Friday, 10 January 2020

Can you eat Yoghurt on a low carb / keto diet?

I recently came across this very informative article on Karen's KETohh blog, and thought it one to share … Yoghurt on a Low Carb Diet

"Can you eat Yoghurt on a low carb diet? 
Is Yoghurt suitable for a low carb lifestyle, particularly one where you are seriously reducing your carbs? It can be very confusing, given that you should be avoiding milk and yoghurt is made from milk so surely that means it is off limits as well. Well there is good news for you, and it simply comes down to making wise choices. You certainly shouldn’t be eating the low fat, sugar and fruit laden overly processed yoghurts that dominate the market but you can add the crème de la crème of yoghurt into your diet- plain Greek style full fat yoghurt. So yes, you can eat yoghurt on a low carb diet.

Being able to eat Greek Yoghurt doesn’t mean that you can eat as much as you want to, especially if you are sticking to a keto or very low carb eating plan. You may have to watch your serving size and limit it so it fits in with your macros. It is possible to do though. Some people also find that eating dairy can cause weight gain or stalling so if this impacts on you, you may also have to watch your intake. 

For anyone who cannot eat dairy, there are some yoghurt variations available such as coconut yoghurt. If you are watching your carbs then please make sure you read the label of these products as they are often thickened with products such as tapioca flour etc, which can push up the amount of carbs per serve. They often have sugar added as well so just make sure you know what you are buying.

Plain, Full Fat, Low Fat and Greek Yoghurt 
The differences between the various yoghurts is quite distinct. You can generally decrease the amount of lactose in yoghurt if it has been fermented for longer- this is one of the benefits of making your own yoghurt as you can ferment it for as long as you want to. Plain Greek yoghurt is the best low carb yoghurt option as it is higher in protein but lower in carbs. This is followed closely behind by plain, natural full-fat yoghurt (although it only has about half the amount of protein in comparison to Greek style,) so my first choice would still be eating the Greek style option. A lot of the carbohydrates are poured off with the whey in Greek yoghurt which is why the carbs are lower and there is also an increases in the amount of protein. In a 180 gm serve of Greek yoghurt there is an average of approximately 6 g. carbs. The same serve of plain full fat yoghurt has approximately 8 g. of carbs; low-fat plain yoghurt has approximately 12 g. of carbs and non-fat yoghurt has approximately 13 g. The low-fat and non-fat versions often try to make up for a more watery flavour by adding sugar, fruit, thickeners etc to improve the taste which is why they are to be avoided.

Tips for Buying Yoghurt
When buying yoghurt make sure you read the labels and look for the lowest carb option available with the least amount of preservatives. Choose a plain flavour and add your own toppings to it, that way you can control exactly what you will be eating. Adding low carb fruits such as berries is delicious and I love creating a bit of crunch by adding muesli (KETohh of course) or nuts and seeds. Yoghurt is also a great base for smoothies, dips and marinades. It is something I always have in the fridge and has many a time been a great fulfilling snack if there isn’t anything else in my cupboard to munch on.

I eat about half a cup of yoghurt nearly every day and I make my own yoghurt when I have time. It is so simple and easy to make and trust me when I say it will be one of the best yoghurts you have ever eaten. I’m quite certain it isn’t going to be hard to convince some of you to jump on this band wagon. Have a read of this yoghurt recipe to find out how easy it is to make your own. On the other hand, there are some great commercially produced yoghurts out there to choose from so don’t ever feel guilty about buying it.

For some other recipes where yoghurt is used or that go well with yoghurt, have a look at the following recipes:-
Raspberry Protein Smoothie - find it here
Moroccan Chicken Salad - find it here

It’s time for breakfast! Greek Yoghurt with fresh raspberries and some low carb muesli of course.

Karen's original article is here

Dear reader, you will find a variety of recipe ideas and articles within this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Great info to have...the you Jan 💮

  2. I love yogurt, and couldn't imagine erasing it from my diet. It is quite difficult to find any sugar free ones though. My favourite is Muller Corner, and I daren't check out the sugar content! :/...I think it may terrify me!!
    I am SO grateful I'm not diabetic. I did have pregnancy diabetes when I was pregnant with my daughter, so had to source diabetic foods, which were pretty limited back then.
    You have made me think though...think I'll seek out some healthier yogurt now!
    Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction! :))

    Have a super weekend.

    Hugs xxx

  3. I really like Greek Yoghurt and often add it to cooking. Or add fresh fruit to it.

  4. ...some are loaded with sugar!

  5. This sounds interesting, but I'm afraid my doctor told me to avoid dairy because I'm probably quite lactose intolerant.

  6. I eat a lot of yogurt, but mostly the Greek or Turkish ones, which are delicious. Valerie

  7. Yogurt is not at all on my food list. It is a texture thing more than a taste thing. Just can't do it.

  8. Thanks for sharing this good info.

  9. I LOVE yogurt. This is so interesting and very informative. Thanks for sharing this. Wishing you a Happy Weekend!

  10. I'm a fan of Greek yogurt, but never thought to look at the labels.

  11. I love yogurt. I usually buy sheep or goat milk yogurt, they are delicious.

  12. Love greek yogurt!
    Thanks for links, I got Low carb Moroccan chicken recipe, looks so yummy.

  13. honestly i never had pure yogurt except sauce made by it dear Jan

    i am watching hubby having yogurt since years ,my family likes it so it is part of meals but i don't know how taste the pure yogurt

  14. That is a good idea, yoghurt without milk.

  15. I'm so pleased to hear this advice as I love Greek yogurt, preferably in Greece.

  16. Oh, yes, I should eat Yoghurt more often... I used to when I worked... more discipline then. Thank you for the reminder!

  17. I only buy Greek Yogurt, and eat it at least 3 times a week for breakfast with strawberries, nuts and seeds.
    I used to have a yogurt maker when I got married (one of the wedding gifts), but with all our moves it was probably given away, but I remember making yogurt every week or so and it was delicious.
    Have a great weekend.

  18. Great information. I love enjoying yogurt with some fresh fruit mixed in.

  19. It's good to hear you say this. I've been buying plain, full fat yoghurt and adding fresh fruit. I've never made my own.

  20. Very informative post about yogurt ~ great read ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. thanks for the kind visit and wishing you and your family a happy New Year and wishing you all the very best. Thanks for sharing this post.
    I enjoy Greek yoghurt and I love with berries and muesli.

    Enjoy the weekend

  22. Hi Jan, looking forward to looking back at recipes. Full fat Greek yogurt is my all time favorite, so glad it's acceptable 😉 Hope you both had a wonderful Christmas and all the very best for 2020 💙

  23. Oh you should see us in the yoghurt aisle of the supermarket. We check every label and always go for the full fat low sugar type xx

  24. I do love yogurt in my smoothies, mixed with my fruits it is terrific

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