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Sunday 22 March 2020

Mother's Day 2020

Although many countries do not celebrate Mother's Day until May, here in the UK it is celebrated today. Cards and gifts, perhaps flowers may have been sent, or given, as children take time to say some special words to their mum.

I know for many Mother's Day is not always easy, and this year with Coronavirus (COVID-19) affecting so many of us, Mother's Day may be difficult and different … but I do wish Mum's everywhere a lovely day.

Forever in my heart
Forever in my thoughts
Forever in my life
My mum is always with me
Thank you Mum

I'll always love you

My good wishes to all readers,
and please enjoy the flowers ...

All the best Jan


Lady Caer Morganna said...


CJ Kennedy said...

Lovely thoughts. Happy Mother's Day to you. 💐

Valerie-Jael said...

Happy Mother's Day to you and all mums everywhere. Valerie

Divers and Sundry said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Martha said...

Ours is coming up in may. Happy Mother's day to you!

JFM said...

Beautifully written...Happy Mother's Day to all Mom's 🌷🌹💐💮

Tom said...

...there will be no Mother's Day celebration in person this year, but many phone greeting.

Jo said...

Happy Mother's Day.

Iris Flavia said...

To Mums, this is beautiful. I miss mine so much.

Lori Miller said...

Happy Mothers Day!

DVArtist said...

Very Lovely. My mom passed in 2014. I miss her every day.

Jeanie said...

Yes, ours is in May. Your thoughts are so lovely and very timely with the virus. Please take care and have a Happy Mother's Day.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a Happy Mothers Day. Nice flowers.


Louca por porcelana said...

Happy Mother's Day,dear Jan!Wonderful flowers!

Christine said...

Happy Mother's Day Jan! Beautiful tribute poem.

Magic Love Crow said...

Happy Mother's Day Jan! Big Hugs!

Elephant's Child said...

Love the flowers. And join your wishes for all mothers everywhere - whether 'their day' is today or not.

Kay said...

Happy Mother's Day to you and everyone around the world even though it might not be on the same day.

Evi Erlinda said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Rose said...

Happy Mother's Day!

HappyK said...

Didn't realize it was Mother's Day there already. Happy Mother's Day.

Sue said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too Jan, take care and stay safe, Sue xx

Susan Kane said...

Happy Mother's Day! Hope you have eaten copious amounts of chocolate.

Rain said...

I am SO oblivious to holidays lately! Happy Mother's Day Jan! :))

My name is Erika. said...

I hope you had a wonderful Mothering Sunday.

Fun60 said...

What lovely thoughts Jan. This year has been a strange Mother's day but the sentiments were as strong as ever.

Margaret D said...

Happy Mother's Day Jan...hope you had a lovely day...ours is May.

Teresa said...

Felicidades. Besitos y salud.

Sami said...

Happy Mother's day to you Jan.
I know in Portugal they celebrated Father's day on the 19th March, but Mother's day will be on the 10th May.

Jules said...

My warmest wishes to you, Jan. X

CraveCute said...

Best wishes to you Jan and to all the Mother's out there! Stay safe and well. ~ Diane

Miss Val's Creations said...

What a beautiful tribute. Happy Belated Mother's Day!

Sandra said...

Happy Mother's Day, Jan.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm hoping your Mother's day was very special! We all appreciate you so much here. You help keep us healthy year round! Hugs!

Buttercup said...

Even though it's not America's Mother's Day yet, my mother is always in my heart. In these tough times I think about what my mother would have done and how she held up through very difficult, personal and the War and the Depression. She's still my model. Love and stay well! said...

Happy others day Jan, our Ray here is in May !!

eileeninmd said...


Lovely words and flowers. I hope your Mother's Day was wonderful!

Conniecrafter said...

I heard on the news that they were discouraging anyone with an older Mum not to go and visit on Mother's day, since my daughter lives to far away to visit on Mother's day I am use to not seeing her, but I hope if you couldn't be with your family that you at least enjoyed the day feeling blessed to have the kids and grandkids you have!

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful bouquet of flowers and wonderful tribute to 'Mum.' ~

Stay Calm and Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

baili said...

in this entire world no one can replace her
and this is be best tribute i can give to my mom ,space created in y heart since she left cannot be filled with anything
i know she knew this
happy mother's day dear friend!

Carla from The River said...

Sending prayers.. Love, Carla

Snowbird said...

Ahhh, how lovely. Thanks