Monday 20 January 2020

Veggie Scramble : Breakfast Quick and Easy : Low Carb / Keto

When you want an easy, nutritious and fast breakfast (which could also be enjoyed for lunch or tea) then this recipe could be for you! It's scrambled eggs with sautéed mushrooms and peppers which are topped with Parmesan cheese and fresh cut spring/green onions...
Delicious, fast, easy, and low carb / keto too, why not get cooking soon! 

Serves One
4g carbs
1 tbsp. butter
30g (1oz.) mushrooms, sliced
3 eggs
30g (10z.) red bell peppers, diced
salt and ground black pepper
30g (1oz.) parmesan cheese, shredded

½ scallion (spring/green onion), chopped
can be seen here 

Did you know that Spring onions are also known as scallions or green onions. Spring onions are in fact very young onions, harvested before the bulb has had a chance to swell. Both the long, slender green tops and the small white bulb are edible, and are good either raw or cooked. They have a similar flavour to onions, but are much milder... more to read here

You will find a variety of articles and recipe within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. i have always called them scallions and we love them. they can easily be grown in the kitchen from scraps, but they grow slowly!! this dish looks delicious, we love breakfast for dinner occasionally!!

  2. We had something very similar for lunch today, yummy! Valerie

  3. Mi desayuno, no tiene una gran preparación. Suelo comer una oieza y café con leche y galletas. A veces susstituyo las galletas por una tostada con mantequilla y de tiempo en tiempo, me doy el placer de comer churros, que traigo directamente a casa de una churrerería cercana.


  4. Yum. Definitely a dinner treat for me.

  5. VENTANA DE FOTO said...
    Mi desayuno, no tiene una gran preparación. Suelo comer una oieza y café con leche y galletas. A veces susstituyo las galletas por una tostada con mantequilla y de tiempo en tiempo, me doy el placer de comer churros, que traigo directamente a casa de una churrerería cercana.


    Google translate:
    My breakfast, it doesn't have a great preparation. I usually eat a light and coffee with milk and biscuits. Sometimes I replace cookies with a toast with butter and from time to time, I give myself the pleasure of eating churros, which I bring directly to home from a nearby churrerería.


    N.B. You can read more about Churros which are Spain's version of fried dough, and are famous throughout the world here

  6. Definitely a breakfast to my liking!

  7. Looks good and I love spring onions too.

  8. Oh I love this! I need to get back to trying some new recipes! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love spring has been a while since I have had any. Longer still since I have grown any!

  10. I eat a lot of such breakfasts, stir frying whatever vegetables on hand from the garden and then adding eggs. Often serving with salsa. It's good.

  11. That actually sounds really good but I would have to leave out the mushrooms. Not a fan.

  12. Looks very tasty.
    Never missed green onion in my soup, noodle, ramen, and dim sum.

  13. I've made something like this. I love vegetables in my scrambled eggs.

  14. This looks lovely, I often add things to my scrambled eggs, makes them much more interesting xx

  15. Sorry I haven't been around. I was sick, but now I'm feeling better. In fact, I would LOVE this egg scramble. It looks yummy and would fit my diet perfectly, too.

  16. Receitas maravilhosa!!! Amei

  17. I have all these ingredients except for the mushrooms. I love these kind of breakfasts. Thanks Jan :)

  18. Buen desayuno. El mío es más ligero. Por las mañana me entra poca comida, café y tostada.
    Un abrazo.

  19. This seems super simple to make and yummy. Of course, I'd have to add in some hat sauce or cayenne pepper.(lol)

  20. All I can say is yummmmm!!!

  21. This looks delicious and sounds easy to make. Even I might be able to make it. Thanks for sharing this.

    Wishing you well, my friend!

  22. i just added spring onions in my chicken dish :)

    i love all the veggies dear Jan specially what winter offers are so favorite of mine

    i love your each sharing my friend so important stuff to know

  23. This would be just as good for dinner! (I've had eggs for dinner twice in a row!)

    Thanks for your visits to my spot. I'm very behind after traveling and looking but probably not commenting on everything so forgive me for that! But I am so grateful when you come by!


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