Saturday, 7 September 2019

'Strictly Come Dancing' : Argentine Tango : Saturday Night Music

Saturday night again and music night on this blog. Here in the UK the popular 'Strictly Come Dancing' series has started … I think it's called 'Dancing With The Stars' in other countries? So with a dance theme in mind I'm sharing this video of Carlos Gavito and his partner Marcela Duran dancing the Argentine Tango. Yes, definitely a taste of 'Strictly Come Dancing'. Hope you enjoy the video.
All the best Jan


  1. ...they sure have the moves.

  2. Great dancers!
    Thanks for video and happy weekend!

  3. Thank you for sharing this video of Carlos Gavito and his partner Marcela Duran dancing the Argentine Tango. I had never heard of him before learning about it here. Thanks again.

    Wishing you a wonderful Saturday Night!

  4. Carlos Gavito is middle-aged here, but what a dancer! He was not only a great tango dancer but also a tango coreographer (Sadly, he's no longer with us). He was for a minimalist approach in the tango moves. and had many followers.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. My, she is a sensuous dancer!

  6. It was beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  7. WOW, such fabulous dancers...I really enjoyed!
    Oh thank you so much for sharing...😊😊

    Hope you are having a great weekend!

    Hugs xxx

  8. The tango is quite a sight to see done well.

  9. Precioso!!A mi padre le gustaban mucho los tangos. Crecí escuchando a Gardel en un pequeño picú..
    Un abrazo.

  10. Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...
    Fantástico o video, aproveito para desejar um bom Domingo

    Google translate
    Fantastic video, I enjoy and wish you a good Sunday

    Laura. M said...
    Precioso!!A mi padre le gustaban mucho los tangos. Crecí escuchando a Gardel en un pequeño picú..
    Un abrazo

    Google translate
    Beautiful!! My father really liked tangos. I grew up listening to *Gardel in a little pike.
    A hug.

    More about *Carlos Gardel can be seen here


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