Saturday 27 October 2018

Wilson Pickett - It's A Groove

Growing up as a teenager, the music scene was fantastic. So many great records being released, it was hard to work out what to spend my money on. Back in those days, I was heavily into Black artists, as were most of the people I knew back then. Around fifty years on, this track is still being played in our place, a masterpiece, and sums up, what it's like to be curled up on the sofa with someone you love, late at night, with no worries. Have a great weekend. Regards Eddie 


  1. Well, black artists have, no doubt, the best of voices and good musical rhytm.

  2. Love the music ~ we grew up in a great time ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. A great singer I always admired.


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