Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Happy October ... but did you know !

Well the tenth month of the year is here, O is for October, and I wish everyone a happy month. Out and about the shops seem full of Autumnal gifts, some Halloween goodies and lots of ideas for Christmas! To celebrate the start of the month I thought I'd share a few fun facts and this adorable photograph of owls! Well October starts with an 'O' and so does Owls ... ! 

owls having a snooze - from article here

Now onto some facts! 
1. The Anglo-Saxons called October Winterfylleth, meaning the ‘fullness’ of winter. 

2. The Welsh for October is Hydref (originally Hyddfref), a word signifying the lowing of cattle. 

3. The ‘October Revolution’ in Russia in 1917 took place in November, but at the time Russians had not yet changed from the Julian calendar. 

4. The Hunt For Red October, with Sean Connery, is the only film with ‘October’ in its title ever to win an Oscar (for best sound editing). 

5. More US presidents have been born in October than in any other month. 

6. October in the UK is the Awareness Month for Lupus, breast cancer, national cyber security and domestic violence. 

7. It is also National Cholesterol Month, Black History Month, International Walk to School Month and International School Library Month. 

8. In the US, October is National Pizza Month, Popcorn Month, Pork Month and Sausage Month.

have you tried this low carb pizza for one
more details here

9. October is not mentioned in any Shakespeare play or sonnet. 

10. “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers,” (Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne Of Green Gables). 

11. Another fun fact about October is that, according to folklore, if the deer have a grey coat in this month you should expect a hard winter.

12. Octobers birthstones are the Opal and tourmaline.

13. Octobers birth flower is the Calendula, symbolizing comfort, healing, protection and grace.

14. October ends on the same day of the week as February every year (but does it on leap years?).

15. The holiday of Halloween, celebrated 31st October, comes from “All Hallows’ Eve” or the night before “All Hallows” day (“All Saints” day) as in old English “hallow” means “to sanctify”.

16. The zodiac signs for October are Libra (September 23 – October 22) and Scorpio (October 23 – November 21).

who can resist a pumpkin … image from here

Facts taken from here here and here

There are so many other interesting things about October, I've only included 16 … you may know of some others! 

Readers, we bring a variety of articles, studies etc. plus recent news/views and recipe ideas to this blog, we hope something for everyone to read and enjoy. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. 

All the best Jan


  1. ...I'll just think of October as a colorful month!

  2. Those for were facts. I wish the stores wouldn't put out all the Christmas stuff so early so we can enjoy the holidays as they come. It feels like Thanksgivoween. πŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ¦ƒπŸŽ„

  3. Lovely post. I enjoyed the facts and the beautiful images. Happy October.


  4. I know so much more about October now.

    Especially, that it's actually October now.

  5. WOW, many thanks for this brilliant info on the month of October...I found it really interesting!😊😊
    It certainly feels autumnal now, doesn't it?!

    Have a super day!

    Hugs xxx

  6. What a fun and interesting post! I love learning about new things. The pizza recipe looks delicious! HAPPY OCTOBER!

  7. Autumn is a wonderful and colourful month! Valerie

  8. Oh yay!!!! You know I love all sorts of trivia, and I've learned quite a bit today! Very fun and I thank you so much! RO

  9. Pizza month, great! Those owls look supercute☺

  10. Happy October...Hope you don't mind me taking it...Pagan will be celebrating Samhain.
    Coffee is on

  11. Fun facts about October - my favourite month because I was born at the end of it! And we have Canadian Thanksgiving, which is a homely and quiet celebration, very unlike the US version.

  12. The low carb diabetic and http://bit.ly/LivingWithT2 have literally saved my life. Learning to not only live, but improve my quality of life is something that I will be eternally grateful for.

  13. Those baby owls! I actually got to see a baby owl in the grass a few years ago when I went outside at night hearing some noise. And there he was under a huge tree. So precious but we quickly went back inside hoping the parent we heard overhead would come down and shoo him somewhere safe. The next morning he was gone so I hope he had learned to fly quickly.

    I love the Anne of Green Gables quote. It always stirs something in my heart!

  14. All this and my birthday too :-D xx

  15. You had me at owls. Beautiful, beautiful birds. And a big thank you for the October facts.

  16. I read every word and loved every word. Winterfylleth. That's really quite beautiful! (Like your owl photo!)Lots of fun bits here to make the month even more delightful.

  17. It's been awhile since I last watched Hunt For Red October.

  18. Thanks for the October facts.
    And Happy October to you.

  19. Great post...lots of info about Oct. I am so glad that we finally made it to Oct just wishing the temps would show that. Wishing Mother Nature would play along.

  20. Lots of fun facts, Jan. And that baby owls pic...so sweet.

  21. These were fun to read....

  22. Jan - I have always liked October, partly since our daughter was born in the month, and partly due to Halloween. And now I have a new reason - it's popcorn month and I am nuts about popcorn!

  23. wow great facts about October - i enjoyed reading them This is probably my favorite of all months but then November brings beautiful fall colors too and even into December down the mountain.

  24. October is breast cancer awareness month in the states, too. For some reason, I thought it was international.

    I learned a lot about October, including more U.S. presidents being born in this month.

    My grandmother was born on October 1, and I bought her an opal ring right after I graduated from high school. She wore it to the day she died.

  25. Fun facts. I always enjoy these type of posts, always something new to learn.

  26. Interesting October facts and love the picture with the owls.

  27. And here, October means only one more month until it cools down (we all hope)!

  28. this was wonderful!!! the pictures, all of them, are so lovely...BUT those owls, how amazing!!!

  29. Wonderful facts Jan. Loved the owl photo too.xxx

  30. What a fun post Jan! Thank you! Big Hugs!

  31. Welcome october...happy fall.....love That season the Colors the food....love Ria πŸ§‘πŸπŸŒ»πŸ‚πŸ„πŸŒ½πŸŒΎπŸ§‘

  32. Fascinating post. Most of my family was born in October, not me, so they enjoyed hearing this! Happy new month. Hugs-Erika

  33. wow so many interesting facts about the fall month Jan :)


  34. A very happy and warm October to you too!


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