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Friday 3 April 2020

Simple Pleasures and a Splash of Red ...

Although the world we are living in at present is a very scary and changed place, I give thanks for simple pleasures, and try to take something from each day.

Take yesterday for instance; it was a very nice day, and on waking the sky was so blue, the sun was shining and as I stood in the kitchen with the smell of eggs and bacon cooking I knew it would be a good day ... 

Eddie and I are retired, we don't usually have to rush to be anywhere, and it is so nice to be able to take things in our own time. Of course in the present times getting out and about is not easy, so instead we had a quiet stroll in the garden.

Spring is such a lovely season, and the flowerbeds were looking quite colourful, this Pieris ‘Forest Flame’, for instance with a lovely splash of red colour.

Although this bird feeder, had no birds on it, (we probably scared them away), we're sure they will be back for more seed soon ...

Yes, it was a very pleasant stroll and on our return indoors the kettle went on and after an enjoyable cuppa I started to think about our meal ...

Perhaps Red Peppers Stuffed With Cod, this recipe with its mix of red pepper and tomatoes really brings out the taste of the cod... find the details here

As we welcome both old and new readers, you will find this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes!

However, not all the recipes ideas and suggestions featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Valerie-Jael said...

Your garden looks great. So does the food! Hugs, Valerie

Jo said...

I think those of us staying indoors at the moment and living a slower pace of life and taking pleasure in the simple things.

Lee said...

In my opinion, though humble it may be, simple is the best.

Stay safe and well, you two...take good care. :)

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful pictures of your garden. Hoping still for a normal life soon...

eileeninmd said...


Pretty garden images and bird feeder station. The peppers look delicious. Hubby and I are retired and enjoy the simple life. Take care and stay safe, wishing you a happy weekend!

R's Rue said...


Tom said...

...I sold Pieris ‘Forest Flame’ when I was in the nursery business.

Ygraine said...

Oh I love your garden!😊😊
It has taken this lockdown to make me realise how important my garden is to me. Now I can no longer travel very far, I am enjoying it as never before!
Gosh, those peppers stuffed with cod look and sound really delicious! As I really like both of those main ingredients, I will definitely give them a try.
Thank you so much for sharing!

Have a great day...and stay safe!

Hugs xxx

JFM said...

Thank you for the beauty and the yummy.
Take care and stay safe🌷🍰

DVArtist said...

You garden looks wonderful as does this recipe. Be safe and Elbow hugs.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Lovely garden and bush...Intriguing recipe. When next I can get bell peppers!

Chris Lally said...

What a lovely post, Jan! A breath of fresh air!

Shari Burke said...

Lovely garden! Will give the recipe a try!

Elephant's Child said...

The simple things are huge in my world. Love the beauty of your backyard. Stay well, stay safe.

Lorrie said...

Colour is so welcome and lifts the spirits. Perhaps this pandemic will teach more of us humans to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.

CJ Kennedy said...

Lovely garden and I really love that bird feeder. The recipe sounds delicious, too. Take care.

Sally said...

Well, darn. I can't eat peppers, but I must say those look awesome!

Stay safe, and well. :)


My name is Erika. said...

What a wonderful bird feeder. I love those birds-they remind me of our American robins. I awlak in the garden sounds nice. A walk is such a happy thing in these bad times. Ihope you are staying healthy. Hugs-Erika

HappyK said...

Always nice to take a stroll out in the garden.

Rose said...

That looks good enough to eat! And nice to have a stroll outside....

Gloria Baker said...

Have a nice weekend and take care dear Jan!

Christine said...

Great idea to stroll your garden

Linda said...

Glad you have a garden. It is so strange to wake up in a house that feels normal but then start to plan the day and realize things are not normal at all.

mamasmercantile said...

Such a beautiful garden, you are surrounded by beauty.

Margaret D said...

Magic tree, nice to see it.
Take care.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Great photos. Your flowering plants look beautiful. And I love your bird feeder shepherd's hook, with the bird design on it!

Bill said...

Your garden looks beautiful, Jan.
Enjoy the weekend, stay safe.

Martha said...

That looks like a beautiful garden! This is the time to focus on simple pleasures!

Buttercup said...

Love the garden pictures. With everything going on in the world I am so grateful for the most beautiful spring I can remember.

Jeanie said...

It's nice to see this part of your world, too. A lovely walk in the garden together (so much more ahead than ours). I love your bird feeder pole. It's fun! And then to come in and enjoy a beautiful and delicious meal. We grab at these moments with more meaning than ever before.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Now we're indoors I find I often stand and watch the birds on the bird feeders. I have a large bowl full of seeds. The blackbirds stand on the edge and shake their heads left and right scattering the seeds all over the place. The upright net type feeders with fat balls attract hanging birds like sparrows, tits and robins. Even pigeons visit. But no squirrels.

God bless.

Teresa said...

Bonito paseo por el jardín. Besos y salud.

Our photos said...

Very nice !

Sussi said...

lovely garden!

pam nash said...

Pretty plant. And cute bird feeder. I fear the squirrels in my yard would love it too.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Wonderful spring images. I think one thing we are all learning right now is to take time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. We are expecting to spend a lot of time in our yard this year since we can't visit our favorite gardens. Stay safe Jan!

sandy said...

Retirement is great - i agree, time to do things at our own pace... love the photos - always enjoy when you put up scenes from around your area.

NatureFootstep said...

Spring is a beautiful season. Love your Forest flame and the bullfinch :)
Take care.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your bird feeder hangers....with the cut out birds at the top! How beautiful! And your flowers are lovely for Spring. I'm glad I have roses blooming right now. I need to cut a few to bring inside. Take care and stay healthy! Hugs from Florida, Diane

Magic Love Crow said...

Thank you for the beautiful post!!! Stay safe! Big Hugs!

Sue said...

You know it's not a bad way to spend the day is it. You have a beautiful garden, and your food looks delicious too! xx

Snowbird said...

What a lovely wander around the gardens, how lucky you are to have them. Stay