Wednesday, 23 January 2019

British Wildlife Photographs ... nice to see !

From time to time we post something completely different ...
Like these photos from the 2018 British Wildlife Photography Awards,
see more here

A lesser black-backed gull soars above stormy waters off the coast of New Haven in East Sussex.
Craig Denford took this and was named the winner of the 'coast and marine' category

James Roddie took this superb shot of a frosty woodland in the Scottish Highlands.
It came first in the 'wild woods' category

Tesni Ward's photograph of a badger ambling through the Peak District National Park in Derbyshire.
The image came top in the 'animal portrait' category.

Well goodness me - how did this photograph sneak into this post! LOL!
Sorry couldn't resist adding this …
Photo taken a while ago but it always brings a smile to a Grandma's face
and there is a very nice red pepper and tomato soup recipe on the original older post
which you can see here 

… wishing you a happy day
All the best Jan


  1. Wonderful photographs. The ocean pic is spectacular. And such cute munchkins. Have a great day

  2. A different, but rather lovely, kind of wildlife in the last photograph. A beautiful capture. X

  3. Don't leave out those grands. one asked me why I always had my camera out

  4. Look at those cuties! They seem to be having a wonderful time.

  5. Hello Jan!
    Great photography and fantastic pictures!
    Your granddaughters are adorable! Such a happy grandma indeed! I also have two granddaughters and two grandsons!
    Thank you for sharing! Have a relaxing evening!

  6. Stunning photos. The first 2 look like paintings. Nature never ceases to amaze me! The kids are adorable.

  7. Gorgeous photos including the cute grandies!

  8. The pictures are great and the first impresses me. The last one is touching me. Pozdrwienia.

  9. Of course all the photos you've shared are spectacular, but the last says love to me! I must check out your soup.

  10. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. And the last one is gorgeous. Valerie

  11. All beautiful photo's especially the first one. I like the last one of your granddaughter and grandson too.


  12. Thank you for all the beauty you have shared today.

  13. The photos were so beautiful, The first one of waves and seagull to my very favorite one of the Badger !
    Thank You

    cheers, parsnip

  14. Hello, gorgeous photos. I like the cute grandchildren too. Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  15. Love the grandchildren photos ~ the best ! ~ Other professional photos are good too ~ not as sweet ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Those photos are wonderful Jan, each quite magnificent in their own way.
    Oh, such a special one at the end ... delightful.
    Brings back happy memories when we took our grandies to the beach. Happy Days to you :D)

  17. Marvelous photos but the kiddos are the stars :)

  18. The wave of water, the trees, the animal in the contest winning photos are impressive!
    The picture with your grandkids at the end, sums it all up: beauty, love,kindness to nature and family.

  19. What lovely photos Jan. Your grandies are very cute. Thanks for sharing these and the recipe for tasty tomato soup.

  20. What gorgeous photos and the last one is super cute!

  21. That first shot was absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing them.

  22. I think that last photo would have won in the children frolicking in nature category! They're so cute!

    Can you imagine having caught a shot of that wave at that exact point? And that one of the dusting of snow in the woods is gorgeous.

  23. What gorgeous photos, particularly the joy captured on the faces of those two in the last one. The wave in the first is pretty spectacular, too.

  24. ...I can see why they brings smile to Grandma's face!

  25. these are all incredible...the last was my favorite!!!

  26. Delightful happy children, your grandchildren :)
    The other photos are beautiful will hop over to the site you suggested with the link.

  27. Gotta say the photos are all great but of course I bet you can guess my fave.....

    Grandkids,yup - nothing better and they are so cute.

  28. Fabulous shots! And your grandkids are adorable.

  29. Beautiful clicks! The kids are so lovely and cute. And the first two are gorgeous. Feel like painting them, but I am not that skilled. :)

  30. Great shots. The winners always make me feel like a beginner.

  31. This makes a nice change to your usual blog, beautiful wildlife photos. And off spring of yours, wonderful.

  32. Amazing photographs and so inspiring

    Love Chrissie xx

  33. A primeira fotografia está espectacular, aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  34. Hi Jan! I love your personal photos that come from your heart, the best. THE BEST! Keep 'em coming.

  35. Beautiful photos jan, specially the one of the grandkids :)

  36. My goodness what amazing photographs. You are blessed with beautiful Grand children what a joy.

  37. What gorgeous photo's, and yours is my favourite xx

  38. I love that last photo. :-)
    xx oo

  39. Oh thanks for these outstanding photos of the outdoors, the waves, the trees and the amazing badger. And of course thanks for the joyful photo of the children.
    I went over to see the recipe for soup. I had forgotten about tomato and red pepper soup so thanks for the reminder.

  40. Oh, some delightful pictures here! Especially those little angels of yours!xxx

  41. Simply spectacular, thank you for sharing.
    Those sweet ones in the last picture take the prize :)

  42. Amazing photos and love seeing the grandkids! Big Hugs!


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