Tuesday 9 July 2019

Great British Pea Week 2019 !

Did you know that it's Great British Pea Week, it runs from the 8th to 14th July 2019, and is an annual celebration of peas!
It aims to increase awareness and understanding of the provenance and heritage of peas, giving British consumers a reason to celebrate the little green nutritional wonders during harvesting time. 

The great British Summer is upon us, and here at Yes Peas HQ our pea farmers are kicking off their harvest beginning in June and lasting six weeks of intense work! The harvest, which takes place along the East Coast of the country, will result in enough peas to feed the entire country for a whole year – that’s an un-pea-lievable amount of peas! Most of these peas go from field to frozen in just 150 minutes, locking in all those nutrients.

Ten things you never knew about... peas

1. A pea was originally called a pease in English. The word pea was first seen in the 1660s.

2. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first known reference to mushy peas was in 1968.

3. The ancient Romans grew at least 37 varieties of peas.

4. The average person in Britain consumes nearly 9,000 peas a year.

5. Botanically speaking, peas in a pod are fruit not vegetables.

6. Shakespeare mentions pease in two of his plays: Midsummer Night’s Dream and Henry IV, Part 1.

7. The official world record for pea-eating is held by Eric “Badlands” Booker at 9.5 one-pound bowls of peas in 12 minutes. 

8. The record for most peas eaten with chopsticks one at a time in an hour is 7,175, set by Janet Harris of Sussex in 1984. 

9. “Being pretty on the inside means you don’t hit your brother and you eat all your peas. That’s what my grandma taught me.” (4th Earl of Chesterfield, 1694-1773). 

10. The first TV commercial in colour in the UK was for Birds Eye Frozen Peas in 1969.

Peas, are just so green, how do you eat yours ? 
You can see two of my favourite recipes here 

As regular readers know, this blog brings a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes! However, not all the recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

This blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. Our main focus is about the Low Carb Higher (Healthy) Fat lifestyle, LCHF for short, which you can read/find out more about here

As always thanks for reading, and if you have left a comment, thank-you. Please come back and visit again soon.

All the best Jan


  1. ...fresh peas have been available here for a while.

  2. I didn't know you guys had a pea week. How fun! What a great history this veggie favorite has. Peas are so delicious by themselves with a little salt and pepper.

  3. Oh I do love peas and haven't had any for awhile. I guess it is time. This post is full of fun info!

  4. I add them to casseroles, to frittata, but when they are in season they are delicious on their own.

  5. Haha....I can't even STAB a piece of meat with chopsticks! Eating a pea with them would be funny for the folks eating with me. Interesting facts about peas. I love frozen peas but not so crazy about the ones out of a can. I even fed them to my dogs! Thanks for the info.

  6. Well, I am out. When I was eight, I finally decided I could eat no more peas that I had been eating because my mother put them on my plate. I never ate another pea, picking them out of everything. When I was about 65, I was told by allergist that I am allergic to peas. NOW, I must avoid all foods with pea protein. We call these "English Peas" in the South of US. I can eat all other peas without a reaction.

  7. i don't like peas but I like pea soup! Interesting history on the pea.

  8. Fancy eating that many peas in one go....lol
    Love peas and the facts and very interesting..ones in a pod, are fruit!

  9. LOVED the history lesson, Jan, but I'm still waiting for someone to explain the relevance, purpose of, and obsession with mushy peas to me.

  10. This is a lot if interesting information about peas. I learned a lot from this. We call them English Peas here in my part of the world. I like them, but don't eat them often. My favorite way to have them is in a salad.

    Peas, chopped boiled eggs, chopped onion, shredded cheese, mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt and black pepper (to taste). Optional: mustard. Mix it all together. Oooooo, sooo yummmy!!

    Thanks for sharing your recipes. I might give them a try.

    Wishing you all the best!

  11. Peas are lovely. My daughter used to hate them as a kid! Have a fun day, Valerie

  12. happy peas week dear Jan :)

    my very favorite vegetable okay fruit because i eat it raw more than cooked lol

    my kids complain that i cook peas more than anything in season ,yes we get then here in winters only :(


  13. I love peas but I'm the only one in the family who eats them.

  14. I didn't know we had a National Pea week, the joy of blogging you learn something new every day.

  15. Who would have known we celebrate the pea. Lots of info in your post that I didn't know.

  16. I love to add green frozen peas to cooking soup. The taste is great.

  17. I love peas. Hubby won't eat them, but I eat a lot of veggies. Make mine with a bit of cumin and red pepper flakes. Awesome.

  18. Well, guess I have to add peas to my meal tomorrow! I still have frozen ones! (And beans...)

  19. Peas are delicious! I used to give my toddlers a container of frozen peas as a snack and they loved them. Good dexterity practice, too!

  20. Interesting facts about peas,I must share this with my husband as he loves peas, but NOT from a can! Ha! :-)
    I love peas in a crisp tossed salad along with sunflower seeds, great combo.

    Enjoyed my visit here with you today~

  21. Some fascinating facts here! I did enjoy this.xxx

  22. I love peas ...we eat them often...have a Nice week love Ria 💚🍀

  23. All we are saying is give peas a chance.....

  24. Peas are often eaten here, not only the green peas but southern peas as well; purple hull for example.

    Thanks for sharing this!

  25. I love peas! This article is great! Thanks Jan!
    My mom's favourite is peas on toast. She makes the peas, in like a cream gravy? But, it's not a cream, like a thick creamy broth, it's really good, I love it too! Big Hugs!


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