Wednesday, 23 October 2019

High-Cholesterol Foods That Are Super Healthy !

Franziska Spritzler RD CDE writes:
"For years, you've been told that high-cholesterol foods increase the risk of heart disease. However, many recent studies have shown that this isn't necessarily true. Most of the cholesterol in your blood is produced by your liver. When you eat foods high in cholesterol, your liver produces less. For this reason, cholesterol in the diet has only minor effects on blood cholesterol levels in most people. Studies also suggest that eating dietary cholesterol has no link to heart attacks or strokes. What's more, many foods high in cholesterol are among the healthiest and most nutritious foods. 

Here are seven high-cholesterol foods that are super healthy:
Cheese is a tasty, filling food that may improve heart health and promote the loss of body fat.
Whole eggs are loaded with nutrients. Almost all of the nutrients are found in the yolks, which also happen to be high in cholesterol.
Liver is packed with vitamin A, vitamin B12, protein, and iron. It is also extremely high in choline, which most people don't get enough of.
Shellfish are high in protein and rich in several nutrients, including selenium and iodine, that reduce disease risk.
Cod Liver Oil
Cod liver oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D. It may protect against heart disease.
Other Organ Meats
Organ meat, such as kidney and heart meat, is rich in many vitamins and minerals. Heart meat is also high in beneficial CoQ10.
Sardines are rich in several nutrients. They are very high in omega-3s, which improve heart and brain health while fighting depression.

The bottom line
Dietary cholesterol has only minimal effects on blood cholesterol in most people. More importantly, it has no strong links to the risk of heart disease.

The truth is that most of the foods that are high in cholesterol are also healthy and nutritious."

The above words are just a snippet from Franziska's original article, which can be seen in full with all information and research links here 

Do you enjoy any, or all, of the foods listed above? 

In our house we include all seven within our menu plans, and always start our day with an egg! There are so many ways you can cook them, I might just make a caprese omelette for breakfast tomorrow!

 Caprese Omelette : Low Carb
more details here

Dear reader, a variety of articles, and recipe ideas, are within this blog, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. 

All the best Jan


  1. I dislike organ meats intensely, but am very fond of eggs and cheese. Science is always coming up with something new or disproving something old. It's hard to keep track. Eating a balanced diet is best, I think. All things in moderation.

  2. Just a caveat on my previous comment - of course, if one has a health condition that requires a special diet, the "all things in moderation" doesn't apply.

  3. I like and eat all these foods, but I will only eat organic liver.

  4. Eggs and cheese. That will do me. Especially a feta cheese omelette.
    By the way, jays can be blue or pinky grey, depending where you live. Blue cheese looks different to Red Leicester.

  5. These are all great foods. Valerie

  6. I don't like liver, organ meats or cod liver oil.

  7. Interesting. Even while I was still a meat eater I belonged to the offal is awful camp. I do like milk and cheese though.

  8. Cod liver oil and organ meats are out. But the rest are great.

  9. Tengo alto el colesterol desde la menopausia. Como sano, no me gustan los dulces ni las grasa y camino bastenta, aún así tomo la mímina medicación.
    Gracias por la recomendación
    Un abrazo.

  10. Laura. M said...
    Tengo alto el colesterol desde la menopausia. Como sano, no me gustan los dulces ni las grasa y camino bastenta, aún así tomo la mímina medicación.
    Gracias por la recomendación
    Un abrazo

    Translation by google
    I've had high cholesterol since menopause. As a healthy, I don't like sweets or fat and sticky path, I still take the mine medication.
    Thank you for the recommendation
    A hug.

  11. ...and I love cheese and eggs!

  12. You mention sardines above, a "go to" product for me, but I read recently that we should exercise caution in eating them since they are absorbing so much plastic now found throughout the oceans. If we can find a way to screw up our food supply we will. As for eggs, a standard part of a lunch for us when we do a full day of birding is a hard boiled egg. Cheese I could eat forever! And you are right, several studies have indicated that dietary cholesterol does not automatically convert to body cholesterol. Now how long will it be before they disprove that and revert to the old beliefs, or something new entirely?

  13. I'll go for the cheese and pass on the seafood.

  14. I used to love sardines when I was a kid...don't even want to try them now. But maybe I should.

  15. oh my goodness yes, what would we do without eggs and cheese!
    If sardines didn't smell so strong I'd eat more of them (sorry sardies) ;D)

  16. I love shellfish. This is a relief.

  17. I eat eggs now and then, but rarely milk as I am allergic to milk.

  18. I love eggs, cheese, liver and shellfish. I used to eat sardines as a child, I remember my grandma often giving me them for my dinner but it's years since I've eaten them and the thought of them turns my stomach now, I don't know why.

  19. That Caprese Omelet is really unique and looks so yummy! So glad cheese is on that list(lol) Love it so much! Hugs, RO

  20. I don't eat a huge number of eggs but i do like them occasionally and always like cheese

  21. Good info! And that Caprese Omelette looks so delicious.

  22. now that's breakfast, that omelet is divine!!!

  23. Looks yummy and informative article ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  24. Good to know..I am a "everything in moderation" person although I probably eat cheese every day..

  25. Almost don't know what to eat anymore. I just listen to my body...

  26. I am so glad I can eat eggs again and not feel I am being bad, that is my favorite!

  27. I think I could live for quite a while on just cheese and eggs, 'specially if you can throw some tomatoes in too.

  28. That's interesting about the dietary cholesterol v. blood cholesterol. I didn't realize that. And yes, I love ALL those foods!

  29. Isn't it funny how 20 years ago they were all so bad for us? Glad they are really good for us because they are better than all those processed low fat things they tried to sell to us. Hugs-Erika

  30. I wish my mom would listen to me about this! I keep telling her and even show her your page, but she is so old school! LOL! Thanks for the recipe! Big Hugs!


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