Monday, 14 October 2019

Lamb Chops - How To Cook Them !

" Lamb chops and steaks should be cooked over a high heat, quickly, and can be quick-roasted, too, depending on how thick they are. Barbecuing, griddling, pan-frying and grilling are all methods that suit chops with an aim to getting lots of colour on the meat and any exposed fat sizzling until brown.
Chops are quick to cook and easy to portion but they differ depending on which part of the lamb they come from. 

One-pan glazed rack of lamb with spiced red onions & potatoes
recipe here

Lamb chops and steaks

Rack of lamb – This is a trimmed rack of six chops that can either be roasted whole and carved into chops, or cut into cutlets (see below) that can then be quick-cooked.

Lamb cutlets – Taken from the rack of lamb, these neat chops can come with a layer of fat surrounding the eye of the meat that extends to the bone, or they can be French-trimmed to expose the bone. These can be simply pan-fried, griddled or quickly barbecued and sometimes find their way into a casserole.

Lamb lollipops – This is a well-trimmed cutlet that has had the eye of the meat batted out.

Loin chops – Cut from the saddle, these meaty chops have a T-shaped bone in the middle which is so thick the meat is quickly roasted.

Barnsley chops – A double loin chop (see above). A single Barnsley chop is the perfect portion for one.

Chump/rump chops – A boneless slice of the chump, these are very good value and can be pan-fried or barbecued like a steak. 

Leg steaks – A cross-section of the leg, these steaks can vary in size and normally have a piece of bone in the middle that the marrow can be eaten out of once cooked. A great steak to barbecue. 

Lamb lollipops with smashed minty broad beans
recipe here

Flavour friends 

Lamb chops and steaks take well to being marinated. Here are some classic flavours from around the world to include in marinades and rubs, either all together or in different combinations:

British – capers, rosemary and/or thyme, or served with redcurrant jelly or mint sauce
Mediterranean – garlic, olives, anchovies, lemon, basil
North African – cinnamon, saffron, chilli, cumin
Indian – cinnamon, turmeric, coriander, ginger, lime, cumin, curry paste, garam marsala, yogurt"

Rosemary roast lamb chops
recipe here

Want to know more about lamb! There's lots more to read about this great meat, including a variety of recipes - please click on the link and scroll through here

Dear reader, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes! However, not all the recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. 

All the best Jan


  1. I love them, but lamp chops are so expensive around here. Been off my budget for years.

  2. I haven't had lamb chops in forever.

  3. I would love the try the beans.
    They look so bright and fun to eat.
    Happy Monday and boogie boogie.

  4. All of these suggestions sound wonderful. Valerie

  5. I'll have to give this one a miss Jan, believe it or not, even though we have the best lamb in the world here, I never have eaten it, not pork either.. crazy yeh 😉

  6. I haven't had lamb for ages...I was rather put off by the amount of fat it contains.
    However, maybe by cooking as you suggest here, it will be much more healthy than I thought. I will give your recipes a try...many thanks for sharing!😊😊

    Hugs xxx

  7. Yum, I love lamb chops, a favourite of mine.

  8. Yum! Everything sounds so good. Lamb is by far my favorite. I just wish it were more available here.

  9. Not for me. The broad beans look great though.

  10. looks delicious, very celebratory

  11. What a taste-tempting post! It looks so scrumptious it’s making me want to go get something to eat right NOW. Thanks for sharing it.

    Wishing You All the Best!

  12. We enjoy lamb chops now and then. These recipes sound delicious!

  13. I like lamb but my husband doesn't so I never make it.

  14. Wow, so much in this post! Thanks Jan! Big Hugs!

  15. Had this similar dish last night cooked on our webber, no fat which was delish.x

  16. So tasty food! I love lamb with tomatoes and thyme Jan. Sometimes I cook lamb soup with potatoes and spices.

  17. Hello,

    I am not a fan of lamb, but I would try the recipe with the rosemary!
    Thanks for sharing. Have a great day and a happy new week!

  18. I love Lamb chops HAven't had them since forever..Must put them on my grocery list..Thanks for the reminder..

  19. my mom cooked lamb all the time, i have never cooked it in my adult life. thanks for sharing some good suggestions!!!

  20. my father loved chops of goat all his life and now hubby has great likening for it
    great recipe my friend
    thank you for sharing

  21. I always have a problem with cooking lamb chops and deciding the best way. I agree a good marinade helps but buying the best quality you can afford from an old fashioned butcher's shop rather than from supermarkets is the best idea.

  22. I like lamb. We have several farms hearby.


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