Saturday 26 January 2019

It's Saturday ... here are two low carb supper Ideas

The weekend is here once more, in fact this will be the last weekend of January, because on Friday it will be the 1st February - time certainly does fly by. But back to this weekend ... I wonder if you may have a lot planned and have a long list of things you must do ... or perhaps you are just planning a more quiet time, with a favourite TV programme or DVD to watch. Whatever your plans how about considering one of these meal suggestions, I very often find they are perfect for a relaxed evening watching a little TV.

The sausages are very low-carb, outdoor bred 97% pork, at 1.2 grams of carbohydrate per 100 grams, i.e. 3 sausages 200 grams 2.4 grams of carb. Add the mashed celeriac and fennel. A very tasty meal and very low-carb, a very easy to prepare meal.

Peel a celeriac and cut into small chunks around an inch square, about 25mm in new money. Boil or steam for around 15 minutes. Drain off water and mash with a couple of knobs of butter. Place the sausages in a Pyrex dish and add the fennel with a little butter. Roast at 200c for around thirty minutes, turning every 10 minutes, ladle some fat over the fennel. Warm up the mashed celeriac in a micro wave for a couple of minutes. Pour over some gravy (a beef oxo cube) Voila, a great low-carb and tasty meal.

We have featured this meal before and here are some of the comments we received about this meal.

"This looked so tasty, we had it for dinner tonight was very pleased with the recipe. Thanks for another good idea." 

"You just can't beat a good old fashioned British meal. You did have me fooled at first as I thought it was going to be potato! What a great idea to use celeriac." 

"Yummy had some of these lovely sausages for supper tonight. Great British Grub."

Serves Two Decent Sized Burgers 
250g lean minced beef
1 red onion chopped
1 egg yolk
1 - 2 tsp olive oil
1 tsp dried mixed herbs *
Salt and pepper to season

* I used dried herbs but if you have fresh ones even better

Simple Method 
Just place all the ingredients in a mixing bowl, then stir very well making sure it is well mixed. Using your hands divide the mix and shape into two equal sized burgers. Place on a baking tray and cook in a pre-heated oven at 200 or Gas Mark 6 for approx. 30 minutes. All ovens vary so check burgers at about 20 minutes and adjust cooking time as necessary. When cooking burgers in the oven it may be an idea to grease or line your baking tray …. helps with the washing up afterwards! 
You can either have plain burgers or why not put some stilton cheese on top of the burgers, for the last 10 minutes of cooking and let it melt - it makes the burgers that extra delicious.

We enjoyed this dish served with some mushrooms cooked in butter, I use a small frying pan, with melted butter and cook on top of the hob. For the cheesy leeks, I just sliced up two leeks (wash them first) placed them in a small ovenproof dish. Covered them with double cream and cooked in the oven for approx. 15 minutes. Take leeks out of oven and sprinkle with some grated cheddar cheese, return to oven for further 5 minutes or until the cheese has melted and it’s a slight golden brown colour - the leeks should be just soft.

and it's optional but you may wish to enjoy a glass of wine with your meal

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles, studies etc. plus recent news, views and recipe ideas within this blog, we hope something for everyone to read and enjoy. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. We love sausages, but I've never heard of celeriac. Will have to look for it next time I go grocery shopping.

  2. Both look delicious. Sausage is one of my favorites, but I don't eat much of it because of the sodium levels. The burger will do me just fine.

  3. Both look and sound delicious! These two recipes have been added to my recipe box. Thank you Jan! Have a great weekend!

  4. Love seeing your photos! As for the weekend. We are staying in. Locking the doors. Bolting the windows and not coming out until Monday. Pure heaven.

  5. I might make that first with some saurkraut

  6. Yummy, I like the sound of the beef burger with the cheesy leeks on the side, I bet that's a tasty meal.

  7. Hmmm the second sounds yummy, sadly we live under too yummy snack-out conditions atm plus a very poor kitchen, but, haaaa it's warm over here!

  8. Great ideas. We use veggie burgers and veggie sausages like this sometimes for a low carb meal.

  9. This sounds very good indeed. Valerie

  10. Delicious suggestions, thanks!

  11. well those look great meals, though I'd take the veggie alternatives for the sausages and burgers

  12. Cheesy leeks and mushrooms sounds good. When it cools down.

  13. It's hard to believe how quickly this month went by. But that's okay. It just means we are closer to spring! Lovely recipes!

  14. Well this is a coincidence, we've just bought a celeriac, it's not the bonniest of veg is it but I do like the taste. Have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  15. I'll go with the bangers. They are so delicious.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Mike would like that sausage dish for sure!

  17. The cheesy leeks really caught my eye!

  18. I'll have it all, thank you Jan! LOL! Yummy! Big Hugs!

  19. both look good but i always enjoy a made at home burger. mushrooms on the side substitute the need for a bun for me!!

  20. The celeriac mash sounds nice.

  21. Oh my, two delicious dishes and I am not craving bangers :)

  22. You already know I'm all in for that burger recipe!(lol) I thank you very much! Hugs...RO

  23. Don't these look yummy.
    Have a great weekend, Jan.


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The best of health to you and yours.
