Saturday, 7 December 2019

Ways to Naturally De-Stress at Home

At this time of year many of us can get stressed! There always seems so much to do and so little time to do it! The days just zoom by … but help may be at hand, there are ways to naturally de-stress at home and some of them are so simple … please read on.

"De-stress, pamper and support your body through daily stresses with these holistic self-love strategies to have you feeling incredible in no time.

1. Pour Yourself A Cuppa
But not just any cup of tea… Choose a calming chamomile! This soothing herbal brew has been used for centuries to create calm, settle an anxious tummy and reduce nervous tension. Chamomile naturally contains chemicals that interact with the same receptors in the brain that are affected by valium.

2. Turn Up The Heat … In A Relaxing Way
Warmth relaxes muscle tension and can lower anxiety naturally. It is believed that heat may impact the neural circuitry that influences mood and increase our levels of the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter called serotonin. Plus, being warm can just feel downright comforting. You don’t need to live in the desert to feel this benefit. There are many alternative ways to de-stress with heat! You may enjoy a hot tea, sauna, exercise, spa, an enticing patch of sunlight, a cozy fireplace, a comforting hot water bottle or a warm bath filled with relaxing essential oils. If it’s warm and feels good, chances are it’s helping you to de-stress!

3. Tap Into Acupressure
Ancient people have practiced acupuncture for centuries and documented its benefits. Today, we can still access its powerful benefits! It is believed that two acupuncture points located between the skull and neck may be especially helpful for reducing stress and tension headaches. Try this simple exercise to release stress in just a few minutes:
Position thumbs at the top of your neck, just below the junction where your neck meets the skull.
Apply firm but gentle pressure.
As you press, inhale deeply and slowly at least three times.
Float hands into your lap.
Slowly drop your chin into your chest.
Take another deep, peaceful breath and smile!

4. Enjoy Some Stress-Busting Superfoods & Stabilize Your Blood Sugars
Food affects our very brain chemistry and therefore impacts our mood. We can, therefore, make dietary choices to support our stress. To start with, most people get more cranky, irritable and stressed when they feel hungry! Therefore, include low Glycaemic Index (GI) carbohydrates at each meal to regulates your blood sugar levels and maintain good energy levels.
There are also a few extra foods you could include for some extra benefits:
Almonds: A good source of protein to help you feel full and focussed, almonds also offer B Vitamins, Vitamin E, Zinc, Magnesium and healthy fats that help to maintain brain function and regulate mood.
Blueberries: Offering Vitamin C, antioxidants, magnesium and manganese to support a stressed brain, these beautiful berries are lower in sugar and won’t disrupt your blood sugar levels.
A small piece of dark chocolate: Rich in magnesium and trace minerals to support stress and fatigue, dark chocolate contains compounds that boost mood and feel-good brain chemicals! (Just stick to a small quantity, as the natural caffeine content may also stimulate anxiety.)
Omega-3 Fats: These natural fatty acids are absolutely integral to brain function and may help to lower anxiety. Natural sources include salmon and oily fish, flaxseeds/linseeds and walnuts.

5. Get Outdoors
In a phenomenon known as ‘biophilia’, humans are naturally programmed to feel peaceful in nature. Plants and natural scenery have been shown to reduce anxiety and depression. Therefore, a regular dose of the great outdoors is good news for our mental health! You don’t need to become a keen hiker to get your natural nature high. Simply grounding your feet in a space of natural earth is a great start. Perhaps you can step outside for five minutes during your daily lunch break and lift your face to the sun. You may also like to start a small garden or regularly buy yourself a bunch of flowers. Anything that makes you feel more connected to the world outside is likely to lower your stress. 

6. Move Your Beautiful Body
Exercise is a natural antidote to stress and anxiety. Raising your heart rate instantly increases blood circulation, oxygenates your brain and gets those feel-good endorphins pumping! Furthermore, exercise engages your brain into focusing on each movement; this diverts our thoughts away from a stressful space and into the present moment.
Aim for at least thirty minutes of movement each day, in a modality that preferably makes you huff and puff a little (providing it is safe within your current health to do so).
Aerobic exercise makes us produce higher levels of norepinephrine - the super stress-busting brain chemical! Try also to choose something that you enjoy and can actually look forward to. (And if you haven’t already, please try yoga - it’s the ultimate mind-body healing form of exercise.)

7. Discover Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy has been used for centuries to support the body both mentally and physically. In modern times, essential oils are particularly powerful for reducing stress. This is because the sense of smell bypasses the cognitive brain which processes worry. Lavender is particularly renowned for its relaxing qualities and is an ‘emotional anti-inflammatory’. Massage a little into your temples or burn some in an oil diffuser to instantly unwind. Look for the pure variety that is derived from plants, not the artificial fragrances that are often chemically produced. 

8. Pamper Yourself At Home
Daily rituals of self-kindness and small pleasures can go a long way towards cultivating inner peace. So often we make time to go above and beyond to help others out but fail to recognize -or make- small windows in our schedules to give some TLC for ourselves. Whilst pampering may make you think of spas and health retreats (which are great if you can afford to do so!), there are other simple, inexpensive opportunities to pamper yourself with self-kindness. You may like to try:
Giving your face a mini-massage in the shower - it increases blood flow to the brain, is wonderful for your skin health and feels simply divine.
Saying a few positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror as you prepare for your day.
Creating a simple, luxurious body scrub using coarse sea salt and coconut oil. Alternatively, use leftover coffee grounds as an invigorating scrub to wake you up and feel refreshed for the day!
Soaking your feet in a bucket filled with warm water, Epsom salts and a few drops of peppermint oil.
Buffing your nails - it’s natural, lasts longer than nail polish and showcases a part of your body that is visible all day long!

Even if you choose to do one of the above regularly, you’ll notice an incredible reducing in your stress levels. So this year, make it your year to give yourself some extra love and TLC - your body will thank you in so many ways." 
This article by James Colquhoun, and more, can be seen here

I wonder have you got any tips that may/can help de-stress?
I always find taking time out for a cuppa helps ...

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles, studies etc. plus recent news/views and recipe ideas within this blog, we hope something for everyone to read and enjoy ... but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. Not all of the suggested recipes above are low carb. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. I enjoy a cuppa and my diffuser with essential oils I choose based on mood.

  2. Jan, I started taking notes on this but ended up printing it out. So many good hints here! Thank you for them. I'll use them myself and see how many I can get my husband to do. Some I do already but so many things I've never thought about.

  3. ...I try to be stress free!

  4. All wonderful tips and at this season we need all the destressing we can get! I think I do need a cuppa right now. My furnace appears to be broken and it's not a happy scene!

  5. Good advice. My best anti-stress programme is walking. Valerie

  6. Chamomile tea is a go-to bedtime tea for me. Cozy :) I'd love to have a sauna, but my hot, scented bath is soothing, too. I'm glad to hear you recommend yoga, which is my favorite form of exercise. These are great suggestions for any time of year, but especially during times of stress. Thanks!

  7. I am just browsing a few blogs this morning and I am so pleased to see this post with these great tips to reduce stress.

    Thank You 🎄

  8. Dark Chocolate, my favorite de-stresser!

  9. I need all of these tips right now! Been extremely stressed with work, then coming home to declutter (which is good), and arranging the house for the visiting family.
    A great way for me to relax is to potter around in the garden or to paint.
    Have a lovely weekend Jan.

  10. And while doing these things - don't rush - take time to enjoy!

  11. It is always good to be reminded of what we can do at home to de-stress. Thank you!
    I follow suggestions # 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and *. : ))
    I would add breathing exercises and listening to relaxing music.
    : )

  12. All great ways to destress.

  13. This is a timely post as we fight our way through WalMart, Target...

  14. Great hints.
    Going outside works for me, and seeing and appreciating the beauty around me. And when I look, there is lots of it.

  15. not sure my comment went through - the blogger page froze internet connection has been acting up a lot in this rain storm...


    here it is again

    move move move - outdoors - or indoors - music .....spiritual books - ...all of these help destress. I hope you have a peaceful holiday season with no stress!! Hopefully you will share time with the grandkids. We only have one that will be in our area at Christmas. (as far as I know). One year two of them were delivered by my one son from Oregon in a huge wrapped box. The doorbell rang and we opened it to about a 4 foot high box and they were standing underneath it - ...made my Christmas!!

  16. Good tips. Our holidays are free from hassle, we really don't do all that much.

  17. These were so interesting to read...I always knew that getting outside was good for my soul....but did not know it was good for everyone. If I am stressed going fished for just a short while does wonders for me. I think it makes me focus on where my next cast is going to there is usually something to watch.

  18. And don't buy in to all the frenzied nonsense that goes on at this time of the year.

  19. Great ideas and suggestions, I wish it was warmer outside for a walk. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy week ahead.

  20. There's something for everyone there Jan. I favour the cup of tea together with the great outdoors, together if you can. I'm surprised that you don't mention a glass of wine? It works for us.

  21. Great advice for any time of the year, but especially welcome this month:) Thank you, Jan!

  22. Good tips on how to live stress free. Our lives are pretty stress free now but always can use some fine tuning.

  23. Thanks Jan, I can definitely attest to chamomile tea - I have a 'double-shot' when its in the early hours.
    Have bookmarked this post, its the best I've read for de-stressing.
    Cheers xx

  24. These are all great ideas! Spending time outside has always been my favorite.

  25. this is award winning post dear Jan!
    thank you for sharing incredibly useful knowledge :) i truly admire your sharing deep in my heart :)

  26. Wonderful suggestions to 'de-stress' anytime ~ especially the holidays ~ ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  27. i am feeling super stressed right now. i have to host christmas, my son will be home for a week...i have done very little shopping and i have so many doctor appointments coming up. i would like to just take a vacation and eat chocolate!!!

  28. Hi Jan, what wonderful suggestions for stress reduction. I enjoy my cup of tea or two in the evenings. Morning is coffee time around these parts. I also indulge in some homemade soups especially during the colder months to warm me from the inside. Of course I love turning up the heat, too. As Hubby and I say, "we worked too hard to be cold." Blessings!

  29. At the moment I'm quite stressed out, but I get this way this time of year.

  30. Great post Jan! Thank you! Big Hugs!

  31. From a very long time i am really stressed out and then i read your post. I found this post very helpful in reducing my stress. Also here i have an article on natural ways to reduce stress. Check out the article here: Natural ways to reduce stress


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