Monday, 3 June 2019

Trump has landed.



  1. Would you like to keep him? Smile.

  2. Pity he hasn't landed on Mars. Valerie

  3. I've got to watch this. Had forgotten about it. His ego will explode.

  4. Enjoy our orangutan. I would love to hear the queen's remarks behind closed doors.

  5. Someone photoshopped the Queen with golf clubs. Someone has a good sense of humour :) Enjoy.

  6. Praying for our world.. we need quality leaders and peace.
    xx oo

  7. Please ~ keep him there!
    Maybe on one of the uninhabited Orkney Isles?
    And I'm with Miss Val about what the Queen says about him behind closed doors!

  8. The idiot makes trouble wherever he goes. His uncouth mouth is going to get us (in the states) in a war, I fear. I LOVE the image, though. It's a clever take on the your Queen carrying golf clubs. I just hope he doesn't step in front of her this visit, like he did last time he was with HRH.

  9. He is the worst human being alive today. That inevitable massive fatal heart attack can't come soon enough.

  10. I wish he would stay there...Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  11. So sorry about that!
    But don't least you don't have to keep him!

  12. OMG!! 🤔😳🙃🙃🙃

  13. I feel sorry for people with so little class or dignity that they would say such vile things about President Trump and the beautiful first lady. You don't have to agree with them politically but for goodness sake try to have some human dignity. Get over it- he won!

  14. Human dignity, respect for others went out of date a long time a go. This is not aiding living together in perfect harmony. Where did those words come from? Was it a Paul McCartney song?
    British politics, the EU political system - if it has one - needs an overhaul. Bring on the Brexit party.
    I hope Trump does get to meet Farage.
    I for one am pleased to see Trump and his beautiful wife here.

  15. Off with his head.

    Please try to keep him there. What you do with him, up to you.

    Meanwhile, I apologize for all the rude, stupid, offensive things he has said and will say. We're not all like that. In fact, most all of us aren't.

  16. Trump has landed and he's going to visit his younger brother, Boris Johnson. Hopefully, Trump will take Johnson back home to the States...


  17. Hope he brought his raincoat for the milkshake-throwing nutters.

  18. I COMPLETELY AGREE with both Sue and Ted! The rest of my so-called fellow Americans who have commented here should be ashamed of themselves ... seriously. I am embarrassed for them all!

  19. The man is an embarrassment for the majority of the American people even for the decent Americans who voted for him. He won. Yes he did. Thanks to Putin as the investigation concluded. Why doesn't he release his taxes? He has something to hide. Why does he have to insult people in terms of their intelect - of which he himself is lacking - or physical appearance? He is petty, abnoxious, offensive, a pathological liar. I don't wish him ill, I don't. I just think the office of the White House deserves a person with integrity, honesty, who has the American people's best interest at heart. Does he? Really? Or is he benefiting the rich?

  20. Sad to read some of these comments....He may not be my favorite President --but he's trying to keep our country from becoming a country run by Socialists --with the Govt. in charge of all of us... We'll end up like Greece and other countries.... SAD.



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