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Monday 5 November 2018

Pork and Apple Meatballs : so tasty served with a lower carb mash

Ready in just over forty minutes, this recipe suggestion makes a good mid-week or Saturday night dish! Yes, you could serve it with mashed potatoes but why not have a lower carb mash like swede (rutabaga) or cauliflower!

Serves Four
1.5 tbsp. olive oil
0.5 onion, peeled and finely chopped
500 g ground/minced pork
2 tbsp. Bramley apple sauce
1 tbsp. fresh sage, washed and chopped
50 g breadcrumbs
400 g savoy cabbage washed and chopped
70 ml soured cream
1 tbsp. corn-flour mixed with cold water

150 ml beef stock 

Serving suggestions:
Swede (Rutabaga), mashed
Cauliflower, mashed
2 tbsp. cranberry sauce 

1. Prepare the mash of your choice e.g. swede or cauliflower
2. In a large frying pan, heat half a tablespoon of olive oil and cook the onion for 5 minutes until soft. Transfer the onion to a large bowl, add the mince, apple sauce, sage and breadcrumbs. Season with freshly ground black pepper and mix together until well combined. 
3. Shape the mince into 12 balls. Heat the remaining oil in the frying pan and fry the meatballs for 10 minutes, turning, until cooked through with no pink remaining. Remove from the pan, set aside and keep warm.
4. Stir-fry the cabbage for 2 minutes in the frying pan.
5. Make the sauce: heat the soured cream in a small pan and stir through the corn-flour mixture. Slowly add the beef stock and simmer for 5 minutes until thickened.
6. Serve the mash of your choice with the meatballs, cabbage and cranberry sauce, then pour over the sauce.

From an original idea here

The savoy cabbage is a classic vegetable - its attractive deep green colouring and crinkly leaves have ensured its popularity has never waned. What makes it even better is that when cooked it doesn’t emit the usual odour associated with overcooked cabbage. Savoy cabbages are at their peak from October through to February. They should have deep green, crisp outer leaves, becoming lighter towards the core. The leaves should be tightly packed together, and the overall cabbage should feel heavy for their size. Read more about this cabbage here 

This blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. 

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...pork and apples go well together.

mxtodis123 said...

You post the greatest recipes.

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious! The touch of applesauce in the meatballs is really nice, what wonderful looking plate of good, I’m hungry lol,,

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

We had meatballs yesterday (but with cheesy baked spaghetti ... can't be good every day.)

Valerie-Jael said...

Sounds delicious, lucky I've already eaten! Hugs, Valerie

R's Rue said...


Ygraine said...

Wow...this looks so delicious! Just the thing for a winter's day...warming and nutritious.
Thank you so much.😊😊

Polly said...

mmm sounds delicious, another one for the recipe book. I'm a summer person, but I like autumn and winter because I do more home made meat and veg cooking!

Gloria Baker said...

sounds absolutely delicious !

Christine said...

Pork and apple .... mmm.

Lisa said...

There is definitely a need for quick and easy during the week. And there's the cabbage again!
Lisa x

Cheryl said...

I love meatballs. They are delicious.
I love the apple and pork combination. I usually put herbs in mine but apple sounds delicious. I will be having mine with whole wheat pasta and a tomato based sauce :))
It is my most favourite meal and I do not have it very often.

DIMI said...

Hello Jan!
Wow! It looks so delicious! I use pork minced meat to make meat balls and i love cranberry sauce!
Thank you for sharing! Have a great week!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This sounds delicious! The apples sound perfect as part of the pork filling. I;m pinning this recipe on my low carb board to try soon--thanks!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

This is the kind of meal I really enjoy, especially at this time of year...(They are predicting snow for this coming Friday!) And this recipe sounds delicious and a bit different. I might have a very small side salad with it, or a sour pickle.

Teresa said...

uy buen reportaje. Un beso.

Elephant's Child said...

I do like cauli mash - and will have to try swede mash. Thank you.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

YUM.... Those meatballs sound SO good. Love the thought of putting a little Apple Sauce in them to give the apple flavor....

Thanks so much for this recipe...


Mary Kirkland said...

That sounds really good.

JFM said...

Definitely a must try dish.

Thank you Jan 💮

eileeninmd said...

Pork and apple meatballs sounds different. They look delicious. Thanks for sharing.
Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead!

Debbie said...

this is a great idea and sounds delicious!!!

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for the info on savoy cabbages. I wasn't familiar with it.
Have a great one.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Pork and apples go together sooooo well. This recipe really sounds yummy. We had meatballs over the weekend, but I stuffed each one with a square of pepper jack cheese. Such a little thing, but my hubby loved 'em. They made for an interesting snack while we were shooting pool.

Have a super week!

Out on the prairie said...

What a nice combination of flavors, I will need to try this soon.I make fried apples a lot with pork.

William Kendall said...

I'd certainly go for that kind of meatball.

sandy said...

comfort food at its best! thanks for posting this.

HappyK said...

Those meatballs sure look tasty.

Carol Blackburn said...

Wow, that sounds awesome. I can almost smell it cooking.

Margaret D said...

Never mashed cauliflower other than having cauliflower soup.

Iris Flavia said...

Hmmm, the moment I read "cauliflower" my will to cook came back! Thank you, just what I need, some "Kick in the butt" ;-)

Lee said...

I read an interesting chicken and ricotta balls recipe today.

Jenn Jilks said...

I really like meatballs, it's not too much work, but something nice. We can't do the eggs, which binds some food. I am scrambling around redoing my recipe collection!!! tee hee

DMS said...

I did not know any of the information you shared about savoy cabbage. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!

Conniecrafter said...

I have not heard of savory cabbage, I will have to keep a look out for it, I am one that when shopping just goes for what I am use to buying so it may be around and I just haven't seen it.

Magic Love Crow said...

Yummy! Thank you Jan! Big Hugs!