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Sunday 24 November 2019

Sausage and Bean Casserole ... it's so warming

Recently, here in the UK we've had a lot of rain … in fact in some areas it has caused flooding and there are still flood alerts in place! My thoughts are with all those affected.

With this sort of weather this recipe suggestion offers a comforting and hearty one-pot sausage stew with chorizo, smoked paprika and plenty of vegetables ...

Serves 4 - 6
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
2 medium sticks celery, finely chopped
1 yellow pepper, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
3 fat garlic cloves, chopped
6 cooking chorizo sausages (about 400g)
6 pork sausages (about 400g)
1½ tsp sweet smoked paprika
½ tsp ground cumin
1 tbsp. dried thyme
125ml white wine
2 x 400g tins cherry tomatoes or chopped tomatoes
2 sprigs fresh thyme
1 chicken stock cube
1 x 400g tin aduki beans, drained and rinsed
1 bunch chives (optional)

1. Heat the olive oil in a large heavy-based pan. Add the onion and cook gently for 5 minutes. Add the celery and peppers and cook for a further 5 minutes.
2. Add the sausages and fry the sausages for 5 minutes, then stir in the garlic, spices and dried thyme and continue cooking for 1 – 2 minutes or until the aromas are released.
3. Pour in the wine and use a wooden spoon to remove any residue stuck to the pan. Add the tinned tomatoes, and fresh thyme and bring to a simmer. Crumble in the stock cube and stir in.
4. Cook for 40 minutes. Stir in the beans and cook for a further five minutes. Remove the thyme sprigs, season with black pepper and serve.

Nutritional Details Per Serving:
Fat 33.8g Protein 24.5g Carbs 25.9g
From an original idea here

This recipe can be adapted to a vegetarian meal ... using vegetarian sausages and vegetarian bacon in place of the chorizo.
If you are allergic to wine (or do not drink it) it can be omitted from the recipe.

Did you know - the aduki bean is a tiny, reddish-brown bean with a cream coloured seam and sweet, nutty flavour. Aduki beans are regarded as the king of beans in Japan and are prized for their health-giving properties: reputedly benefitting the liver and the kidneys.

For those readers who live in warmer climates, I offer an alternative recipe suggestion! It's Salad Aveyronnaise, a little bit of France on your table; see more details here

Please note, you will find a variety of recipes within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Elephant's Child said...

Casseroles are always warming. Classic comfort food. Feel free to send some of your rain this way. Please.

JFM said...

Hubby was all smiles when I showed him this post and then he said "let's try it" and so we shall...thank you Jan

Happy Sunday💮

HappyK said...

Looks good. I like one dish meals.

DMS said...

I like soups and stews this time of year. I am finding lots of easy ways to substitute the meat included in many recipes. This sounds like a good fall meal (minus the meat for me). :)

Bill said...

Looks good!

Valerie-Jael said...

A wonderful autumn/winter meal, yummy! Valerie

Pam said...

That looks GREAT. I am a fan of making, haha when I cook, one pot meals.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

The recipe looks tasty. Here's a stupid question. Instead of aduki beans, is it OK to have a tin of baked beans in tomato sauce? It's the only beans we eat.

God bless.

Lowcarb team member said...

Victor S E Moubarak said...
The recipe looks tasty. Here's a stupid question. Instead of aduki beans, is it OK to have a tin of baked beans in tomato sauce? It's the only beans we eat.

God bless

Hello Victor, many thanks for your comment and question, which is not stupid at all!
I think there are many who may swap aduki beans for baked beans, so yes, I'd give it a try.
The grandchildren enjoy some baked beans in their sausage casserole :)
Hope you enjoy the recipe.

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

PS Victor … the baked beans will probably contain more liquid so you may need to slightly adjust the gravy (chicken stock cube) … and I would also add that the grandchildren don't have white wine added to their sausage casserole!!!

… but I hope you enjoy the recipe suggestion.

All the best Jan

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I admit it LOOKS good, Jan.

kathyinozarks said...

Recipe sounds delicious

Tom said...

...I've read about the rain and have been thinking of you!

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Oh I would eat the whole pot. LOVE this recipe. Thanks!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Now That Sound like good winter dish.
Coffee is on

Rose said...

This sounds interesting...I had to look up chorizo sausages to see what they are. This is something my husband used to would have liked. Not sure about now as his stroke really altered what he likes to eat.

My name is Erika. said...

Oh it sure also looks delicious!

Margaret D said...

Floods and fires.
You keep safe and sad to know about all the rain, had no idea.
Fires way up north here.
Looks a good recipe.

Lady Fi said...

And this would also be great in a vegetarian variety! Nice.

The Happy Whisk said...

I love, love, love, loooooove beans!

sandy said...

anything with sausage would be good.

baili said...

my heartfelt prayers for effected dear Jan

i found this recipe really wonderful and great for winters menu
thank you for sharing

Jo said...

Yum, comfort food at its best. Perfect for this time of year.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Many thanx for your response.

God bless.

Lee said...

Delicious...great warming winter meal. The heat is on down this salads are popular with me at the moment....and my fruit and raw nuts. :)

mxtodis123 said...

Be safe. Floods, fires, storms. Scary times. Definitely going to make this one. Love this recipe.

RO said...

This looks so yummy! Hugs, RO

Sandy said...

Looks good, and sounds good; but I can't do sausage so would perhaps do beef. Never heard of that type of bean so you have me curious. Will have to look it up to see what they look like. I love black beans and use them a lot in cooking, and sometimes kidney beans which are red, but am unsure how they differ from your aduki beans.

sage said...

This does look good—a great seasonal dish. Thanks for the recipe.

Ygraine said...

Just the thing to lift the spirits...on a dreary day like today!😉
Oh this looks absolutely delicious!
Thank you so much.😊😊

Hugs xxx

sheila 77 said...

Sounds worth making, Jan.
Vegetarians could also substitute tofu or tempeh for the sausages.

Lorrie said...

Looks like a delicious and warming dish to serve as the temperatures drop and weather can be gloomy. Have a good week, Jan.

Lowcarb team member said...

Sandy said...
Looks good, and sounds good; but I can't do sausage so would perhaps do beef. Never heard of that type of bean so you have me curious. Will have to look it up to see what they look like. I love black beans and use them a lot in cooking, and sometimes kidney beans which are red, but am unsure how they differ from your aduki beans

Hello Sandy, and thanks for sharing your comment and thoughts …
The recipes shared on this blog are only suggestions and one of the joys of cooking is that they can always be amended/altered slightly to better fit our own individual likes and lifestyle :)

'Full of protein and fibre, beans are also high in minerals and contain no cholesterol. Not only are beans healthy, but they also come in different forms — so there's bound to be a few types of beans that suit your tastes.'

Read more here
'List of Types of Beans You Can Eat'

Happy Cooking,

All the best Jan

carol l mckenna said...

Perfect for this time of year especially ~ yummy recipe ~ looks great!

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

italiafinlandia said...

Very appetizing!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the recipe looks and sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day!

Martha said...

Perfectly fitting for this time of year.

Sue said...

This sounds delicious, perfect for the weather we are having now xx

William Kendall said...

It's the beans I'd object to.

Sami said...

Nice casserole recipe! Thanks Jan