Monday, 29 April 2019

Wash Day Blues !

It's Monday Again, and I have those Wash Day Blues !

Can you believe Monday comes around again? Growing up in the 50's it was always the traditional wash day, and come rain or shine the washing would be done. My dear mum originally had a washer board and a hand-mangle (I think they were called) before the more modern washing machines were available. I can remember she would use a blue bag which was meant to bring out the whiteness of your tea towels, shirts, bed linen etc. - not sure if this were true, but she always used them.

I thought I'd share a poem, hope you enjoy it.

Wash Day Blues
We all get those wash days blues
Ironing clothes and washing shoes
I wish that I could iron quicker
Baggy shorts and blooming knickers

When you think you’re near the end
In comes your son and his best friend
He grabs the shirt that you just done
And just discard the other one

The hair on your neck begin to raise
And a few choice words were put in place
The door slams as he goes out
I’m sure he is off to sit and pout

I know the shirt must be worn some day
But at least wait till I put it away
Hours pass the ironing done
Sitting relaxing just for once

Peace and calm is all around
When I hear the door handles clicking sound
In comes my son and sits right down
Then he murmured a little sound

I love you mum you work so hard
Ironing clothes to brushing the yard
Never mind son I love you to
We will put it down to the wash day blues

Poem Above By Jim O'Donnell

Now, I do have the wash day blues because the laundry basket is full to over flowing - well almost - so I'd better get on with the Monday wash! LOL! Of course these days it is no hardship, in fact perhaps the ironing is more of a chore than the washing - what do you think?

One important point! I always reward myself with a cuppa! Can I make you one? Would you prefer tea or coffee … ah, yes, I also have some chocolate chip (low carb) cookie biscuits.

only 2 net carbs per cookie biscuit for this low carb version of chocolate chip cookies,
you may like to give this recipe a try, more details here 

All the best Jan


  1. Lucky us, nowadays we do the washing whenever it's needed.
    I agree, I don't mind washing or hanging out the washing but hate ironing.

  2. To get over the wash day blues put something red in the washing machine. The effect is spectacular. Although I am not very popular when I do it.

    God bless.

  3. My mom had one of those vintage ones you showed, the kind with the automatic tub but you had to run the clothes through the rollers to get rid of the water. I am glad we don't have to do that any more. Happy new week Jan. Hugs-Erika

  4. Coffee and cookies sound lovely!
    I used to have problem with laundry when we lived in an apartment and had to go a few blocks over to an all night laundromat.(the on site laundry room was extremely expensive)
    Now, it feels like a luxury:)
    Thank you for the recipe!

  5. I think we called your mangler a wringer. And yes, blueing added to the rinse water will make your whites look whiter. Since we have hard water I try not to buy white clothes as sometimes the iron from the water will stain whites and turn them orange. I don't save my laundry to do it in one go. I do a load of wash every day or every other. And ironing? I don't iron anymore. Most of the clothing I buy is permanent press. All I really use the iron for is to iron art papers. :-D Thanks for the cookie recipe.

  6. ...times sure have changed!

  7. Cute poem! I am very thankful that laundry is much easier to do these days. I even avoid buying fabrics that need ironing! It must have been quite a weekly chore back in the day.

  8. Washing is so much easier these days, and I can remember my grandma and great aunties scrubbing and rubbing and mangling - it was a hard day's work. Valerie

  9. Lucky me- I love Mondays. lol Seriously- I do! I finished all my laundry yesterday so it wouldn't be staring me in the face when I got home from work today. Hope you have a really great week! xo Diana

  10. Our lives have improved since washer board days yet we are busier! Interesting memories.

  11. I remember using one of those wringer washing machines. My grandma had one in her basement. Today we send ours out. We're up there in years and neither of us want to do it. And with the cost of machines in the laundromat, it doesn't cost that much more.

  12. Ha, yes, I remember my mother using a hand wringer on washdays when I was growing up in the sixties! She would always use it outside in the yard, to avoid splashing water into the kitchen floor!
    I have to admit that, in comparison, we have things so much easier nowadays!
    I tend to leave my washing and only do it once a week...I wouldn't have time to wash every day - well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!! Lol (Could be just laziness!!😉)
    Oh wow...yes please!! I could just go a coffee and cookie right now!!!😊😊

  13. I do as little ironing as possible, though when i do it i actually oddly enjoy it. Maybe exactly because I don't do it very often!

    A cup of green tea would be lovely, thanks!

  14. Loved the poem:)
    I've got my laundry done so I'll be right over for a cuppa and cookie:)
    Hope the weather is okay in your corner of the world.

  15. Ah, what a lovely poem. I think the washing does itself these days. I remember my mum stood over the twin tub when I was a child, she didn't know what to do with herself when she eventually got an automatic machine. Ironing, that's my bugbear!

  16. I remember the wringer washers and the blue stuff for the whites. My mom always washed on Mondays, so I did too, That is until we had an ice storm that took out the power for four days on a Sunday. Now, I do a load whenever I have one.

  17. Wash day blues..We have come a long way...I think that(mangler) was a wringer on the washer,,??Your cookies look good..I don't think I ever met a cookie that I didn't like..Have a wonderful week..

  18. I did washing today as well, Jan.
    And I always eat something tasty meanwhile the process goes on, as chocolate ice cream or pudding with jam. My washing machine isn't new one but it does the work well.

  19. Beautiful memories and experiences, I remember such a washing machine from child's years, I loved it :))
    Greetings :)

  20. My sister and I would use a wash board to scrub stains out of our baby cloths using Fels-Naptha soap, it worked wonders on baby formula stains. Now that was 40 years ago!
    I have always enjoyed ironing, I can remember ironing for my mom's lady friends when I was around 10. :-)
    I would get 25 cents a shirt, usually their husbands shirts. A great job for a youngster.

    A cup of tea sounds wonderful on this cool and rainy day.

    Have a great week~

  21. Jan, what a delightful post. Love the poem full of long ago memories. Thank you for your nice visit..Happy Monday..Judy

  22. Oh yes. We didn't have a washboard - but did have a copper. I don't (much) mind the washing now, but ironing is still a chore. And unlike my sister in law I refuse to iron sheets.

  23. I like that poem and the photos. I remember the wringer washer on the back porch and the clotheslines and ironing board.

  24. Washing and drying aren't a problem for me. I do find that I tend to procrastinate in terms of folding things up.

  25. My mother had one of those washing machines with the wringer. How times have changed.

  26. I would have to wash every day and not wait a couple of weeks to wash if I was using a washer like that!!!! :) ....I did laundry yesterday and it is still folded up on the table to be put away. Guessing I should get up from here and put it all away, cause we all know it is not going to put itself up.

  27. what a fun post ~ vintage items are fascinating ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  28. I did laundry today! :) Three loads and they smell so good line dried!!
    Enjoyed the poem.

  29. I like doing laundry. Hanging it up outdoors!

  30. I enjoyed the vintage photos and the poem. I have sweet memories of helping my mother on wash day hang the clothes on a line outside. Have a nice week.

  31. I get the laundry or wash day blues every weekend. I can't even imagine doing laundry without a washer and a dryer. I have a hard enough time getting it done and put away with modern conveniences. Loved the poem. :)

  32. Cute poem! The laundry never ends, does it? Yes, I'll take a cuppa coffee, please!

  33. I'll have a tea and a cookie, please :)

    Washing these days is so much easier. The machine does the whole job!

  34. We are so lucky not to have to do the wash the old way! Now, I must admit to not liking ironing. I tend to let the stack get tall before tackling that job. I'll have tea with that nice cookie, thank you. Have a happy week.

  35. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been. We are so lucky with all our gadgets.

  36. Yes Mondays are definitely wash days for me too. After a busy weekend the laundry baskets are overflowing and begging for attention. It's not fun but you're right it's not quite the chore it used to be. Ironing is worse. Too bad technology hasn't advanced any in the ironing department.
    xx Beca

  37. Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Jan :)
    And thanks for the cookies!!

  38. Those days are gone thank goodness.
    I wash whenever :)

  39. I remember those old washing machines; I am 30 indeed. Wash day was Sunday normally however nowadays you can do it whenever you want!

  40. Oh, aren´t we lucky these days, it´s so easy to do laundry and to be true... I can´t remember when I did some ironing as mostly I wear t-shirts and sweaters, as does hubby!
    I like the poem!

  41. I remember how I disliked ironing! Now I just avoid it.

  42. Oooohh, the memories! Thanks for the stroll down memory lane. I enjoyed the post and remembering my childhood. Also enjoyed the poem. Thanks again.

  43. Those big old mangles were a great toy for kids. My grandparents had a huge one in the outside wash house, plus a zinc bath and wash tub. Spent many a happy hour shoving things through the rollers - sometimes fingers.

  44. I like your poem! I remember those old days, though it was my mother and grandmother that used the rub boards to scrub the clothes. By the time I grew up there were laundromats - just load your clothes into the washer, put a quarter in the slot, and sit down and read a magazine while you waited!
    Have a wonderful week!

  45. I haven't seen them in awhile, but I remember seeing things like this at flea markets years and years ago, or television shows, and am glad technology has made it easier.(lol) I wash twice a week, because I get antsy having to deal with overflowing loads, so I know how you feel. That poem is cool! Hugs...RO

  46. Wash day blues, yes, now, we can do it every days, damn it.

  47. Hello, Hubby and I split our wash day duties. I rather not iron. Cute poem!

    Enjoy your day and week ahead.

  48. such a cute poem and i love the pictures!!! i don't do laundry on a specific day, just when it needs to be done. i am "allergic" to ironing!!!

  49. coffee and a cookie - thank you! My mom in the 50's had a wringer washer - i remember it! And of course hanging the laundry up outside in good weather and playing and running through the rows of sheets on the lines. what wonderful memories. I do my own laundry and my "cook does his and that's about it. It's easy and neither one of us has ironed in years - we don't 'even own one anymore. We just take things out right away from the dryer and hang them up. But...I have to say - we really don't dress up anymore so there isn't anything important to iron.

  50. I love the reward concept! I just finished some laundry (Tuesday, oh well!) and mighty glad to have it done~!

    Thanks for your visits over to my place and your lovely comments that make me smile!

  51. Monday was always "wash day" when I was a kid, too. We didn't have a washing machine. A copper over a wood fire in the back yard...and three concrete wash tubs in the laundry shed. Blue bags and starch were orders of the day - and it was hand-washing all the way! :)

  52. Yo no tengo días especiales para lavar la ropa. Mi madre tenía lo mismo. Besitos.

  53. Well that sure brings back memories for me. I had to use a washboard to scrub my family's clothes in the bathtub in the 70's. Feeling sorry for me and the fact that I got terrible wrist tendinitis, my Father gave me an old wringer washing machine. It was so decrepit that it leaked oil on the kitchen floor and we didn't have it long. Hanging the clothes on the line was torture for me because I have vertigo and we lived on the 3rd floor and the porch had quite a tilt to it so it felt like I was going to go over the railing when I reached for the clothesline. Yikes! I sure have come a long way. All that was when I was with my first husband. My second husband made sure I never have to do laundry like that again. Did I say memories, that was more like a nightmare.


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