Wednesday, 17 April 2019

It's a Beautiful World !

Like many children here in the UK our grand-children are on Easter Holiday Break from school, and they are certainly filling their days with lots of fun activities. A phone call the other day "Oh Grandma we had a great walk today, we went over the cliff tops, it was fun!" It certainly does look fun and so beautiful as can be seen from the photographs their Dad sent us.


"Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful World,
With the wonderful water round you curled,
And the wonderful grass upon your breast,
World, you are beautifully dressed."
read more here

I meant to ask them if they tucked into a sausage casserole when they got back home? After a walk on the cliff tops I think it would have gone down a treat, after all sausage casserole's can be so tasty!
This one is, minus the wine for the little-ones, you can see the recipe here

Are you planning on going for a walk soon? It doesn't have to be a cliff top one, around your local park can be nice! Take a little time to enjoy our beautiful world.

All the best Jan


  1. It is indeed a beautiful world.
    When I have finished domestic duties (washing, vaccuuming) I am going into the garden. Planning and planting for spring.

  2. It's been beautiful weather here in Indiana for a walk at lunch. The grass is green, the magnolias and eastern redbuds are in bloom, and the sun has been shining.

  3. Beautiful pictures. I'd love to visit one day. Norfolk was the home of my ancestors.

  4. ...It's a Beautiful World! You can say that again. Enjoy your Easter weekend.

  5. Stunning scenery! The poem is perfect with the photos. Nature always amazes me.

  6. Beautiful views.


  7. What a healthy way of living on their Easter break, spending time outdoors instead of video games.

  8. Beautiful....what a cool view. Have a great Easter and enjoy those grandbabes.

  9. Wow, gorgeous! It truly is a beautiful world.

  10. What lovely photos!! That area is just stunning and would be great for walking ( or just sitting and enjoying the view).

  11. Those cliffs are breath-taking.

  12. A beautiful way to enjoy Easter break! Lovely photos - such a nice place for a child to explore! Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter! x Karen

  13. BEAUTIFUL INDEED! These photos are spectacular! The kids here are on Easter vaca as well - but rest assured, they do not have the gorgeous scenery as your beloved grandchildren do where I live. Thank you so much for sharing these with us all here, Jan!

  14. Beautiful photos. I miss being at the sea here, but I do have the Rhine. Valerie

  15. A beautiful walk. It sounds like your grandchildren had a wonderful time. X

  16. Beautiful pictures and so nice your Grandchildren told you about it, too!
    Not a walk but I spent the arvo yesterday with my Nieces and Brother in the garden, soooo sunny and fun.

  17. It is one thing I really miss living in Bangkok, the heat and the pollution combined to make a nice walk, not the pleasure it is elsewhere in the world. Your photos show my sort of walk indeed Glad they got back ok having gone over the cliffs!
    Wren x

  18. Those photos are gorgeous. That would be a great way to spend some time on a break for me. Looks like the kids have nice weather on their down time from school and are enjoying it a lot. Happy Thursday. Hugs-Erika

  19. Wow, it is a beautiful place for a vacation. Lovely views and photos.
    Enjoy your day and weekend ahead. Happy Easter!

  20. How sweet of them to send you photos of their day. Just the sort of thing that should be shared to uplift the spirits. I think we all could use getting more good news like that. I love photos that show the rays of the sun shining down from heaven like that and even more when I see it in person. Happy Easter to you and yours.

  21. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    What a wonderful place to hike.

    I'd have to ride a long ways to find cliffs like that.

  22. What a beautiful place for walking. The places where land and water meet are so filled with loveliness.

  23. Absolutely beautiful. Beauty is all aroud us, you just have to go out and open your eyes. Have a wonderful Happy Easter weekend.

  24. It sure is a beautiful world...if you just look for it.

  25. I love the variety of the British coastline (here, it's all sand and, with the exception of preserved islands, is all built up. I'm glad they're enjoying their break.

  26. I walk regardless of the weather.With it getting nice it is hard not to be outside every day

  27. Those are absolutely beautiful pictures.

  28. Preciosos paisajes. Un beso.

  29. Oh yes, it is a wonderful world. I hope that we will spoil it.

  30. that looks like a lovely place for a walk

    I go for lots of walks, specially in our local woods and along the river

  31. Beautiful landscape photos and love to walk ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka ( A Creative Harbor)

  32. Beautiful photos - how fun for them - I love taking the grandkids out for hikes! What a beautiful place that would be to walk. The poem is nice - I read the whole thing and hadn't heard of it before.

  33. What a beautiful place to walk.
    My next walk will be tomorrow morning!! :)

  34. It looks like a wonderful walk. I wish I had taken it.

  35. i always enjoy hearing of families walking together and enjoying the outdoors, the pictures are beautiful. going to check out the sausage casserole!!!

  36. ItsI good to see that your grandkids are out in the fresh air. They will learn an awful lot more than staying indoors watching TV or clicking at those machines. Well done Mum and Dad.

  37. Such a lovely view. The sea air is always refreshing too!

  38. I just LOVE the silhouette of the cyclist. And sausage casserole sounds delicious any time!

  39. how sweet of your grand kids to share with you their adventures dear Jan!

    these images are breathtakingly beautiful !!!

    after such walk good eating is must i agree

  40. Such beautiful images and such a joy to have your grandchildren share with you.
    I wish you and yours a blessed EAster.


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