Sunday, 23 February 2020

It's Sunday !

I wonder how do you spend your Sunday? Do you consider this day just another typical day, or a special day for relaxation and spending time with your friends, your family, or yourself? 

Although some people may be working on Sundays, this day is usually the time for most of us to rest from work. What makes Sundays great is that you can actually do a lot of things like going to church, strolling with the family, day out with friends, or perhaps go shopping.

Of course you may not want to go outside! You may choose to stay in - do some yoga, or meditation, even watch a movie, or just sit down and enjoy reading the papers, magazine or good book! I have known some friends catch up with their housework!!!

However, you choose to spend your Sunday, I wish you a great day and a good start to the new week.

can I offer you a cup of tea or coffee?

and a low carb Almond and Orange Biscuit
you can find the recipe here 

All the best Jan


  1. Enjoy your day!!! Happy Sunday a week ahead.. :-))))

  2. Sunday is usually a lazy day. Today, I will make some chicken soup and bake bread.

  3. Nice to stop by and enjoy your virtual coffee!

  4. We go to the gym then cook a big sunday dinner for the evening, sitting in the conservatory relaxing now. Sundays are the best day of the week for me as my family are usually all home.

  5. Yum...I am going to bake with my almond flour today. You inspired me!

  6. I like Sundays to be family days but in reality we're usually catching up on jobs which haven't been done in the week. Those biscuits look delicious.

  7. ...we are off to the Maui Pops concert this afternoon.

  8. As I don't work any more, one day is much the same as the other! Valerie

  9. We're both retired now, but Sunday is still a little bit different somehow. We definitely don't shop, having worked Saturdays for 40 years I really feel for people who have to work weekends. Have a great week xx

  10. It's just another day to me. Have a nice Sunday.

  11. Hoy ha sido familiar llegaron mi hijo y mi nuera de Madrid.
    Muy ricas tus galletas Eddie.
    Un abrazo.

  12. Thank you, Jan. Today's an indoor Sunday :)


  13. The biscuits look yummy! We are having an unusually mild Sunday so I got out with the dogs for TWO hours this morning! Now I'm just relaxing with a glass of wine...waiting to hear from the realtor about next week's home inspection on the property we are looking at!!! So stressful!

  14. Yum..I need one of those biscuits to go with my coffee..maybe even two ;)

  15. Sundays are the day I clean my house. Thanks for the almond biscuits. I make almond cookies last night and shared the recipe. Have a great day.

  16. Happy Sunday. It is mostly just another day to me.

  17. I try to keep Sundays set aside as quiet days at home. I make no plans other than that, just doing whatever strikes my fancy. I make sure I have leftovers so I don't have to cook and I just sort of meander through my day. Hope this has been a good Sunday for you!

  18. Happy Sunday. Have a wonderful week.

  19. Sundays are usually just a relaxing day for us with not a lot to do but maybe some laundry. I’m ready to take a nap now.

  20. Happy Sunday! It is usually my most relaxing day of the week since our post office is not open so I can't ship packages. This forces me to take some much needed downtime. My favorite Sunday thing to do is go for a nature walk if weather permits!

  21. re your question. I am retired so I can spend my sundays as I please. But I have a habit of doing the weekly laundry, watering plantpots and doing some excercise to stay fit. Before I go out in the woods :)

  22. Lovely ideas for Sunday....Of course, when one is 75 years old, weekends are not that different from other days!

  23. Thank you for the lovely recipe, that looks like a wonderful Sunday afternoon treat.

    This Sunday I spent some hours working in the garden. There is still so much to do, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I love to work and be in the garden - just sitting in my favorite chair, sipping a cup of coffee, knitting and listening to the birds who are very busy at this time of year. Bliss.

  24. Like most Sundays, I cook for much of the week ahead. I also change my bed sheets and other silly household chores. Then I binge on something on tv. I'll have a coffee and I'd love one of those almond biscuits, too.

  25. Thank you Jan for visiting my blog.
    You have been very kind.
    I am no longer using the comments option.
    Thank you for your kindness ❤

  26. Dear Jan/JFM
    … and thank you for your kind words too.
    Thinking of you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    All the best Jan

  27. We do a manner of all things on a Sunday, some are lazy, some are busy.

  28. We had a quiet day with Lorelei here...then ran and got hamburger and grilled out when her mom and dad came to get her. It was 52ºF and so nice.

  29. I hope you had a lovely Sunday!

  30. I'll be right over for one of those biscuits and coffee.

  31. Sunday has always from a child and my upbringing was a rest day after Mass, spent with family and friends with lots of Polish food on the table.xx

  32. Thank you! I will take a cup of coffee!
    Enjoy Monday!

  33. We are lucky, we have the day off on Sundays. We watch Die Maus and there is a fairy tale afterwards.
    Tea for me (coffee for the Hubby). Eggs! Breadrolls! Cheese.
    And come warmer weather: Outside we go! Can´t wait!

  34. Sundays here mean church in the morning, followed by a variety of activities - sometimes it's lunch with the family, or coffee with friends, or an afternoon at home. There's usually a walk involved. I might do some baking (those treats of yours are tempting) or sewing, but try to avoid housework. I like having different activities on different days.

  35. I'd love to be snacking at your house on Sunday! My day was low key, laid back. Just the way I like it!

  36. we think alike dear Jan
    i consider Sunday special as hubby and kids are at home .can be busy in their own works sometimes still having family around feels great
    missing my eldest son meanwhile is another thing though
    wishing you happy Sundays ahead :)

  37. Church is how we spend our whole morning, then the afternoons are out taking a walk or if it is a bad weather day we stay in and watch movies we have wanted to catch up on, either way a relaxing day!

  38. Love the sound of your last option here Jan, and the cookies 😉

  39. I tend to spend my Sundays quietly.


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