Saturday, 12 January 2019

Make Some Courgette / Zucchini Fritters ... and why this vegetable is on my shopping list

Fritters make a great meal any time of day! Make a big batch, freeze them, and reheat when needed for a quick and easy meal solution!

Why it’s so good for you! 
Courgettes/Zucchini and carrot both have a high water content. When paired with protein and fat from the eggs, these fritters make a filling, nourishing meal without that unwanted heavy feeling. 

What You Need: 
(use organic ingredients where possible)
2 cups grated vegetables (courgette/zucchini, carrot or sweet potato)
2 free range eggs
1/2 cup onion, finely chopped/ grated
Butter or coconut oil for frying
Sea salt and pepper to taste 


What To Do:
1. Grate the courgettes/zucchinis with the skin on and add some salt. Let the mixture stand for a while you chop the onion.
2. Squeeze the veg in order to get rid of excess water, and then mix with the onion, the salt and pepper and the eggs until you have a thick pancake like batter.
3. In a fry-pan heat the oil or butter and fry the batter in batches of 4 small pancake size fritters for about 2 minutes each side on medium heat, or until slightly brown.
4. Serve with a tossed green salad dressed with lemon and olive oil.

Courgettes / Zucchini ... they are on my shopping list! 
Courgettes / Zucchini are becoming ever more popular and with good reason, they have a deliciously sweet, nutty taste. They’re often used to bulk out sauces and dishes like a bolognaise or lasagne, but why not also enjoy courgettes in their own right.

Many of us enjoy growing our own Courgettes, but if left too long in the soil, they will grow huge and bloated with water. While these green monsters might look magnificent, the best tasting courgettes are the shorter, slim ones.

If you’re already living the LCHF lifestyle, you will know that courgettes are low in carbs, just 2g. carb per 100g, and they are probably high up on your must buy shopping (or growing) list. They may not pack the nutritional punch of other green vegetables (broccoli, kale etc.) but they do contain significant levels of potassium to control blood pressure and vitamin C to boost your immune system.

The courgette’s thin dark skin is high in soluble fibre, which slows digestion and stabilises blood sugar levels – potentially getting rid of those pesky mid-afternoon sweet cravings. Soluble fibre can also prevent constipation and help with those horrible IBS symptoms so many of us endure.

You can buy courgettes from most big supermarkets as well as small farmers markets (when in season). Many prefer to buy locally sourced courgettes as supermarkets can of course ship vegetables thousands of miles despite them being in season a few minutes down the road, but how and where you buy is always a personal choice.

Now – how to prepare courgettes? Try not to cook courgettes with too much water as they can go quite soggy. The best way to cook them is to get a good crunch. Slice them in thin chip shapes, place them on foil and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and a sprinkling of salt, spices and herbs, then place under the grill until golden. You can eat these as a snack, or with a salad. Alternatively, you can roast courgettes up with a selection of other vegetables to enjoy with classic meat and buttery mashed swede. Or you can make Greek style fritters on the BBQ with lots of chopped dill.

Courgettes keep well in the fridge, but don’t leave them too long or they’ll develop a slightly bitter taste.

More information here, with a lovely Courgette / Zucchini Fries recipe here.
Some text taken from this resource here
For help with weight/measurement conversion see here

We bring a variety of recipe ideas and articles to this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. this looks and sounds so good!!! i love zucchini, prepared any way!!!

  2. Hello, Jan!
    Your post reminded me my Courgettes that I always grow in my garden. I love eating them in many varieties. The Courgette pancakes are very tasty, I agree. I make them the same way you write.
    Have a nice Sunday!

  3. Love zucchini (courgette) fritters. Sometimes I add a little coconut flour to thicken them up. Great idea to serve them with salad for a light meal.

  4. Just what I needed when there is zucchini in the fridge! Thanks Jan! ♥

  5. I like to grow a different variety of summer squash each year. A joke was when I asked a neighbor if she needed more she asked how big, since I keep the small ones. LOL

  6. Mouthwatering ideas, Jan. They are so under appreciated.
    Thanks for the reminder to use them more often :)

  7. I added shredded zucchini to ground chicken and made patties and they were so good.

  8. Hello Jan
    Zucchini Fritters are my favorite in Summer!
    I serve them with Tzatziki sauce!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  9. I often make these fritters, they are so good on cold winter days. Valerie

  10. Yum..will show this to the cook!

  11. ...good to know, in the summer people are giving Zucchinis away.

  12. This looks great Jan, only tonight hubby showed me a recipe with zucchini fries baked in the oven. I am going to show him these. Thanks so much and enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

  13. I love zukes because we can do so much with them.

  14. This sounds yum and perfect for the new kitchen gadget I hope to get tomorrow! Btw your Stracciatella Soup has become my brekkie for a while now! So quick, easy, yummy and it lasts so long, too! Was I happy to have found parsley in the freezer yesterday :-)

  15. I was about to make vegetable and salmon fritters for my lunch today, but settled on poached eggs and steamed spinach, instead. Fritters will be lunch one day during this week, though!

  16. I've made a similar version of these but with cavalo nero, spinach and courgettes (plus feta I think???) and they are utterly delicious! Must make them again now you have reminded me!!!


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