Sunday 3 February 2019

Dry Skin? Don’t Always Blame it on Diabetes

Joy Pape writes: 
"Many people think that having dry skin is a result of having diabetes. It’s true, but it’s important to know there are other factors that may cause your skin to be dry such as the environment and other underlying conditions. Sure, diabetes can cause havoc all over your body, but it’s not always the cause of everything that may be going wrong. Many times there are other causes. Sometimes your problems may be related, sometimes not. 

Diabetes can cause your skin, including the skin of your feet, to be dry when you have:
Higher than normal blood glucose levels pull fluids from your body, causing dry skin.
Diabetic neuropathy can cause you to sweat less which can be drying to your feet.
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) causes dry feet because it affects the arteries that “feed” your legs and feet. 

Other causes of dry skin and feet may be: 
Low humidity
Dry heat in winter months
Thyroid problems
Athlete’s foot
Certain skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema.
Side effects of certain medications

When your skin is dry, your skin is more apt to “crack” open or cause calluses. When your skin cracks, you lose the protection your skin provides from the environment. Calluses act like a foreign body, causing pressure, which can then cause a sore. Both situations increase your chance for infection. With diabetes, infections don’t heal as well, which increases your risk for amputation. These problems are preventable and treatable. 

What you can do for softer, supple skin: 
Keep your blood glucose and blood pressure in your target range.
See a podiatrist routinely and for anything that bothers you.
Use a humidifier in areas with low humidity and during the winter months.
Be a detective. Talk with your healthcare provider about other causes for dry skin, such as those listed above. Once you’ve detected what the problem is, together you can make up a plan to improve your skin.
Age healthfully. There’s nothing you can do to turn back the clock, but you can prevent complications and live a healthier life by managing your diabetes.
You can also keep your skin moist but applying your moisturizer while your skin is damp to “lock in the moisture.”

NOTE: The information is not intended to be a replacement or substitute for consultation with a qualified medical professional or for professional medical advice related to diabetes or another medical condition. Please contact your physician or medical professional with any questions and concerns about your medical condition." 

Speaking personally (and I am not diabetic) I always use a moisturiser, especially during the winter months when wind and rain can cause skin to be drier … I'm doing my best to age gracefully and healthfully! 
Do you use a moisturiser regularly? 

All the best Jan


  1. Thank you. I hadn't realised that my thyroid issues could impact on my skin.

  2. It does make a huge difference using moisturiser, I've been using it as long as I can remember and hubby has too of late. Being older we're amazed at how much the skin changes now!
    Cheers Jan 💐

  3. Hi Jan interesting post my friend and lots of information,thankyou xx

  4. My lower limbs tend to be dry and my upper limbs not so much.
    Coffee is on

  5. I have moisturizers all over the house, especially in the winter when skin is very dry! Thanks for the info.

  6. I don't use moisturizers routinely. I sometimes feel like I need to re-wash and don't like the feeling. I do use a lotion bar for my hands several times during the day, as knitting and crocheting tend to be very drying...the yarn pulls moisture from your hands. I recently started using a dry body brush (not my most recent post, but one back), and that has helped a little on my legs.........I think.

  7. I seldom am bothered by dry skin, except when I wash a lot of dishes in the winter. I do use lotion then. A couple things to do...if you hands are real dry...'slather' them real good with a good hand lotion, then wear rubber gloves and wash dishes in hot water. It works miracles.

    Another thing, Roger's fingers used to crack in the I had him rub blistex in the cracks. That really helps. I suppose chapstick would help too.

    And not to be gross, but if you have a cold and have had to blow your nose so many times it is getting sore, use your finger to rub blistex on your nose. I know that sounds crazy, but it really helps.

    And for dry hands, for me drys my hands out less to dry on a cloth towel, rather than with paper towels....

    Sorry this comment is so long.

  8. Oh yes, dry skin has plagued me all my life. I constantly use lotion, put nivea cream on my face (the heavy stuff) and vaseline on the tips of my fingers and nail beds before going to bed at night. I find that works for keeping "harsh winter weather and dry air in the house" finger splitting at bay.

    I do drink a lot of water and also take Vitamin E capsules. Someone told me that years ago, that if I took Vitamin E that it would help with dry skin. I find it does.

    Always use rubber gloves for dishwashing.

  9. Interesting, yes many issues associated with dry skin.

  10. ...there's nothing soft of supple about my hide.

  11. My mom uses diabetic lotion with good results. I am thinking about trying it myself. I have very dry skin in the winter time. I usually use lotion when I get out of the tub and at night.

  12. i do use a moisturizer regularly and my skin is still painfully dry. i have tried everything, even a prescription moisturizer, which helped a little but not more than anything else. i have learned to live with it!!

  13. Interesting post. My facial skin feels dry and nothing seems to help. Age?

  14. Healthy skin and feet are so important! Valerie

  15. I suffer with dry skin during the winter months. The cold air flares up my asthma, too. Thank's for all the advice. Interesting post.

  16. Gracias por la información, es muy interesante. Buena semana.

  17. I have extremely dry skin and drink lots of water. My skin and entire body has been in an uproar ever since I started menopause 10 years ago. I try to use the lotions/creams specifically for hormonal dry skin, but nothing really seems to work. Have a great one! Hugs!

  18. I get some cracks in the skin on my fingers and thumbs- three thus far this year- but it's related to the winter.

  19. Great post! My skin has been very dry this winter- but the air has been dry and I have not been using a humidifier. I have been using moisturizer- but I think a humidifier would be a great purchase. Thanks!

  20. in winters i suffer with dry skin since childhood
    thank you for informative read


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