Tuesday 7 April 2020

Keep Smiling and Keep Fit : Plus at home with Joe Wicks !

I do my best to keep fit and as regular readers know … walking is my first choice. However, the grandchildren also play their part in keeping me fit and active! They always seem to be involved with a variety of interesting activities and youngest grand-daughter enjoys gym and dance. Well, I have resisted doing handstands and cartwheels LOL! but willingly try out any dance moves - not always with the best results - but we do have a good laugh about it, which is always a magical and special moment. Of course with the present coronavirus, and the dictates of social distancing, visits etc. all  current contact with them is made through the wonder of technology, for which I am so grateful ...

Talking about keeping fit; the grandchildren are currently enjoying the PE sessions that Joe Wicks is doing every morning, he says "With the schools closed and with us all spending more time at home, it's more important than ever that we keep moving and stay healthy and positive," more details here

Joe's sessions are very popular and he is donating all of the revenue generated by the classes to help the National Health Service during the coronavirus crisis.

He also had a Fancy Dress Friday Fitness session which you can see from the photograph below son and grandson dressed up. Son looked a very good Joe Wicks lookalike and Grandson's inspiration was from the popular 'Where's Wally' books. That's Joe on the TV enjoying keeping fit as Spiderman!

I also happened across this short video recently and it made me smile,
the young are so good at copying what grown ups do, I hope you enjoy it. 

Stay well and stay safe,
Do your best to keep smiling
and try to take something from each day.

All the best Jan


  1. Fun video. Keeping fit is so important. I'm happy I can go out again for a walk in the early mornnig. Valerie

  2. Joe Wicks seems to be very popular, he's keeping the nation fit and healthy whilst at home.

  3. What a sweet video of the little one.
    Take care, be safe and stay well.

  4. We try and walk in the evening.
    The video with the little kid is so cute.

  5. ...smiling beats whatever is in second place.

  6. Hello,

    Walking is my favorite activity. The video with the little one is cute!
    Take care, stay well! Wishing you a great week ahead!

  7. How lovely that video is. Thanx Jan. Brought me a smile.

    God bless.

  8. My favorite exercise is walking (or swimming when it is warmer out). I especially like walking in the woods. I agree that now that so many of us are at home it is important to get up and get moving. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Still working out to my videos, Jan...in spite of my old video player giving up the ghost!
    Fortunately, my hubby had just transferred them all into an old laptop!!😉
    Haha, that showed (old) technology who is boss!!! Lol

    Stay safe...and have a good afternoon!😊😊

    Hugs xxx

  10. That video of the baby shadow boxing with Rocky is a hoot. 😺 Take care.

  11. Lovely to read about the fun you're having with your grand kids. It's important in these times (with limited movement) to find fun stuff to do with family. Your post made me smile, and the baby in the video is too cute for words. :D Keep up the fun, and stay safe!

  12. I live with my son and his 14 year old daughter - she is forever getting me to 'dance' with her and it is always hilarious. A lot of fun. I just have to watch though that she doesn't have her phone with her - or I could end up on her Instagram account!!

  13. Oh...that baby in the video is fantastic. Not seeing my grand is awful, she seems so confused when we facetime. I wish she was older and could talk so we could explain what's going on. You must miss yours too. What times eh?xxx

  14. Hi Jan :) It's so important to have fun while staying fit, that little one looks like he's enjoying it! :)

  15. 'Waldo' is so cute...and I so love that video!

  16. As you know I walk every morning and have still been able to get out there and walk.

  17. We all need to stay fit especially during this time. I also think laughter is a good way to stay fit. That baby cracked me up. Stay Safe and Elbow Hugs.

  18. Love!!! Thank you Jan for this great post! Big Hugs!

  19. Walking is my favourite exercise, but I also do a video workout to build and maintain strength. The video exercising has fallen by the wayside lately.

  20. Fun video. I also try to keep fit.

  21. Jan - there is no question that exercise helps improve our mood, especially when it is over - LOL! I love to run, and I am looking forward to when the snow/mud is gone and I can do it outside again! Enjoy the rest of your week! (Oh, and I laughed and laughed at the kiddie video!)

  22. Good to read you Jan. I agree, at least with the internet we can keep in touch with the grandkids. That work out thing sounds good for kids and I enjoyed seeing "where's Wally" ..lol.

  23. That baby imitating the video is incredible. Just goes to show, parents need to watch not only what they say, but what they do. Never heard of Joe Wicks, but apparently he's quite influential on your son and grandson. Stay safe and healthy, Jan and Eddie.

  24. Ohh Waldo! Our kids used to love Waldo books when they were young...30 years ago. :) Lovely to see smiley faces!!

  25. I walk too but another friend from England mentioned the Joe Wicks videos and said they were a lot of fun. I should google him!

    I loved the pix of your son and grand dressed up. What a fun idea!

  26. What fun! I love to walk....oh and SMILE! Take care and stay safe! Thank you SO much for sharing!

  27. Muy buenos los videos. Besitos y salud.

  28. What a fun post Jan, where is the video of you dancing with the grandkids lol. We try to walk or cycle every day now that our swimming is cancelled. Have a fun week, Sue xx

  29. This is adorable! I have been hearing lots about Joe Wicks sessions so thanks for the links - here in Thailand we are being more sedate with lots of yoga!
    Have a lovely day.
    Wren x


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