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Friday 23 November 2018

Sausage, bacon and onion bake with sautéed spinach

Do you know - you really don't need to serve a 'mash' with sausages, why not try them with some sautéed spinach!

Serves Four
8 good-quality pork sausages
8 rashers streaky bacon
2 red onions cut into eighths
15 sage leaves
2 Tbsp. duck fat
1 cup Verjuice or white wine (optional)
2 Tbsp. butter
150g baby spinach

salt and black pepper 

1. Preheat the oven to 220ºC.
2. Wrap a piece of bacon around each sausage. Place in a roasting tin with the onions and sage leaves; spoon over the duck fat, especially over the onions.
3. Roast for 30–40 minutes on the middle rack, turning once, until the sausages are browned and cooked through.
4. Deglaze the pan with the Verjuice or wine and reduce until thickened.
5. Heat the butter in a pan; add the spinach and sauté until just wilted; season well.

To serve: Serve sausages drizzled with gravy, and with sautéed spinach on the side. 

From a recipe seen here 

If you need help with measurement / conversion see here 

Did you know - Spinach is available all year round but is in season during the spring (March - June). It is well known for its nutritional qualities and has always been regarded as a plant with remarkable abilities to restore energy, increase vitality and improve the quality of the blood. There are sound reasons why spinach would produce such results, primarily the fact that it is rich in iron.

Iron plays a central role in the function of red blood cells which help in transporting oxygen around the body, in energy production and DNA synthesis.

Spinach is also an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid as well as being a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron and vitamin B2. Vitamin K is important for maintaining bone health and it is difficult to find vegetables richer in vitamin K than spinach. Others include kale, broccoli and green cabbage. 

We bring a variety of recipe ideas and articles to this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. 

All the best Jan


Elephant's Child said...

I adore spinach. My father didn't like it so it was never served when I was growing up. I have a lot of catching up to do.

DIMI said...

Hello Jan!
I love spinach and your recipe sounds very easy to make and super yummy!
Thank you for sharing! Have a lovely weekend!

Jo said...

Yum, it looks wonderful. I'm a big fan of spinach.

Christine said...

This looks so good!

Tom said...

...looks good for a cold winter evening.

HappyK said...

We like hot Italian sausage with onions and peppers. One of my favorite meals.

Margaret D said...

Rather like spinach but don't seem to buy it often as I'm the only one who care for it.

Lady Caer Morganna said...

This recipe sounds heavenly!!!! OMG! Yum!!

Iris Flavia said...

I think I should really use more spinach!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I like spinach, sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't this dish look nice.


mxtodis123 said...

This looks delicious. Next time I crave sausage I am going to try it. I don't eat sausage often because of the sodium level, but there are times when I have to have it.

Debbie said...

Awesome ingredients,this sounds like it would be delicious!!

Valerie-Jael said...

This sounds very delicious. Valerie

Beca said...

This looks really good. You have such an informative blog.
xx Beca

Carla from The River said...

Yum, a great idea, I love spinach.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...


Now we're talkin'

mamasmercantile said...

It looks delicious, we really should eat more spinach.

Sandra Cox said...

This looks tasty and would work with faux meat just fine.
Hope your weekend has been grand, Jan.

Conniecrafter said...

My mother only served spinach cooked as a kid and I did not like it, then when I got older I tried it in a salad and really liked it so now I eat it raw and like it but still don't care for it cooked.
Have a wonderful week ahead!

carol l mckenna said...

Oh yum! and spinach with it sounds great ~ ^_^

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

CJ Kennedy said...

Himself and I are on a Keto diet. This is a Keto dream!

baili said...

I like spinach but I will have to eliminate pork.
Yum dish

Magic Love Crow said...

Looks so good! Thank you Jan! Big Hugs!