Monday 30 December 2019

Courgette (Zucchini) and Feta Bakes : Low Carb

Fresh courgettes and crumbly, creamy Greek feta make these egg bakes ideal for a simple lunch or picnic. Why not make a big batch and freeze some for later, as they can even be packed up in lunchboxes for the kids, too. 

Serves/Makes 12
3 medium courgettes (zucchini), coarsely grated
10 eggs, beaten
handful mint, chopped
100g (3 1/2oz) feta cheese

olive oil, for greasing 

1. Preheat the oven to gas 4, 180°C, fan 160°C.
2. Sprinkle ½ tsp salt over the courgettes and leave for 5 mins. Put in a clean kitchen towel and squeeze tightly to remove the excess water. Put in a large bowl and stir through the eggs, mint and most of the feta and season, if you like.
3. Lightly grease a 12-hole muffin tin. Fill the moulds and sprinkle with feta. Bake for 12-15 mins, then grill for 2-3 mins until the cheese is golden. Leave to cool a little then carefully ease out of muffin tin and serve. Can be stored in the fridge for up to 2 days or frozen for up to 1 month. 

Freezing and defrosting guidelines
Bake according to the recipe. Allow to cool completely. Wrap well in clingfilm and tin foil (to prevent freezer burn) and freeze for up to 1 month. 

Loosen the tin foil and clingfilm but leave to defrost in packaging at room temperature for several hours before serving. If you wish to serve the baked goods warm, place them on a baking sheet for 10 minutes in a moderate oven.

Nutritional Information
Fat 8g  Protein 7.9g  Carbs 0.7g
From an original idea here

If you’re already living the LCHF lifestyle, you will know that courgettes are low in carbs, just 2g. carb per 100g, and they are probably high up on your must buy shopping (or growing) list. They may not pack the nutritional punch of other green vegetables (broccoli, kale etc.) but they do contain significant levels of potassium to control blood pressure and vitamin C to boost your immune system. 

The courgette’s thin dark skin is high in soluble fibre, which slows digestion and stabilises blood sugar levels – potentially getting rid of those pesky mid-afternoon sweet cravings. Soluble fibre can also prevent constipation and help with those horrible IBS symptoms so many of us endure.
More to read about courgettes/zucchini here 

Dear reader, you will find a variety of recipe ideas, and articles, within this blog. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. 

All the best Jan


  1. A nice and easy recipe.
    Have a wonderful 2020 Jan and thanks for all the yummi recipes and great information you post.

  2. What a simple (and delightful) dish. Many thanks.

  3. I didn't realize that zucchini's were good for people with IBS, it's good to know the different health benefits of the different veggies.

    Hope you enjoyed a lovely Christmas!!

  4. Very yummy! Thanks for sharing, Valerie

  5. These look absolutely delicious, especially since I love feta cheese.

  6. Don't do like me and salt and dry the courgettes BEFORE you have grated them. Also, take them out of the pack first!

    Otherwise, it's a tasty recipe.

    God bless.

  7. Hello,

    What an easy and yummy recipes. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day and week ahead. Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy New Year, I wish you all the best in 2020!

  8. It should be delicious. Thanks for sharing.
    To you and your family I wish a Happy New Year !!!
    May it be a year of many victories, fulfilled dreams, happiness, love and health.
    Many greetings and a big hug

  9. Ha-haaaa! With our pie-maker I can even do this, thank you for this receipe!

  10. Sounds delicious, but my hand's hurting just thinking about all that grating lol

  11. Those look wonderful. I hope you had a merry Christmas and wishing you all the best in the new year.

  12. Now these I can make right now. I have all the ingredients in the fridg.

  13. mmmmm don't they look good!!

  14. What a delicious post, that looks so yummy. I'm glad I already ate because this is making my mouth water. Thanks for sharing it. Have a great week!

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year, Jan!

  15. They do look delicious...and will be added to my menu, that is for sure! Thanks! :)

  16. Lovely recipe...Popping in to say Happy New year and thanks for being a great crafting on line friend.xx

  17. Yum. Anything with feta I adore!

  18. Ooh I love feta, but as for making and freezing, have you not seen the state of our freezer(s), there's still the dodo in there underneath the brontasaurus burgers! Have a very happy and healthy 2020, Sue xx

  19. Pretty simple recipe and it looks terrific. Just stopped by to wish you all the best for 2020, Jan. May it bring you good health and great happiness.

  20. They look very tasty. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. I look forward to reading more of your posts in 2020. Happy New Year.

  21. I pretty much love anything with feta - (especially pesto pasta)...but this looks good.

  22. Thanks for the recipe. I love this sort of breakfast.


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The best of health to you and yours.
