Friday, 10 May 2019

Should You Restrict Sodium (Salt) Intake !

Sodium is an essential mineral for the human body. The most common form of sodium is table salt (sodium chloride)...

I'm sharing an article from Dr Steve Parker's (M.D.) blog 

"Should You Restrict Sodium Intake
U.S public health authorities recommend maximum daily sodium consumption of 2.3 grams a day, in order to prevent cardiovascular disease. But a 2018 multi-country study published in Lancet supports a much different and higher maximum sodium intake level: 

Sodium intake was associated with cardiovascular disease and strokes only in communities where mean intake was greater than 5 g/day. A strategy of sodium reduction in these communities and countries but not in others might be appropriate. 

The researchers also found, “All major cardiovascular outcomes decreased with increasing potassium intake in all countries.” 

You’ll find several cold-water fatty fish there. 
Dr. Parker's 'Low-Carb Mediterranean Diet' book recommends the fish but you’ll find no sodium restriction advice.

Source: Urinary sodium excretion, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and mortality: a community-level prospective epidemiological cohort study – The Lancet

Words and picture above taken from article here

All the best Jan


  1. Doc. say I should!

  2. Anecdotal I know but back in the day when I followed the anti sodium brigade who warned of us a one way ticket to high blood pressure and other nasties,my experience was the most nastiest leg cramps I had ever known and after some reading-I re-introduced salt back into my diet without measuring but just seasoning to taste and my cramps in a short time,went away...Anecdotal I know BUT restricting sodium was a very negative thing for me and now I don't count my intake in grams etc I'm doing fine,no more cramps and optimal BP readings for a middle aged man like myself...Also for those new to a low carb or ketogenic diet-Don't avoid salt as whilst your body is adapting from being a 'Sugar Burner' to a 'Fat Burner',your body will excrete sodium to start with and that can contribute to what some folks describe as 'Carb Flu'...Of course it's not flu but can feel that way and make you want to go back to upping the carbs but hang on in there,Keep hydrated and keep up the sodium intake and don't fear salt is what worked for me anyway but this is not medical advice and just how I found the lay of the land for me back in the day.


  3. But is salt actually bad for you? Some say yes, others say no. Perhaps our health conditions should be part of the question to? Some say that although a high salt intake is linked to several conditions, a diet too low in salt can also come with negative side effects.
    Several studies have shown that reduced-salt diets could be linked to increased levels of blood cholesterol and blood triglycerides. What is a person to do? Read and research on the internet and talk to your medic.

  4. I suspect anyone who eats a lot of processed food gets way over the recommended salt intake.

  5. there we are with fish again, I can't stand the smell or taste of fish, I have tried to keep my salt intake down by just not adding any at the table and that seems to work good

  6. I'm one with high blood pressure and I haven't uses a salt shaker in years.
    Coffee is on

  7. I think you can - and should - have anything, if in small doses.
    I can´t recall the name of the fairy tale, but the King asked his three daughters to what they compare him.
    One said gold, the next a rich life and the third: "I love you like the salt.".
    He banned her and in return salt vanished.
    Food was tasteless, people got sick due to the missing minerals and in the end the King understood that salt is (one of) the most valuable things on Earth.
    Oh, a Prince was involved, too, but I reckon that´s no surprise :-) As the happy ending.

  8. Very interesting article, thanks. Valerie

  9. My problem is that I don't like the taste of salt. I do put a little in when cooking certain veg but never add more when eating. Hopefully I'm getting enough through my food choices.

  10. When I worked in industry, the shop floor was not air conditioned and with all the machines running, the heat could sometimes tip 45C. The workers were given salt tablets for the heat. I suspect it had something to do with encouraging water intake, but I have never worried about my sodium intake because I don't salt my food after it's prepared.

    Thanks for sharing this study.

  11. My husband had to take potassium supplements after being told to lower salt intake for blood pressure reasons, lowering salt for him lowered his potassium levels to dangerous levels it was a disaster for him, so now he just eats normal amounts of salt and no longer needs supplements,

  12. Interesting.
    My cousins take salt tablets daily due to their lack of salt. They both became rather ill years ago due to not have enough salt in their body.
    They live in Australia where it’s hot in summer..

  13. Hello,

    Thanks for sharing the info. My hubby has to watch his sodium intake. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!

  14. Salt is in so many foods. It must be difficult to monitor when necessary.

  15. Even though I stopped eating processed foods anymore, I still stay away from salt as much as possible as it retains your water and aids in gaining unnecessary weight which can cause a whole bunch of other bad health issues! I am of the personal belief that, as is with many other things in life that should be lived/taken in moderation, it should be curbed.

  16. Interesting about the salt. Thanks for the potassium link.

  17. Very informative ~ thanks!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. After I had a stroke, I was told not to stay away salt, what should you do?


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