Saturday 25 May 2019

Sting - Fields Of Gold

Saturday and music night on this blog. Although Jan and myself keep up with world news and politics etc. we compartmentalise most of it. We live in a bubble of our own making, this only took over a hundred years of combined work between us to achieve. We have never been poor, nor ever been well off financially, but we have all we need. There is a big difference between having what we want and being happy with having what we need. We feel blessed to be able to walk along our local beach, or wander through the New Forest. Chuck in some good food, a glass or two of wine with dinner, what more do we need. We both love music and have just about most of Sting's work, we love this track. 

Have a great weekend folks, and peace to all. Eddie


  1. One of my favorite Sting songs.

  2. I think we all, everywhere, are sick of politics. It's pushed down our throats every moment of the day and night...I, personally, prefer to keep it away from my's nice to have an escape...somewhere! :)

  3. I really enjoyed this video. I like Sting very much. Here in America on a show called THE VOICE, the winner, Maelyn Jarmon, sung this song. I wish you all a great weekend.

  4. He has such an emotion filled (and beautiful) voice.

  5. One of my very favorite musicians. I've always loved his work, but havn't heard this one for years. So glad you brought back the memories.

  6. ...a good one for this time of year!

  7. He's both good looking and a good singer! I've greatly enjoyed his performance in this video.

  8. Love your thoughts on needs vs wants. So true! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me a kind comment. Hope to see you again. Have a good weekend! John

  9. This is a great tune. Sting is an amazing writer.

  10. I've always liked this song. Thank you for sharing this.

  11. Love that song. Thanks for sharing it.

  12. I always enjoyed this song! Thank you for sharing it!

  13. It's the first time I listened it. Thanks...

  14. Gracias por este consejo. Sin duda intentaré hacerla.
    Un abrazo.

  15. What a fab post, this just about covers Neil and myself too, we are very lucky. I love this song too but it always makes me sad so I don't listen to it too often. Have a very happy week both of you xx

  16. Your words are lovely, the perfect recipe for a contented life.
    Thanks for the song, I didn't think I knew much of Sting's music but I knew this one and enjoyed hearing it again.

  17. I love Sting...since i was young ..💕💕

  18. Possibly one of my favorite songs of all time.


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