Sunday, 22 December 2019

Tips For A Healthy Christmas and New Year !

These words/post from an idea by James Colquhoun ...

When it comes to holiday celebrations, it can be difficult to resist all those extra treats and temptations, with good intentions sometimes flying out the window. It is possible to keep a reign on your health and feel fantastic throughout Christmas and New Year however, with these seven simple tricks. 

With roast turkey a common Christmas meal in many homes, it is the ideal dish to boost with veggies. Load up on pumpkin, kale, sweet potatoes, asparagus, carrots, onions, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, green beans, garlic, and mushrooms, and you will find you have a plate of sensational goodness right there – no guilt necessary! Just be careful how you cook your veggies, using a high-quality oil if roasting (keeping oil to a minimum), steaming as many veggies as possible to ensure their nutritional value is maintained. Complement them with homemade gravy and fresh cranberry sauce, and voila! 

Christmas is the perfect time to cook up a storm, so why not break some boundaries and do something different this year? It’s the perfect moment to think outside the square and make your own Christmas or New Year classics! With so many delicious and healthy recipes available, you can nurture your body with tasty nutritional dishes galore. Try gluten/grain/dairy/meat-free if you want – it’s up to you! 

Eating mindfully and slowly is one of the best ways to listen and respond to your body. Being aware of each mouthful as you eat brings your mind to the moment and helps your stomach connect with your brain, allowing you to sense when you feel satisfied. The antithesis of mindless consumption, conscious consumption enables you to revel in and feel grateful for each taste, flavour, and sensation that you encounter. 

Gluten is a protein composite found in several types of grains, including wheat, spelt, rye and barley. Gluten does not agree with everyone, and even in those who do not experience an obvious intolerance, it has been shown to cause lethargy, bloating, stomach pain, diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome to just name a few side effects. Gluten has even been linked to some serious autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes. Holding back on the bread over the holiday period is therefore not unwise. 

One of the main sources of calories is refined sugar – and it is poison! In fact, excessive sugar consumption is probably the largest factor underlying obesity and chronic disease in America, and many other countries. It damages the immune system, causes mood swings and premature aging, and contributes to ailments such as tooth decay, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Found in pre-packaged foods, refined sugar is toxic, and should be avoided at all costs. 

If you are out dining with friends or family over the Christmas and New Year period, don’t feel you have to bend to peer pressure by gorging on the food you would rather not have. Feel free to refuse a second helping or give the chocolate box a swerve. If eating out, suggest a restaurant you know has a great healthy menu. You deserve to look after yourself and ultimately your body will thank you for it. 

Everyone loves to relax and unwind over the holiday season, but overdoing it in the alcohol stakes can leave you feeling sluggish, moody, dehydrated and on a big come-down. With alcohol depleting the body of essential minerals and nutrients, zapping energy and causing weight gain, keeping tabs on the amount you consume is a good idea. Alternatively, you could ditch it altogether, and go for a fresh juice mocktail instead, packed full of feel-good fabulousness! 

Related Post:
Simple Ways You Can Increase Your Daily Vegetable Intake, see it here 

Have you any healthy holiday habits, tips to pass on … please share in the comments below.

This blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

As always ... thanks for reading.

All the best Jan


  1. Nice tips, Merry Christmas ☺☺

  2. Friends who eat with me say I'm the slowest eater they have ever seen. If I were eating with the Queen of England, I would probably get about 1/3 the way through my meal by the time she was finished. I've never been able to rush my food because I taste every bit to the fullest. I think EVERYONE should do the same. Great timely article.

  3. What great advice Jan, thank you for sharing all of your tips and recipes this year, I've learned so much from you. Have a very merry Christmas and a wonderful 2020, Sue xx

  4. My weight lost group when eating go with plan.
    Coffee is on

  5. Jan, this is great advice that I will likely ignore lol! :)
    Have a Merry Christmas!!!

  6. Thanks for keeping us on the straight and narrow, Jan:)

  7. Every single one of these is excellent, Jan. I will be returning to this post often this season!

  8. Your advice is superb Jan, thank you.
    I've found that I need to... actually, have, to cut out added sugars. Its something that has revealed itself this year. After a 3rd round of cortisone, needed to calm an itchy allergic rash, enough is enough and answers have been found and it is as though your post has been written for me personally - if I may be so bold :D)
    Already, I'm feeling (and looking) so much better!!
    Have a very Merry Christmas filled with enjoyable times with your family, Sue xx ~😊🎄💖~

  9. A timely and sensible advice. Thanks Jan for all the informative and interesting posts you shared with us this year. Wishing you and yours a wonderful and restful holiday season!

  10. Some good tips and advice.

  11. We always had veggies and Mum had the goose in the oven for hours and hours, so the fat was all gone. And I don´t like sweets, Christmas is easy for me :-)

  12. Thank you for healthy alternatives and delicious recipes all thru the year. Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas. xo

  13. Muy buenos consejos. Gracias.

  14. Great post Jan! Thank you! Big Hugs!


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