Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Looking Back ... Fun Summer Days and Special Memories !

Here in the UK many children/schools are on a weeks half term holiday. In fact some schools were closed last week, others are closed this week and some fortunate pupils, and their teachers, even have a two week school closure!

As regular readers to this blog will know, we have five wonderful grandchildren. Three of them were off school last week and the other two are off this week! We so enjoy spending time with them, hearing about what they are doing with their many and varied activities, friends get-togethers and parties etc.

At the moment, the weather hasn't been too good and photographs of fun gatherings are not very numerous! Then I suddenly remembered those wonderful summer days we enjoyed, so I've been sorting through some photographs to share.

Starting off with a lovely time on the River Stour at Tuckton, near Christchurch Dorset

Eddie at the wheel, (eldest) grandson by his side and me relaxing enjoying the boat-ride and views

From the riverside, things got a little more energetic and it was time for some 'fun golf'',
well I didn't get a hole in one but it was such fun and I'm sure the dinosaurs liked my pink shoes! LOL! 
As well as the Dinosaur watching me, so too were (eldest) grandson and grand-daughter,
always nice to spend fun time with them.

Aargh! The dinosaur actually moves!

Such a fun filled day, and I seem to recall that it was back for a delicious meal, low carb of course!
It may well have been this, see here 

More summer fun memories to follow shortly.
Thanks for reading
All the best Jan


  1. Lovely photos and wow to those pink shoes! Valerie

  2. Amazing memories.
    Love that dinosaur - and the river cruise looks wonderful.

  3. Jan - I truly your enjoy your recipes, but how fun to get a "peek" into what you do when you're not cooking! As you may recall, we are in the Northeast of the UK right now, and just spent the day in Skipton, which included a lovely walk along the canals! I hope you enjoy the rest of the school break with your grands!

  4. Time making memories is time well-spent!

  5. Aren't those great memory-making pictures? I am so glad you are able to spend time with the grandkids. What a blessing. They grow up WAY too fast! xo Diana

  6. Seems to me you all had a lot of fun.

  7. Wonderful photos...thank you for sharing them with us 🌞💮🍂

  8. Oh Jan, I love these pictures! I'm always looking at your delicious recipes, but how fun to catch a glimpse of you! So many great memories and really big smiles. Enjoy the break with your grandkids!

  9. Oh what fun. And what a grand picture of you, the hubby and the grandson.

  10. The dinosaur moving would be unnerving if you weren't expecting it.

  11. ...summer never seems to last long enough!

  12. Sounds like lots of fun. So nice to see a picture of you. Don't think I've ever seen one. Nice to put a face to your name! : ) And thanks for all the comments you leave on my blog!!!

  13. So wonderful that you have this special memories with your grand kids and a chance to catch up on their lives, such fun adventures!

  14. Oh, what fun! These are lovely memories.

  15. It been a while since I played minuture golf.
    Coffee is on

  16. Fun day, wonderful! Guess the dinosour´d given me a heart attack, though.... well, at least I would jump as yesterday when the pan was too hot and some rice with a loud sound made a dash :-)

  17. such a lovely family time together dear Jan :)
    i am happy that you could find some precious images to share ,i am also happy to see you as never had chance to see your own family images before so special thanks for this treat :)
    you are beautiful couple and your grandson is so cute and handsome :)

    it seems you enjoyed the golf play and yes this creatures looks as he can move lol
    hope you will find some sunny pleasant days to have fun with grand children in recent holidays too :)
    more blessings to you and family !

  18. It's always nice to look back on sun filled days, especially those spent with our loved ones, when the weather turns cooler. Very special memories.

  19. Hello, time with your grandchildren is time well spent. The summer activities looks fun.
    Great photos of you and your hubby and grandson. Enjoy your day!

  20. Oh it is SO fun to see summer photos and go back in time for a few minutes! You are really having a fun day. Hugs-Erika

  21. It looks like a lovely time. I think on my next visit to England I would like to visit Dorset -- it seems lovely. We have Grand duty this weekend. I hope we have as much fun as you did!

  22. Looks like a fun time and memories your grands will cherish, too.

  23. What fun pictures you shared Jan! It is always wonderful to spend precious time with the family and grandchildren! Such fun to be out together on the boat, it is lovely to look back at summer pictures! Our weather here hasn't been the greatest either, winter has decided to arrive early this year. Enjoy the time off with your grandchildren, blessings and hugs!

  24. Fun times, good memories. Great pictures - thanks for sharing. Being able to spend time with grandchildren is extra special.

  25. Fun times and some wonderful memories. X

  26. Oh, I so love that first shot, and looks like fun in the rest!

  27. Jan, it's lovely to see your beautiful time with your grandson from the summer. I love the boat with Eddie at the helm and your grandson and you! And what a cute photo of you in your darling pink shoes. I know you enjoy every moment spent with your family. It's priceless. xo

  28. It's lovely to see photos of you and your family. What fun to look back on delightful summer memories.

  29. Nice, it looks like you were having fun.

  30. They stress us out sometimes(two in particular) but we love them all to bits. As you do to yours Jan and Eddie.

  31. A lovely day to be out in the water.

  32. Fun times and sweet photos ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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