Friday 10 April 2020

Two Quick Comfort Cakes : Suitable For Diabetics and Non-Diabetics

Do you find, especially in these uncertain coronavirus days, there are times when only cake or chocolate will do! 

However, I think most readers would agree that diabetes and cakes doesn’t sound like a great combination, as both flour and sugar will raise blood sugar levels and that is the last thing a diabetic wants or needs.

However, (good news) there are sugar substitutes that work quite well in most recipes and there are many different low carb flours and flour substitutes which may be used. 

Low carb cakes can be delicious and do not raise blood sugar levels as a regular cake would, so if you are a diabetic and want to treat yourself to a cake you could consider trying a low carb cake recipe. In fact many non-diabetics, or those wishing to reduce sugar and carbs intake can enjoy these cakes too. 

Raspberry Cream Cheese Mug Cupcake : Low Carb and Delicious
Are you a fan of mug cakes? They're very popular in the low carb, keto world.
In about five minutes you can mix a few basic ingredients...
then enjoy a single serving of 'sweet', low carb goodness.
No oven needed for this recipe, it's 'cooked' in the microwave!
see more details/recipe here

Chocolate Mug Cake
hard to resist and ready in under five minutes
see more details and recipe on the Diabetes Diet Blog here

The above recipes use 'low carb flour' and if you are just starting a low carb diet/lifestyle you may feel confused with which low carb flours to use. You may never have used any of them before and how to use them properly can be daunting. Low carb flours do not behave like wheat flour, and how to use them in your old regular high carb recipes is a common question. Of course you may also be interested, or want to know more about them. If that is the case then Libby at 'Ditch The Carbs' site has a very good guide, and you can read it here

If you may be looking for more low carb cake recipe ideas, why not consider one or all of these here 

You may also be interested in reading 'Introduction to low-carb for beginners', find it here 

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Ready in under five minutes, fabulous.

  2. Oh my gosh, I don't know which to try first!!
    I think it will have to be both, as they each look so well as so pretty!!😊😊
    Thank you so much!

    Have a wonderful Easter...and please stay safe!

    Hugs xxx

  3. ...I'll have the first one please.

  4. Thank you Jan!
    Both will now become a part of our meals!!!

    Hugs and Stay Safe ☕

  5. These all look very tempting! Have a great day, Valerie

  6. Both of these look good. And I love that they are mug cakes. Yay, no oven! So these can even be made in the Summer, when one typically doesn't want to turn on the oven. And they are great comfort food ideas during this covid-19 long duration lock down situation. Thanks for sharing the recipes.

  7. I already forgot whether or not I left a comment on this. (I just finished copying the recipes.) Thanks for sharing these. They both look delicious.

  8. I've made a few chocolate mug cakes and they are good and fast.

  9. Great little cakes and no leftovers!

  10. These are excellent recipes - I will certainly try them out! Thank you!!!

  11. Your cakes are making me hungry for a little sweet. I was thinking of something fruity with cream for Easter dinner. The first recipe looks like the good choice. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs-Erika

  12. Now I'm hungry after reading your blog - chocolate makes everything better!! Thanks for sharing the recipes for these delicious looking and sounding taste tempters.

  13. Beautifully presented and they do look nice too.

  14. These look great....Every so often one needs something a little sweet!

  15. These both look tasty and I really love the presentation of both of them!

    Fun, Jan. And a good idea!

  16. omg I read the section about mug cakes. I have never tried one, pass them by in the grocery because I figure just another high calorie gimmick. But...but...I will have to try this. Sounds like "me". I just have to wait til I can get to the store for almond flour, etc. which I have never used. Not diabetic, but nothing wrong with low carb anyway! Thanks.

  17. Ooh these look lovely, nice and easy too which suits me just fine! Take care xx


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