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Thursday 8 November 2018

Chicken Soup for the Soul ... with some tasty vegetables !

This low carb recipe suggestion called 'Chicken Soup For The Soul' is from Real Meal Revolution … "Chicken soup for the soul says it all. This is basically a repeat of the original stock making process, but you are doubling up on the nutrients and flavour.

Six Servings
400 g chicken thighs (boneless and thinly sliced)
1 medium stalk celery (cut into bite sized chunks)
3 thick leeks (sliced into thick discs)
1 large carrot (cut in half lengthways and then into 1cm thick pieces)
1 whole bay leaf
1 pinch salt and black pepper
1 handful Italian parsley (roughly chopped)
50 ml lemon juice

1 l chicken stock 

1. Place everything apart from the seasoning, parsley and lemon juice into a medium pot.
2. Pump the heat up until it hits a rolling boil, then drop it down to a gentle simmer.
3. Leave it like that for about an hour, topping up with water if it reduces too much (only top it up to the level at which you started, otherwise you’ll dilute it).
4. By this point the chicken should be tender and the vegetables should be soft.

5. Add the parsley and lemon juice and season with salt and pepper to taste and serve." 

Above words, picture and recipe from here 

Oftentimes recipes will specify the use of flat-leaf or Italian parsley. Can you substitute curly leaves for flat, and vice versa? What’s the difference beyond appearance?

Used to perk up dishes with its fresh green flavour and colour, parsley can be much more than a garnish. The two main cultivars of this herb are curly parsley (Petroselinum crispum) with ruffled leaves and Italian parsley (Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum) with flat leaves.

In general, flat-leaf parsley has a more robust flavour, while the curly variety is associated with decoration. Some claim that curly-leaf parsley has no flavour or, conversely, that it tastes more bitter, but it really depends on the particular plant, its growing conditions, and age. Both kinds of parsley may be used in cooking and when substituting one for the other, taste to determine the flavour and adjust as desired. Think, too, about the texture that would work best in your dish.

Finally, don’t discard the stems, which have a stronger flavour than the leaves and can be used in a bouquet garni and added to homemade stock or a pot of beans.

Dear reader - you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This is such a good soup and one I always love when it gets cooler....or when I'm sick! It really is comfort food and nourishes the body AND soul! Enjoy your day!

Pam said...

That looks like a soup I would fix. And thanks for the info, I did not realize that there was two kinds of parsley. Interesting.

Christine said...

Yummy I love soup, and easy to make.

mxtodis123 said...

Nothing better than homemade chicken soup.

Ygraine said...

Wow...another great winter warmer!
I just have to make some tonight...thank you so much.😊😊

Anonymous said...

this soup would be perfect for today, we woke to about four inches of snow

baili said...

Perfect dish for me my friend:)))

i learned almost same dish from my maternal mother and my mom also which taste more than just delicious

i specially love flat leaf parsley which we find in abundance particularly in winters here
my mom used to grow it in her garden

Jo said...

It looks good and wholesome, very appetising.

Lorrie said...

Tis the season for soups! Yum!

DIMI said...

Hello Jan!
I love homemade chicken soup and i was thinking to make it tomorrow!
The soup will be perfect for a cold and rainy day!
Have a relaxing evening!

Tom said... that should make you feel better.

Out on the prairie said...

I always want to throw some matza balls or tortilla chips and cheese when I make it

RO said...

Never made homemade soup, but this sure looks yummy! Hugs...RO

Valerie-Jael said...

My very fave soup! Valerie

Cheryl said...

My Grandmother used to make the most delicious chicken soup.
Something we always had as children when we were unwell.
It is soup season.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Soup is good for the soul! Love it this time of year. The leftovers always thrill me for meals later. ♥

Elephant's Child said...

The stalks to quite a lot of herbs add significant flavour and shouldn't be discarded. A good soup is a thing of joy and beauty though I would leave out the chicken.

Martha said...

Oh yummy! A very delicious soup. said...

I like a nice tasty soup and often wondered about the different parsley's.

Love Affair with Food said...

Sounds yummy. And delicious!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Jan,

Chicken soup is the best and such a heartwarming meal in winter.
I always like making a pot when someone is not feeling well.
Hope you have a great weekend ahead

Lois said...

Those veggies look delicious!

William Kendall said...

Very good for a cold day.

HappyK said...

Looks delicious. We are coming into soup weather!!

Catarina said...

A very good soup for this season... and the next.
: )

Sandra Cox said...

Soup is wonderful in cold weather, isn't it? This looks especially good.

Margaret D said...

Lovely soup..

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I would have been by earlier, but I've been offline due to my internet and telephone being down. My friend got my internet going again, but not my phone. I LOVE this dish, and wish I had been here before to comment on Eddie's take on Trump.

Lady Fi said...

Looks good, although I'll have mine with only vegetables please...

Iris Flavia said...

That sounds too easy! :-)
Guess I´ll try it with chicken breast, though? When the weather gets cold, it´s too warm! Yipii!

Lee said...

I need lots of chicken soup, I think! The past couple of days have been very hectic here...nerve-wracking....tree-loppers doing what their name suggest...up close and personal to my cabin. Amongst all the mayhem, noise etc., I had no internet connection.

Peace is settling once again.... :)

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Chicken soup is always nice.

God bless.

Carol Blackburn said...

Chicken soup is absolutely the best. One of our favorites and always a treat. Thanks.

Teresa said...

Se ve muy sabrosa. Nos encanta en los días de invierno. Besitos.

Conniecrafter said...

I like your little tips, I so didn't know the stems of parsley have all the flavor in them!

Magic Love Crow said...

So good! Thank you Jan! Big Hugs!