Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Ricotta, Tomato and Spinach Frittata : Low Carb : Keto

Many friends seem to like a Frittata at the weekend, but they really can be enjoyed any day of the week. They are so versatile with many different recipes and variety options.

I think this makes a great mid-week meal, it's quick, easy and healthy, and just 7g carbs per serving … Read on and see what you think! 

Serves Four
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 large onion, finely sliced
300g cherry tomatoes
100g spinach leaves
small handful basil leaves
100g ricotta (also works well with Feta)

6 eggs, beaten
salt and pepper to season 
salad, to serve

1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Heat oil in a large non-stick frying pan and cook the onion for 5-6 mins until softened and lightly golden. Add the tomatoes and toss for 1 min to soften.
2. Remove from the heat, add the spinach leaves and basil, and toss together to wilt a little. Transfer all the ingredients to a greased 30cm x 20cm rectangular baking tin. Take small scoops of the ricotta and dot over the vegetables.

3. Season the eggs and beat well, then pour over the vegetables and cheese. Cook in the oven for 20-25 mins until pale golden and set.
4. Serve with salad.

From an idea here

Dear reader, you will find a variety of recipe suggestions within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. So yum, I love those colors!

  2. This looks so yummy! It is breakfast time in my world and I would like this now, but no time unfortunately. Hugs-Erika

  3. Looks great, I wouldn't mind a slice right now for my lunch! Valerie

  4. I will definitely make this today. I have all the ingredients at home. I'll add some peppers.

  5. Ohhh this looks so darn good. Thank you for sharing so many wonderful recipes.

  6. Love the florals and that recipe sounds fantastic. Hugs- Diana

  7. Jan - what can beat a recipe that looks delicious and is healthy too? Thanks for keeping us supplied with new ideas!

  8. That looks delicious. I've never made a frittata, and this recipe doesn't look intimidating at all. I think I'll pick up feta cheese next time I'm at the grocery :)

  9. Now I'm really hungry. My kind of meal.

  10. i could eat this every day, so good...staring at those flowers, of course!!!

  11. I love this idea, both low carb and vegetarian so my son will like it too. And it sounds delicious!

  12. It looks great - it even looked like it had a crust although it did not.

  13. I've never made a frittata. This one looks truly delicious and might make for a good first try.

  14. Frittata is always on my go-to list.

  15. Que rica!! Me gusta esta receta y tengo los ingrediente. Mañana la hago.
    Buena noche.
    Un abrazo

  16. Laura. M said...
    Que rica!! Me gusta esta receta y tengo los ingrediente. Mañana la hago.
    Buena noche.
    Un abrazo

    Google translate:
    How rich!! I like this recipe and I have the ingredients. I'll do it tomorrow.
    Good night.
    A hug

  17. This does not sound bad at all...

  18. Amazing italian dish, somewhere between a quiche and an omelet, based on eggs but enriched with many fine ingredients such as vegetables and cheeses!
    The picture of it makes my mouth water.

  19. I used to love making this kind of thing. I'd have to eat it all myself, though!

    I thought of you as I made a boxed Kraft Dinner.... boxed cheese and pasta. Sigh. It's been a trial around here.

  20. Yum Yum Yum, this Ricotta, Tomato and Spinach Frittata looks so delicious. I'm getting hungry just looking at it. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Wishing you all the best, Happy Thursday to you!

  21. Hello, This looks delicious. Great ingredients and recipe. Enjoy your day!

  22. Definitely a goer Jan, looks simply scrumptious 💙

  23. When I make frittatas, I bake them in muffin tins. Works well, easy to store in the refrigerator, easy to heat up or just eat cold.

  24. I have to make this! So delicious.

  25. Looks delicious and great for the hot summer days. Thanks Jan

  26. That looks very delicious! I'd love to give it a try, thank you!

  27. i would love to try this one dear Jan

    never tried spinach this way :)

  28. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.....again so delicious happy weekend love Ria 💕


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The best of health to you and yours.
