Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Lovely weather for ducks !

Where has the sunshine gone? In many areas of the UK people have been experiencing a lot of rain and indeed in the County of Lincolnshire, Eastern England it has caused chaos with hospitals flooding, roads closing and schools calling it a day! My thoughts are with all those who have been affected ...

In Southern England, although raining Eddie and I thought we'd 'brave the weather' and enjoy a walk around a local town ... after all we could easily pop into a tea or coffee shop for a warm break couldn't we! So with walking shoes and waterproofs on off we went. In fact we enjoyed a nice walk and some friendly hello's with people we met en route. What struck me was the number of people who said 'it's lovely weather for ducks' which made me think where did this saying originate ... and I wonder if ducks do like rain? 

these two didn't seem to mind it - image from here

and I'm really not sure where this friendly looking duck came from - image from here

Apparently the expression, lovely weather for ducks, (or one similar), has been in use from the first half of the 19th century. Given its humorous usage it may just be derived from a common reference to the common sight of ducks at ease in the rain... but there could be another explanation, if you should know of one do please share your thoughts in the comments.

I wonder, what's the weather been doing where you live? 
Would you be like us enjoying a warming cuppa or would it be a cooling lemonade?

All the best Jan 


  1. Fasting for a medical test at the moment. A cuppa would be very welcome.
    As would rain.

  2. I don't think the phrase is used here. It is warm and dry at present.

  3. I hope the ducks do like the rain. :) I would feel terrible for them if they don't!

  4. We seem to be having the same weather here!!

  5. It's here! It booked a Qantas flight! A glorious, sunny morning surrounds as I type! :)

  6. The weather has been up and down here....a day or two of lovely and a whole lot of rain and wind in between. I think even the ducks didn't like it lol.

  7. ...it's been GREAT here, lots of sun and not too hot. Just right.

  8. That is a cute saying. I have not heard it here but now I want to use it in conversation! We are experiencing hot and sunny this week in SE United States.

  9. I've wondered if any wild animals think about the rain or just deal with it. I have had dogs who do not like it and won't go outside, so maybe there are wild animals who don't like it.

  10. This week is duck weather here in AL, too.

  11. We've had a lot of rain but this week is looking sunny and warm, so a cold drink here!

  12. Our weather has been erratic. We went through a rainy, cool period and now we're warm and sunny. Who knows what tomorrow brings :) But I'll enjoy as much sun and warmth as I can possibly get!

  13. It's been very mixed here but it now looks likes we'll be getting a few sunny days. I feel for those caught up in the floods. X

  14. Lovely weather for ducks - ducks like the wet it appears, so agree with you.
    Nice out walking in the rain.
    Had rain yesterday on and off plus evening time too - today it's lovely and sunny at 11 deg C and I've just made soup for lunch. Vegetable with leeks.

  15. Here it's very hot and humid, no rain this week. Valerie

  16. Oh, I loooove rain! No idea about the saying, though. Ducks only dive shortly, so washing the oil away, hence not being good for them sounds logical.
    Sunny and hot here at the moment. I wonder what kind of summer this year will bring...

  17. We had a flash rain storm yesterday which made the air very humid. However, this is Hawaii and within the hour, you wouldn't know we had such a powerful rainstorm.

  18. Rain and cooler temperatures here so tea is on the menu.

  19. It's raining again here today, and I was so looking forward to a lovely summer again like we had last year.

  20. It's so damn hot here . I wish for some rain . A nice post

  21. It’s cold wet and miserable here. But we are in the middle of winter. So I really shouldn’t complain

  22. In here it is cloudy,byt very hot☺

  23. A cuppa please, and a yellow rain slicker. We're wet, dark, soggy and expecting more. June is typically a pretty sunny month, but comfortable, not hot. This year it's been miserably wet with flooding in lots of places. I read ducks don't like rain, it's not good for them as it washes away the oil in their feathers that allows them to float.......but I did not read anything more substantial about how or why the phrase began. One person said it's a hunting phrase, that due to rain ...the sound of it could allow hunters to approach and shoot a duck without it hearing them. Good weather for duck hunting he says. Meanwhile, my grass desperately needs to be mowed, but is far too wet to do so. The rain continues to make it grow even more. Argh

  24. i think people are right about ducks ,they love rain

    i have in my thoughts who are being affected with flood dear Jan!

    you did great by taking advantage of lovely weather and wandering around

    weather is really Hot hear and we are trying to cool it down with lemon cold drinks
    winds and clouds are visiting sometimes though

  25. We're having our own rain, here in sunny Florida

  26. Sorry about all the flooding. We've been having a bit of rain and cold weather but we're in the middle of winter, so it's expected.
    Hope the weather clears up and the sun shines again.

  27. beautiful!!
    We are currently at 91 degrees but it's early and the forecast shows 103 for our high today.
    Definitely need a lemonade!

  28. We have ducks at two of the local parks. They are quite cute. It's been really warm here recently.

  29. Hope it dries up soon! We need a lot of rain over here - it's so dry.

  30. The ducks don't seem to mind at all!!! Lovely photo! We are having rain here too, sigh...cold and rainy but I'm hearing whispers of sunshine in the forecast! One can only hope!!! :)

  31. Fingers crossed for you Jan and Eddie. Up here, the sun has been out. We even ate out in the garden on three consecutive evenings. Takes a heavy toll on the wine rack though.

  32. I think adult ducks like the rain but ducklings don't as their feathers aren't waterproof and they can get chilled if they get too wet

  33. I didn't realize you are experiencing that also, we have had a lot of flooding troubles in our area, taking out whole towns, Especially along the Mississippi River. I hope things let up for you very soon!


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