be washed don't put them directly under the flow of the tap, as they'll disintegrate. Gently pat them dry with kitchen paper.

Store it:

Arrange them on a layer of kitchen paper on a plate, so that they don't crush each other, and store them in the fridge. Take them out of the fridge an hour before eating, so that they're at room temperature. They are best eaten on the same day they were bought or picked.

A variety of recipe ideas are within this blog, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Didn’t know that about raspberries, they are rather tasty xx

  2. Yes please, right up my street.

  3. Looks delicious and I like raspberries.


  4. I'm all in with this one! Hugs...RO

  5. I'm off to the store for raspberries

  6. How cute! This is something fun to try.

  7. Looks so refreshing! Thanks for the raspberry information.

  8. Hello,

    Sounds yummy, I love anything with lemon. Enjoy your day and new week ahead!

  9. The ingredients and toppings promise a delicious result. And, indeed, it sounds and looks like such.

  10. Thanks for all the handy tips about raspberries. :)

    This sounds like a simple refreshing twist on cheesecake. Cheesecake is one of my husband's favorite desserts, and I experimented like crazy to convert my old recipe to something more diabetic-friendly. Thank goodness for Truvia!

    Happy Monday! Have a fabulous week.

  11. Debe tener un riquísimo sabor.


  12. Looks delicious..... I love raspberries. YUM...

    Thanks for this new recipe.

  13. This sounds very good. I would omit the raspberries since I'm not a fan of them.

  14. Such a delicious recipe!
    We have wild raspberries growing near our home, and indeed some family members think they are the tastiest berries of all.
    Have a happy week! xx

  15. Hello Jan,
    That's looking so tasty. Nice to see how you've made it.
    And compliments too for the good shots.

    Greetings, Marco

  16. Lemon, lime and raspberries? Bliss.

  17. Great idea and neat tips...thank you Jan!!!


  18. I like raspberries more than strawberries but it's good to enjoy them both.

  19. Can't wait to try it, Jan! Thanks!

  20. this sounds amazing!

  21. Love cheesecake type desserts. Thanks Jan.

  22. Another great sounding treat. I love anything with lemon and lime. Thanks Jan.

  23. Seguro que estará deliciosa. Besitos.

  24. I wouldn't have thought of poppy seeds in cheesecake.

  25. Oh that looks charming and yummy!

  26. This is another great-looking delicious healthy recipe for me to bookmark and try. Thanks, Jan.

  27. So good! Thank you Jan, from mom and I! Big Hugs!


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The best of health to you and yours.
