Sunday, 2 September 2018

Quick and Easy Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs in a Mug - Low Carb

Take some eggs,
they may have a funny face on …

... or they may look more like this

and turn them into this …

… scrambled eggs in a mug 

To serve one person, you need:
2 eggs
2 tbsp. double (heavy) whipping cream
salt and pepper
1 tbsp. butter 
Serve scrambled eggs with finely chopped chives, tuna and slices of bell pepper
 to enjoy a nutritious and quick meal! 
You can exclude the cream if you want to avoid dairy products. 
Easy recipe instructions:
are here

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods money can buy - they are a natural source of many nutrients including high quality protein, vitamins and minerals. Eggs are naturally rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium and iodine. They also contain vitamin A and a number of other B vitamins including folate, biotin, pantothenic acid and choline, and essential minerals and trace elements, including phosphorus.

Please note, this blog brings a variety of recipe ideas/suggestions, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Egg is good. Does not Egg raise cholesterol values?

  2. Anne Hagman-Niilola said:
    "Egg is good. Does not Egg raise cholesterol values?"

    Hello Anne, and many thanks for your comment.
    We love eggs in our house and eat them every day for breakfast!

    Eggs Can Lower Your Cholesterol - Eggs do contain cholesterol, however, studies have shown that those who consume eggs regularly had a reduced LDL and an increase in HDL (the good cholesterol).

    Please read more here

    and here

    I hope you find these two links of help and interest.

    Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts and comments

    All the best Jan

  3. Hello,

    Eggs are good for you. I love scrambled eggs, yum!
    Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

  4. That is a wonderful breakfast.
    Had 2 hard boiled eggs this morning. With cherry tomatoes, beets and radishes.
    Will prepare this breakfast tomorrow.
    : )

  5. Eier zum Frühstück sind klasse.


  6. Scrambled eggs are a favourite with me - although it is best with a slice of well buttered toast! :-) However, this is now a VERY occasional treat - I usually add some cheese to the scramble and serve it with whatever leftover veggies happen to be around. Always a winner.

  7. This is a lovely idea! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Eggs are one of my favorite foods. Maybe I eat too many, but I can scramble two eggs and drink a cup of milk and I am barely hungry by noon. If I keep boiled eggs in the refrigerator, I will always choose an egg over more calorific foods.

  9. This is one easy recipe and fast to make. Much appreciated! Thank you.

  10. Scrambled eggs in a mug is a new one for me. One I prefer to cake in a mug.

  11. Noke said:
    "Eier zum Frühstück sind klasse."

    Google translate
    Eggs for breakfast are great.

    Many thanks for your comment Noke, I do agree.

    All the best Jan

  12. I love mug recipes, thanks for sharing!

  13. ...I'll just stick with my eggs the old fashion way.

  14. It's fun doing a quickie meal in a mug!

  15. Comme le visage drôle. Bonne recette.

    Monique Chailez

  16. Quick, easy and nutritious. I like it!

  17. I love eggs!! I so need to try this one!!! ;)

  18. Monique Chailez said:
    "Comme le visage drôle. Bonne recette."

    Google translate
    'Like Funny faces. Good recipe.'

    Hello Monique and thanks for your comment, I hope you may try this recipe soon.

    Thanks also to everyone else who takes the time to leave a comment, both here and on other posts, they are appreciated.

    As Monday has come around again! I wish you all a happy week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  19. Such an interesting way to make scrambled eggs!

  20. Eggs are one of my favorite things. I hard boil some every week so I have an easy snack or meal. I look forward to checking out this recipe.

  21. quick and easy, I tried over easy in a pie plate once and it took me a while to clean the mocrowave from all the splatter. LOL

  22. Love scrambled and poached eggs Jan, haven't had them in a mug before, looks nice and easy and will save washing a pan 😀

  23. I do prefer eggs scrambled over other ways.

  24. I love eggs! Thank you! And, thanks for making that comment about the cholesterol! Big Hugs!

  25. My Sue eats loads of eggs, so many that "What are you having for lunch?" is a bit of a standing joke. I'll get her to try this as a variation on scrambled or poached on toast.

  26. Interesting idea with the cream, I´ll try this!


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The best of health to you and yours.
